Kira, if you read this, HAI. HOW GOES THE KILLING?
Oh rofl, sorry xDDD
Um... Am I not in this round or something?
Happy birthday Madi! You get the interwebs for your birthday!
Quoted for truths.
I lol'd so hard... xD
So what's up guys?
I know that song! It's good!
Same, I'm more then your friend Madi, I would never betray you.
I hate it when my parents do that, =/ Anyways, that sucks, later dude.
Party tiem!
I haven't seen you in a while o: And why are you dead?! NOEZ
I'm in! .
Did it feel so wrong? But did it feel so right?
How do you poke fire o:
Is that why you are mad? The block, that would piss me off, a lot ><
That would be something wouldn't it? I'd lol. Anyways, Kappa Mikey is a great show, I think that's really stupid of them to make a big deal out of it.
xD Bi-polar much?
The only thing I really like about school is getting to hang out with my friends But yeah... My first day was alright
In my Algebra class I get shit loads of homework, it sucks so much.