It says that the file is too big to be used as my sig... is there an easy way to change that?
hang on, i got it. thanks. i had to change something on my computer. for some reason it would make my computer do weird things.
I use Chrome you dolt. IE just opens when i download and open the link. and nothing is actually blocked, the GIF just doesn't show up. I am using...
Still nothing... It goes to IE again, but no pic shows, just a box with a red X. And clicking 'show picture' doesn't to squat. i am so sad...
Hey man, it isn't working. it pulls up a IE window and does nothing.
It isn't working... is there another way you can send it to me? It is probably my computer or the network... Sorry man! Listen to the first song. You will love it.
Oh boy. I hope i am not associated with you in those...
I don't like rocks. Well, actually rocks hate my life.
I had the same problem. I was curious and started messing around... Stupid projects that prevent me from slacking off...
Welp, i guess i don't like writing very much. That may have an affect on this. I was just curious to see what all of you thought.
When i get tired of reality, i read a book. Or sleep. That works really well.
Almost got me there. I was this close to signing up for the Velvet Room...
I am curious if anyone can convince me to RP. I frankly don't see the fun of it, so if anyone would like to enlighten me... Danke Schoen.
As the Korrasexual said, welcome! I enjoy to be making your acquaintance in the future. Until then, enjoy the site!
hey you on Skype right now? if so, send me a chat.
things are going to be honest. how about with you? i am going to try and be on KHV more often now.
GIF Picture or Video: Size:Whatever size for a Sig. Specifications:1:09-1:14 please
hey you n00b.
I beat Sephi in KH2 easily enough, still won't try in KH1. I was very frustrated at the time of fighting him, but now that it is over, I am bummed out that i can't fight him again. Xemnas gets boring after a while. If only i had final mix...