In my opinion, sin heartless angel in KH1 was more difficult, due to the fact maneuverability is enhanced in KH2. Hitting Sephiroth out of the attack in KH2 is incredibly easy if you have the right support skills and decent hearing.
Pretty sure I've already discovered who that person more than likely is.:lolface: Anyways, welcome to the game good sir..Where people die quickly without warning in the most inhumane ways imaginable; or you're simply killed of a heart attack...But I digress. Hope you have fun!
Welcome back Axel! Didn't miss much besides a bloody one day round really..
If you want a show with virtually no filler, although you could call the entire anime a filler, Gintama would be your best bet in my opinion for an anime that has a long runtime and keeps your attention every step of the way. And of course, I think it has some of the best fighting scenes you could ever find.
Trigun > Air...
Congratulations on the premium Clawtooth. On a side note; The corners of my mind are shadowed with innumerable, intolerable, inescapable, inhospitable, insatiable, inhumane, insincere, intangible, indecipherable, inefficient, infallible, Invisible Pink Unicorns! By the way, I'm in.
The corners of my mind are shadowed with indecipherable, inhospitable, intolerable, inhumane, insatiable, inexcusable, intangle, inescapable, indecipherable, innumerable amounts of invisible pink unicorns.
What would make you assume that? O_o.
Haha, Well said good sir! Only kidding Makaze, Lol. But it would be quite tragic if I actually did. I hate using my Paypal...
I owe him $10...
Darnit~ Your avatar makes it so difficult to differentiate between the two of you, I barely ever look at the username, Sorry Christhor. Lol. Great job!
Nice job Makaze! Suppose I didn't get up in time to get to this one, Lol. And sweet guess Ienzo. That round went by in a flash.
Maybe I want you to know me too well :lolface:
Also you can be as vulgar as you want without people throwing rude remarks at you...<3 Twitter
Will be on a FRIDAY.
Je suis Kira.
Nice save bro~ Close call.
WOAH~ Calm down bro, it'll be alright! You want a pop-sickle err somethin'~
If you connect ejaculation with being in than wouldn't that in a sense make you irresponsible to the art of casual intercourse card games on motorcycles?
I just said to clawtooth that exact same thing. All I'm saying is that it makes it easier for list makers when you put a simple two letter word in your post. MmmmKay~<3