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  1. Renna Delight
    The painted-on faces.
    Okay, I understand that Kingdom Hearts is a big game and it would cost a lot of money to take the time to animate every face properly for every scene. But it just looks horrible! The faces look so flat and blurry, their cheeks are puffy, and if they try to express another emotion other than the 'Serious Calm' face they usually have on (And that includes eye movements) it looks wrong!

    True, they showed up much less in KHII than KH . . . However it still drives me up a wall when you get a properly animated face for a scene you can hardly see the face and then you get a close up not much later with the painted on face.

    Oh, and the Gummi Ship games in the first Kingdom Hearts. Having to drive back and forth, repeating the same course before getting warp drive or if you forgot to hit "Warp Drive" instead. I like the navigation system SO much better in KHII, and the courses were actually somewhat entertaining.
    Post by: Renna Delight, Aug 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Renna Delight

    But it wasn't so bad in 2-player mode . . . True, I usually played by myself but the experience was still better.
    (I really need a life.:B(: )
    Post by: Renna Delight, Aug 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Renna Delight
    "Cantarella" By(?) Kaito and Miku Hastune
    Post by: Renna Delight, Aug 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Renna Delight
    ((Soo, do we wait until the Roleplayers that actually know what's going on post or what?))
    Post by: Renna Delight, Aug 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Renna Delight
  6. Renna Delight
    ((Is it just me, or does a lot of people need recaps? I know I need one. -Stupid Michigan trip, no internet connection- There's too many pages for me to read, I could try if I didn't think this thread was going to get ten more pages before I could finish. 0-0; ))
    Post by: Renna Delight, Aug 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Renna Delight
  8. Renna Delight
  9. Renna Delight
  10. Renna Delight
  11. Renna Delight
    ((Ok, I didn't read the whole thread but I think I've read enough to have some sort of grasp of what's going on . . . I think. (I'm so ready to crash, it's not even funny.) I'm probably going to make some sort of error, but hopefully it won't be anything too big. ))

    Dianna leaned against . . . Something. To be perfectly honest she had been more than a little distracted while walking to this place and wasn't exactly sure where she was anymore. But it didn't matter, it was quiet, peaceful, the perfect place for her. However it was cold. Despite the unnaturally high temperature of her body, the raven haired woman was effected by the wind's achy edge. She shuddered, causing her to take a deep, quick intake of breath. Not something so terrible. At least it wouldn't have been if she wasn't smoking.

    Immediately two dainty fingers ripped the cigarette from thin lips as she turned her head away, proceeding to hack the overdose of smoke out of her lungs. (This was probably the loudest sound she's made all this month.) As the intoxicating mixture of rat poison and other lovely chemicals were forced out, freezing air that burned her irritated chest came in. "Ugh . . ." She muttered once the coughing died down, sounding a little hoarse, before placing the cigarette back between her lips.

    Hey, addiction is addiction.​
    Post by: Renna Delight, Jul 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Renna Delight
  13. Renna Delight
  14. Renna Delight
  15. Renna Delight
  16. Renna Delight
  17. Renna Delight
  18. Renna Delight

    Full name: Dianna Annabelle Reeves
    Username: Renna Delight
    Class: Blue Moon Organization
    Bio: Dianna had always been a bit of an outsider, even with the most welcoming of groups, she didn't exactly tried to be noticed either. Dianna liked being by herself and living a quiet life (Or as quiet as it could be in these troubled times) and only interracted with her class when absolutely nessacary. She didn't have any 'sob stories' to explain why she liked her company aboved anyone elses, as some may have thought, but she knew it wasn't exactly a trait she forced upon herself. As to what exactly made her the way she was, she wasn't sure.
    Personality: Dianna is the quiet type, most of the time she keeps to herself and would rather be by herself. (This has lead to many accusations of being 'rude') She is patient, and willing to wait as long as she is told to. However, this sometimes does not carry over with interractions with other people especially when they act like idiots . . . By her standard that is. And when it comes to battle she can be very aggressive.
    Tattoo and where is it: A circle within a circle, with deft curves and thorns linking the two together. In the center is a braid-like design that fills the entire inner circle. It's located on her right shoulder blade.
    Sexuality: Undecided.
    Crush/soulmate: Nnng
    Miscellaneous: A fire manipulator.
    Post by: Renna Delight, Jul 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Renna Delight
  20. Renna Delight