If Sora was a girl he'd be Rebecca Black. Just Sayin'.
Never fail to dazzle, P. Never. :D
Bronze is a feeling of exceptional happiness; to feel good about ones self. Or to like something immensely; to think highly of something or someone. And perhaps a different feeling than the general sense of happiness. If you want to know more try here.
Round POCKET MONSTERS R US SHINIGAMI: P KIRA: 1:Unknown 2:Rat DETECTIVES: Makaze . : tale_wind Christhor Feenie Axel-Chanviii Curious Terra254 KH2man13 Mako Tsunami DECEASED: Ienzo Midnight Star Tummer Innocent: Christhor P, you may want to include Christhor's interrogation within your latest post. <3.
I accuse Rat to be the second Kira based off the information I discovered from solving the second clue. Which was terminallyCapricious.
I like shorts...
In my opinion I'm thinking that it's more than likely the Kira's doing. But that's just what I'm leaning towards. I doubt P would do such a thing, especially if they included a more specific type of kill, even if it resulted in a heart attack or two. More than likely our Kira is just trying to confuse people. Although I could be wrong and he's just lazy...
Well, since I've been here there have been heart attacks. But they at least had some sort of plot point followed by their immediate death.
Pretty sure you're right on time with that one. Hehe.
Animal Magnetism triumphs once again... :T
Didn't know you swung that way bro. Cool story. <3
Round POCKET MONSTERS R US SHINIGAMI: P KIRA: 1:Unknown 2:Unknown DETECTIVES: Rat Makaze . : tale_wind Christhor Feenie Axel-Chanviii Curious Midnight Star Terra254 KH2man13 Mako Tsunami DECEASED: Ienzo Tummer Might as well keep up with this before I'm raged at, <3.
Anytime, Haha. Sorry that took so long to explain. Haven't played that game in the longest time. But it was quite addicting because of how hard it...
I think it's not a game difficulty setting but rather just how the game works. Similar to FF8. Enemies are based on the highest level character in...
After you start a data I don't believe the game mode can be edited. ):
Rendezvous mode I believe. And I think that's more of a certain area type thing. Not sure to be honest. It's confusing, haha.
I believe that only occurs when you play the game in a specific mode.
Played that game a couple years ago myself. Found it at a pawn shop or something. It was quite unexpectedly difficult, that's for sure. But of course that made it all the more sweet to finish. Definitely a game you have to devote some time to. But it has a story that keeps you interested. Good luck by the way.
Uh, Hello there!