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  1. Curious
    Oh hai there!!! (: You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine <3!
    Post by: Curious, Nov 27, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Curious
    Despite the somewhat ranting of the posts... Lol.
    Count me in. ;)
    Post by: Curious, Nov 27, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Curious
    The bottom line is that no matter how many warning labels are on a video game; A parent isn't going to listen to a screaming child whining over a video game and just ignore it. The kids are still going to play the games. That's no doubt. And I don't really see how any of it affects the community. I mean you don't see children reenacting Halo by teabagging eachothers corpses after shooting them in the leg with a pistol do you? It's just rediculously pointless in my opinion. Just trying to take everyone's mind off of the things that matter.
    Post by: Curious, Nov 27, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  4. Curious
    In the end it'll be over which game got more hype than the other. Lol. I mean there's almost no way you could call it anything more than a popularity contest. More than likely any game like Halo 2 will be beat out by an RPG of almost any sort.(excluding paper Mario lol). But really though; in the end it'll be something noone expects to win really.
    Post by: Curious, Nov 27, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  5. Curious
    More than likely there will be a slight change in the names with the english release. And if that does happen than that would most definitely push back any release date sadly.
    Post by: Curious, Nov 27, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  6. Curious
    Went to see Harry Potter. And mostly just stuffing my face throughout the week with leftovers. Always good times. ;)
    Post by: Curious, Nov 27, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  7. Curious
  8. Curious
    I hope so aswell. ^~^ heh.
    Profile Post by Curious for Sakura101, Jul 16, 2009
  9. Curious
    Profile Post

    Thanks. :x

    Thanks. :x
    Profile Post by Curious for Jayn, Jul 15, 2009
  10. Curious
    Yay new round ^~^ Count me in.
    Post by: Curious, Jul 15, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone