You are starting to annoy me lol
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i know xD It makes no sense lol
Lol, I really don't think that will happen xD
Let's find candy island!
how does THAT make them look so similar? lol
I traded the compass for root bear! -chugs-
Rofl, I don't see anything else similar xD
I laughed hard at the edit.
Lol, It really has =P
Some of it is... But it is happening, the world ending part is bull though.
History channel o: xD My friend called me about seeing on tv like, 3 minutes ago, all of a sudden it seems like it's everywhere lol
It' s the smile. It's cheesy like that o:
Yeah xD I'm watching this on tv right now. o:
Yeah I know >< I'd be cool if something really weird happened though.
Just cause you mentioned it I'm gonna read the article.
You'll always be THE DRIZZLE with or without shake! THE DRIZZLE is justice!
Okay, no more talking like this. Also. Bump.
It's the TDI song thing.