South! And I just have the passion, I can talk your ear off if I have the chance to proceed with caution. ^_^
Its all context. I never claimed such a thing.
Thanks, I probably will ^_^[DOUBLEPOST=1469402563][/DOUBLEPOST] Its unique vibe, crossover games are rare to come by and its always fun to have a IP looked a in its unique way, and kingdom hearts is a great example of that that should be shown more in other games.[DOUBLEPOST=1469402815][/DOUBLEPOST] To be honest, i'm not huge on the games as much as what they represent, so I don't feel I can give that a fair answer.
Hello! So A few things, 1. I don't know forums 2. I enjoy being vocal about things and people reading them 3. I'm always fixing to be the center of attention. Well not really, but I end up more often then I'd like. 4. Eh... not sure whats relevant. I guess ask? You strangers. Yours sincerely, Me.
It's one of those things, do you do whats safe or stand up for creativity? And while it stops conflict to keel over we don't break down walls and redefine standards, hopefully the developers will be un-phased and people can ask weather or not it should be really Taboo in this modern day and age. First post yay.