Wanted Man ::: Rev Theory
Damn you What? and your clever picture links!
Good guess.
that kinda sucks for you seeing as this is a forum.....about kh and kh2. (and other kh games)
I'll take 10.
my eyes are hurting
I've only heard one of her songs. It was not horrible.
I concur. Same with most disney bands.
It hurts just thinking about it.
Holy cow it's like a hamster-kangaroo-rabbit-mouse-rat-gerbil hybrid.
Will thar be candies?
Let Down - Radiohead
Male 15 Unemployed Living with mother It's complicated
When you poke him with a stick, now he can catch you with his electric wheelchair.
Old rap was good when it meant something. Now it's pretty stupid. "Crack a bottle, let your body waddle; don't act like a snobby model, you just hit the lotto." None the less, it is still a genre of music.
Poor chicken.
Gurren Lagann. Best quote ever.
"Don't believe in me who believes in you! Don't believe in you who believes in me! Believe in you who believes in yourself!"
well who doesn't love waffles? they're godly
Agreed but there was this huge fight at school today over which was better and I wanted to see what ya'll think.