lolwut .
Hai Madi!
Yeah, before I lost my internet for like, a week, people seems to be getting along with her. Did something happen that I don't know about?
Also, don't look 4chan up, it'll corrupt you ><
Squdala we're off! Night ctr
People who don't know Still Alive, ruin all win. Good for you =D
No, you don't understand... this is lie-proof cake... I know, almost un-herd of, rite? Well... And I guess we make a neat gun.
Just keep on trying, till you run out of cake =/ lolwut
Well, she's being mature about it. This is good cake btw, so delicious and moist
Dude, my keyboard has 3 missing keys >< This is a fail laptop Dude, your at fault, don't try to put the blame on her. Ginta doesn't deserve to be treated like that, she learned and became less fail. lol, that reminds my of the puppy that Madi got ^_^
o: happy be-lated birthday then Emma
I was catching up >< And I'm burning a cd, so my computer goes LAGLAGLAGLAGLAGLAG
Oh, when was you birthday?
Wow, today is really dramatic, wow ><
Hey guys, what's up?
Ah, I see. So who's your guys main suspects as of now? I haven't been following this round enough to have and suspect right now =/
Sooo... What's up here?
It's the anti-Gwen.
I like the ending, nice job detectives. And I'm in for next round.