Ahhh. I'm just waiting on the next project to start. I recently signed up, so I kind of want to.
It's okay! You must take long showers like me. ;P What kind of tea do you prefer, madame? I shall prepare you the finest cup you have had. As do...
No idear. -shrug- I was just curious. OHYEH. Are you in KHV Chorus?
So..there's nothing I would be able to do for you except wait? >< De rien, madame~ Are you serious? I have pretty much the same thing! o: I...
It isn't? o.o Ahh. You doing anything else later today?
Ehh..I just don't exactly find it too entertaining watching a bunch of clips from a video game or movie I've already seen with some music playing...
Aww...I don't want you crying alone. I should honestly fly over there and hug you until you stop, the next time you do. :) Anytime, Danu. Of...
Oh, I see. I'm not a fan of AMVs, GMVs or anything like that.. >.>
I know. I was a little worried..I figured there was a reason for it, so I didn't want to bug you again last night. :x I have exams as well in...
...GMV? o.o We just hit da 200 VM mark, btw.
You nevah did get back to me last night. D: But anywho, how are you today? :) Also also, 200 VMs between us nao.
Just chillin' on MSN and Skype. Yourself? o:
....Ty Lee?
....... o:
I forgot to put a B in front of dere. >.>
Needy? We've only had a one-on-one chat like, once. >.> No need to apologize for me not being on yo' list man. No worries here. =]
I'm not saying that at all. >< For me personally, I wasn't expecting to be added on lists. The fact that people did, that made me pretty happy. The old me would have expected people to add me to their lists, and had they not added me, would have been pretty upset. I dunno, I hope that clears it up for you.
I can understand the people who felt bad for not getting a spot on anyone's list. I would have had the same reaction myself had I not changed my ways. I understand now that I ain't gonna be on every single person's list. I'm not going to get to talk to every single person here on KHV, probably. Had I not been on someone's list, before, I would have thought that that was a sign that no one here cared about me. That no one had recognized me and I was just not fitting in. Yet now, I think I would look at that and see it as a sign that I need to improve myself on the forum. That I need to make a larger presence for myself within the community. Complaining about not being added to a list isn't going to make someone want to talk with me. In fact..it's gonna do the exact opposite. People just don't like negativity. Instead, try to turn the fact that no one in the community put you on their list into a goal. And the best way of achieving that goal is sticking to a positive attitude, no matter how hard it may be. :) This kind of thing really doesn't bother me anymore. Some people can try their best to be cheery, and it just won't work. I understand that. But instead of complaining, or complaining about others complaining, we should work to make the community better and bring a positive attitude to da table. /rant. Now to actually answer the thread question: the door is always open with me. If you want to get to know me, I'd be thrilled. I always try my best to look out for my friends. ^.^