>.> Whoa, 11 pages. I might need some help on a starter for myself then when I finish the profile. 0-0; I just post it, right?
Sorry . . . My computer froze and it had the "Posting message" thing going for minutes so I pressed the button again. >.< Stupid computer. It...
I'm horrible at multitasking. D:
Huh? Ok, nice name! I'll get right on that.
Good plan. ^-^; Ugh, I should really get packing . . . But I don't wanna~!
*Claps* ^.^ Well, I completely forgot I had to go to Michigan tomorrow when I made this account . . . would you mind having me gone for a week...
A couple times, though I don't really pay attention on road trips so I might've been there more often than I realize. One thing is for certain, my...
Awesome~! Gotta love it when you find interesting people by chance. I can only get interesting details when I'm writing a story, and then I have...
Like Indiana, Indianapolis? Or am I that tired that I'm way off the mark? That sounds nice, but I'll be gone tomorrow . . . Would you mind if I...
I'mma gonna ignore Sora Mach . . . . At least until I get some sleep. Oh gosh, I'm having a giggle fit. D:
You pointed it out? D: Man! I'm out of it. I only saw Spaze point it out.
Oh no, I'm taking a week vacation in Michigan. (Again. -.-; ) I live eight hours away from it. Do their talents vary with the roleplay?
Oh, ok. Insanity runs in mine, so I'm scared spitless. XD;; I think that's what bores me; Some people just don't try and only write actions and...
I'm tired from staying up all night . . . And I still have to pack for Michigan! D: Sarcastic yay. I always forget about doing that. I do, but...
I think the better question is: How can everyone NOT get from banana splits to porn? :=D:
I can't quite remember what that is . . . But it sounds worse than being bipolar. D: I'm lazy when it comes to reading role play posts . . . Long...
Oh gosh, he did! I must be tired, those are one of the words I almost never miss! :sleepy:
Howdy, and yep, fresh meat! ^w^ How are you?
I think I might be a little bipolar. >.< One minute I'm happy and giddy, the next I'm depressed beyond what normal people get. Unfortunately I'm...