forward slash IN~
Not at all. Haha!
It's so FUN~
I accuse Marcell to be Kira. Due to the fact that the clue was IcyCaptain. <3
April fools joke..You webbies and your conspiracies...
I was red robing last night...True story bro.
Not too much just chillin' and playing some World Of Warcraft, How bout you?
Hey mate, Thanks, you too.
Um...You may continue, Haha.
You're quite good, I must say. My Glow-Up Bulb is removed from play.
No chain, my card returns to my hand. Yeah sure Jaden! I would be honored!
You may continue.
Alright! Let's do this! *Draw phase; I draw! Not too shabby. Cards in hand; 6 *standby phase; *Main phase 1; I activate Charge of the Light Brigade! It sends the top three cards of my deck to the graveyard! Now I choose to add Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress to my hand! I set one monster in face down defense position! As well as playing one card face down. *End of main phase 1; *battle phase; *main phase 2; *End phase; Field- Magic and trap card zone - *Hand- 4 *Deck- 40 Your move!
Violated violently by hostile garden gnomes, thus dieing of internal bleeding. Age 22.
Very well, I accept your challenge sir. You may choose who begins.
Round Yellow Brick Road Shinigami TsumetaiTaichou Tsumetai's Supervisor Tikem Detectives P Marcell Christhor Ienzo Midnight Star Mako Tsunami rikusorakairiown Red Robin Tummer KH2man13 terra254 Curious Axel-Chanviii . : tale_wind Makaze This should be interesting...!
Sorry about that Christhor. Okay Shinigami sir, All ready and waiting.
Round Yellow Brick Road Shinigami TsumetaiTaichou Tsumetai's Supervisor Tikem Detectives Christhor Ienzo Midnight Star Mako Tsunami rikusorakairiown Red Robin Tummer KH2man13 terra254 Curious Axel-Chanviii . : tale_wind Makaze Need one more and we are ready to fire it up!
Hello Everyone! I'm new and just wondering if anyone may be up for a duel. My terms. LP:8000 Customs: None Please. Anime Exclusives:None please. Video Game Exclusives:None please. God Cards:None please. Hand Refill: No thank you. Haha. First Player: Your choice. Number of Cards per Deck: 50 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None<3
In the end there's no real reason to debate fact with faith. It's mentally impossible to convince someone one way or the other when they already know what they believe to be the truth. I myself am an Atheist based off of the facts that I know to be true. As would be the same if I were a Theist. The cycle of debate would cease to end. I know the fun of the debate is always there. I'm just stating that it's technically pointless. As for moral values; I tend to believe that there is no such thing as "right" or "wrong" based off the fact that if you look back 2000 years ago people were selling slaves, pillaging, raping, etc. Although come to think of it, that sort of reminds me of the current times we live in. You can't establish a true right or wrong when theoretically they don't exist. It's just what your mind chooses to place in certain categories of so called morals. Therefore, everyones right from wrong situation is totally different. These are just some of the things I tend to believe, not saying that I'm correct. It's a debate am i right? ;}