I thought everybody knew that. =P And it still could've been popular, worse ideas have been eaten whole before.
The Tick, best superhero EVER!!! Why oh why is it not on TV anymore? D':
Yeah, it would be pretty cool. It will probably never ever happen in a KH game tho.
Atleast it's only a short delay, it still sucks since I really want the game!
I actually like most heartless (atleast in KH1), however I hated the Mushroom heartless.
Normal Riku I guess. I didn't really care for Riku, tho.
This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTi5EaocGaY And to think he came close at dethroning him, good times indeed.
There is less then 1% that the PSP2 will look even remotely like these concepts...
It's only concept design, they'll add that later.
Sony just barely updated the PSP but designer Tai Chiem is already thinking about the next iteration. His design calls for a flexible OLED display that can be conveniently rolled. An electric charge powering the display stiffens it while providing near bezeless prime real estate for gaming. Stereo speakers on either side double as a jog wheel and camera control. He also envisages Sony finally implementing two joysticks. Pipe dream or not, it’s sexy and lives up to its name; it don’t get any more portable than this. Designer: Tai Chiem http://www.yankodesign.com/2008/10/16/psp-2-can-make-your-pocket-bulge-in-all-the-right-places/ ------- Holy freaking **** it looks awesome!
It probably starts when Sora becomes a heartless (or when Roxas is "born") and lasts untill KH2 starts.
I'd say Sora, he's just totally awesome! =D
Great, Bioshock was a masterpiece. I wonder how they'd make the story in this game.
I voted Xaldin. It would be freaking hilarious if he'd do that. =P
The game looks pretty cool, but I've gotta say that BBS sounds more promising.
The only thing we can say for sure is that it will be closer KH1 then KH2. I mean the camera will more then likely use the shoulder buttons...
I used shield and gave up staff, to broaden my horizons, getting old and being number one.
When I bought KH1 back in 2002. =3
Xigbar, he's one of the most awesome surfer-dudes ever!