Wow, only four times? That beats me . . . I know it and I didn't even keep track! Then again, had it not been for night services at my church and...
I love Hayao Miyazaki's movies (But forget his name so many times.) I saw this preview while on my vacation and was so happy until I realized that Disney was going to have a hand in it. Don't get me wrong, my family and I are Disney fanatics, however they're movies have been short of spectacular lately and I had thought they were dubbing it. (And Disney, to me, seemed like it would be like 4kids. *Shudder*) Thank goodness that I'm wrong about the dubbing, but wouldn't the fact that they're producing it mean they have some say in what will be in the movie and what won't be? I'd hate to see Miyazaki's genius be messed with. Finally, I don't get why everyone's feathers are ruffled because a Cyrus and a Jonas is in the movie . . . It's internet suicide to say this, but I like Miley's acting. I think she's funny. (Her singing, however, shouldn't be so popular.) The Jonas brothers aren't horrible either. (Again, they shouldn't be so popular . . . Or have their own show.) Plus, they're just their siblings! It's not like skills like those are hereditary.
Oh, I know! I was just saying too . . . (It's hard to write something sometimes when you're laughing. XD;; )
((But I'm trying to keep in character~! Dianna likes to be alone, if she sees someone she's going to ignore them! Plus, I didn't think Zack was ANYWHERE near my character. <.< >.>))
((Ok, I'm blocked on what I should do now. >.< ))
Poetic. Stupid character limit!
Me. Hayabusa's opinion proves it. That's me in a nutshell. D: My day is killed.
Not admitting to my favorite pairing . . . Not here anyway. But I will say I only like it in fanfiction and other fan-made stuff, I would freak and run if I saw it in the game. I will admit to: SoraxKairi, RikuxKairi(Fanfiction), RoxasxNamine, AxelxRoxas(Fanfiction), and RoxasxOlette(Fanfiction). . . . The yaoi fangirls finally got to me. D:
Hehe, Roxas is more popular than Axel. X3 . . . So far, for here, anyway. . . If it isn't obvious, Roxas is my favorite. So yup, I'm unoriginal that way. Side note: I'm starting to think I have a thing for blonds, because looking back on my list of favorite characters I see that most of them are blond. 0-0 And most have a quiet, some what serious attitude about them. Guess I'm not one for variety. D:
:/gasp: Penis? Welcome! I hope you enjoy the forums. Be sure to read the rules, if you haven't already. And don't ask me questions about this place, I just joined a week ago and know just about nothing.:<3:
She almost felt like a hobo with the way she was rubbing her exposed arms. A sturdy glare set in muscles as she walked down the empty streets that were lightly dusted with snow. Dianna felt her teeth chattering when another burst of wind attacked her numbing flesh, and she was beginning to think that maybe it would have been better to have been stuck and attacked than being free and frozen. (There was no maybe that this experience reminded her how much she disliked the cold.) Dianna stopped in her tracks when she lost the feeling in her feet, somehow feeling colder now that she wasn't moving (Aside from shivering.) She bit her lip as she huddled down, keeping each part of her body close to the others to preserve some of the heat trying to escape, feeling weak in the position. When she did, thankfully, her back pocket tightened around the lighter it held bringing it back to mind. With a shaky hand Dianna reached back and pulled out the little plastic container and brought it to her face. An idea fresh in mind, she took a quick look around. Seeing no one she flicked the little lever and awoken a small flame. She then took her other hand and lightly touched the fire, pulling away slowly. The flame followed her hand, slightly growing in size, until it completely surrounded her. A sigh of content slipped her lips. While she still could feel the wind's chilly bite, Dianna felt her body warm up enough to drive away the pins and needles that had attacked her skin just a few moments before.
:why?: B-b-b-bu-bu-but-t-t-t . . . FINE! :cryinganime:
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but weren't the Mayans the ones that sacrificed themselves on (Just about) a daily basis to appease their gods? Even if they were advance, I don't think they're something to completely rely on. Besides, whoever was making the calender made it years into the future, they had to stop somewhere! I mean, if I wrote down dates for thousands of years, ones I wasn't going to see, I would've stopped at some point . . . Even if the year wasn't finished! Besides, even if it's a prediction of the world's ending then who's to say that it's more reliable than all the OTHER doom dates? We're not gonna know when the world is going to end, and when the end is upon us there is nothing we can do about it. Even if we try to predict it. So we need to stop worrying about it, freaking out other people, and just enjoy our lives.
((Narrgh, I feel like I'm missing something. D: )) With the glowing embers at the very end of it's track Dianna dropped the cigarette onto the hard ground before crushing it under her heavy boot, the remaining smoke slowly flowing from her mouth. Another shudder ran through her body as scarlet eyes looked around her surroundings. This one wasn't from the cold, that much she knew, however she couldn't place her finger on what had caused it. No one was in sight, was she sensing someone? No . . . She never had that ability. The only time Dianna knew someone was sneaking up on her was if they made some sort of noise. All that could be heard was the light whistle of the wind. So by that, no one was there. . . Unless they were being awfully quiet. 'You're not the paranoid type,' Dianna quietly reminded herself and immediately dropped the matter. Stuffing her hands into her pockets, Dianna shifted her position to walk away but was instantly pulled back. Her head snapped around and saw what she had been leaning on. (A lit lamppost? Well, that didn't scream "Find me.") Apparently, someone had put something on the thin, metal cylinder that was sticking to her leather jacket. The woman rolled her eyes and tried to pull herself away, only to be forced back again. If it wasn't so undignified, Dianna would have growled at the object and kicked it. It was typical for her to lose her patience more easily after a smoke, especially when it came to something like her jacket. (The only thing protecting her from the cold.) After a few more tries, and more than a few quiet promises to beat the idiot that placed something so sticky and strong on a lamppost, the woman gave in. Dianna slipped her arms free from the leather sleeves, wincing when the cool air met warm flesh at full force, with a frustrated huff passing her lips. Then she reached into the soon to be abandoned coat's pockets and pulled out her pack of cigarettes and her lighter. (Again, addiction.) With everything she needed now in the back pockets of her skirt she finally walked away from the lamppost in search of a more secretive place to rest.
That's like picking between chocolate and vanilla ice cream! For me, it's all a matter of mood. Both were incredible films with powerful themes and lovable characters . . . However, Lion King did better with their continuations. Brother Bear 2 was an embarrasment to the first and makes me cry.
Well, parents who hates their kids know what they're gonna get them this year for Christmas . . . :guns:
I hope so too . . . I nearly had a panic attack. 0-0; That's good! Even if it's weird . . . My hyperactiveness nevers effects my week, mainly...
I already got a Facebook and a Myspace I haven't used in MONTHS, I don't need no frigging, stinking Twitter. :crashcomp:
Either human stupidity has risen, or he had ASSUMED it had. Either way, I'm laughing my rear-end off. "It is unclear if the cat was neutered." What does that have to do with anything?!
Axel is a interesting character. Though I'm terrible at picking up on personalities when watching/reading/or playing, he seems to be a lovable jerk; The type of guy who cracks jokes for goodhearted humor or just to be a jackass. I wouldn't say I LOVE Axel, but he is one of the few Nobodies I like.