Rofl, that's really ironic xD
I would like to point this out. I believe that this recent mass killing, was because of a user being away from the keyboard then coming back and killing all these people. But then what about FinalForms death... I think this furthers the fact there's a Mikami/Misa
Huh, please explain. I'm curious.
I belive you to be kira =/
Also, that's a crappy clue! Give another!
Kira wasn't to creative today it would seem
O_O Oh wow, plot twist.
Yawn, I'm bored
Just to point this out, anybody could add tags, it could be somebody trying to be funny. Kira wouldn't give that out openly... Unless they are planning something... Although I don't disagree with the fact that there might be a Misa.
Huh, makes sense... I doubt it though, my instinct just seems so contradict it =/
Exactly, long lonely nights on the kira case, amirite?
I know, it's annoying. x.x
lol, night everybody. Hope you don't die in your sleep ^_^
Looks like either some good detectives, hard at work. or kira =/ Hello to you nether the less.
Hey, welcome to KH-V ^_^ Have fun and stay active.
xD pennys of DooooOOOoommM!!!111!!!one!!! Oh... I see... we another accusation then =/
La la la. I'm bored. Who has some fairly humorous stories to tell?
Oh... Finalforms dead... =/ First blood has been made! btw I know old news is old.
I'm bored... So who are your initial suspects? At this point I would suspect Madi, because 1) Has not been kira yet 2) Relation with death note 3) in general seems like a likely suspect
Not if I do first!