Creepy Feenie. Just creepy.
here you go. *hug for Daxa*
i honestly could not tell you. it's been so long since i have seen it that it has been more or less erased from my memory.
blocked hallways. people assuming things about you. people trying to act smart when they don't know what they are talking about. sagging pants. girly girls. (apology to any who may be offended) people who have to have the last word. people who talk to hear themselves. slow people. when three people are all talking to me at once. crooked pictures. my desk, which is leaning towards a corner... when people keep reminding me of things i already know. people who vocalize against Christianity and the Bible, when they have never looked at one in their life. Ace's laugh. (i always hear it at the wrong times. like, during work.) slow internet. and many more...
I think that online friendships are fine. no problem with them. the only thing about romantic online relationships is that you actually know the person. i think it's best to meet them in person and have conversation with them. though i have seen a few relationships go wrong because of the selfishness of one or both of the people. possible, yes. probable, can be. common, definitely. but i don't think they work out the way people think they should most times. but i could say that about any kind of relationship.
i would have to go Riku. he is just so BA.
The only case of the death penalty that i agree with is actually in the Bible. God tells Noah after the worldwide flood and if any man (human being) kills another human, then that person's life is required by the hand of the law. I know a lot of debates can come up with this statement, but look it up if you want. You see, the thing is that a serial killer who is put in prison, and is let out for some reason, he probably will not change his ways. History has seen this many times. Wish i could be more specific, but i don't have the time right now to get into it. Feel free to PM or VM me if you care enough.
Hoist the Colours - Hans Zimmer Pirates of the Caribbean:At World's End Soundtrack
Setsugekka - Gackt
Deep River - Utada Hikaru
wow. i feel like i am surrounded by really old ppl, or really young ppl. i scared now... O.O
Well, the irony of this is that i happen to be reading this thread right now... lolz. naw, i am reading The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan.
i'm sorry to be a killjoy, but God does say he will not be mocked. just sayin'.
yayz :D lolz for every new like that this page gets, Good News Across America receives one dollar by a donor. we can get up to $3000! please, help us out!!!
i haven't listened to any english songs on my iPod for a couple weeks now. i think that's sad.
Tyodoiino - Kyarypamyupamyu Hazy Moon - Miku Hatsune
I wish I could catch you when i knew you were on.
I love the confidence. Too bad I don't have a laptop... I would blow you out of the water!
What a pity. I just don't get on and talk much. I might start super posting on weekends to try and get prem before you. Lolz. What would be my...