nd this gy, he ws frinds wth the chocolate blond persn. Bt den Kirraz persnal army gt mad at hm and shot hm lotses times.
ZOMG, like, kiraz ws vey mean to mes, he made Matsu so mad thay I took a gun a BAM BAM. and shooted at hm, it was BANG HEADHSOT. and more boomz boomz. Thn he rn awy...
Teh Kirraz killed a lotses of peoples and made them very sadz
. pointless post is pointless Hai Soichiro! I'm Matsuda! i like to shoot teh kiraz
My playlist has every one of there songs ^^
I'm blasting the song right now =D
lol, I think it'd be cool to see them live. I want to swim away but don't know how Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean Let the waves up take me down Let the hurricane set in motion... yeah Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down Let the rain come down
It's defiantly my favorite, I love the song so much. My favorite album is foiled o: Without a life vest I'd be stuck again Wish I was much more masculine Maybe then I could learn to swim Like 'fourteen miles away
Wow, When the principal said that I would on the floor laughing my @ss off.
Blue October is win =D
I'm Matsuda =)
That sank when I fell overboard My ship would leave the country But I'd rather swim ashore
Sure! ^^ HAIII
Yep =) I herd high school is pretty cool. Meh go looks now.
8th. xD .