I never log off. EVER. Well, sometimes. I do seep though
...I still see nothing wrong with it. Just a bribe.
I am good, a bit sleepy though.
fun. speaking of which, i need to get ready for school. later~
That really wouldn't work. Far too dark for this game.
homework, memorizing lines for a short musical, other stuff. yourself?
works for me!
Quite well! Yourself? Also, who are you?
:O I haven't been on the forum part of the forums in awhile (if that makes sense) so I havnet seen it, but thanks for the heads up
Only on Wednesdays.
you...HAVE A FACE! :O
I'd save Axel and Roxas so they can live happily ever after as JUST FRIENDS.
Thats what I was afraid of. Oh well.
This might be a bit of stretch, but there is no way to make a model code that makes Sora/Form Sora look like Roxas but keep his own moveset, is there?
For this set of codes, where are the digits for the question marks after the magic modifier, and what does the [D] mean when it is next to a code?
why would they leave that out? was it just too awesome for the masses? XP
Thanks. Can we get a mod to lock this thread then?
What does the Warrior Sora code do? Just a custom form?
After Roxas meets Namine in person and she is taken by DiZ, he goes into the room across the mansion and draws something on the table, to add to the pre-existing Heartless and Nobody emblems. This has bothered me for years, but what IS it that he drew? If this has already been asked, then I apologize for making a repeat topic.
How do you port codes from Final Mix to the NTSC version of KHII? The set of codes from this video have me pretty interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHfncIMrSAA