The only ongoing anime I watch is Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Fairy Tail. I've watched Lucky Star, Azumanga Daioh, Code Geass, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and some of Bleach.
<3 Ansem Retort
"I wish more people had AIDS!"
"Shut up woman, get on my horse!"
"I'm not completely not unlike not a Nazi!"
I plan on cosplaying to my next con (its all the way in June, sadly. WHY CAN'T YOU COME QUICKER, A-KON?!?!!?) as Nemesis from Resident Evil along with a whole bunch of my friends, who also plan on going as Resident Evil characters.
I'm all for cons, but yaoi isn't my thing. To each their own, though. Have fun! Also, I live in Texas, and am broke, so getting there would be a BIG problem.
Also, does having multiple human controlled characters work? (i.e. having both Donald and Goofy set to be Master Form or somehting like that?)
Does using Drive DW Roxas still level up that drive form it replaces?
"So we're blaming terrorists?" "Canadian terrorists, sir." "How blissfully ******ed."
Mine's either Axel or Zexion....craziest governor ever
Avi: 8/10 Always awesome to see that avatar. Sig: 8/10 Fun .gif to get lost in
Good to know. Favorite Ansem Retort character?
You like using that word, don't ya? Also, i was referencing another webcomic with the "awkward zone" comment.
Nothing else to use a a spring board for conversation
I have to give it to you, that was a very creative tidbit there.
Obviously not, that is a can that holds tomato soup within it, not the soup itself XP
There was a show? The movie was awesome back in the day, I'll give it that, but now, it would suck. Aladdin, however, still rocks my socks off.
Indeed it was. Do you watch/read Fairy Tail?
I'm using the one provided on the codes list o_O