Hihi~ I'm doing fine thanks ^.^ What about you? + Yup I'm liking it hehe
Haha XD Yeah, it looks ok
^.^ Hehe, that sounds pretty cool, I might take a look at it soon, there was also a movie right?
Hehe :3 Well.. not really but my friend recently started watching it and said something like it's about this book and whoever's name is on it,...
Yay~ Happy Birthday to youu :3 Hope you had a great time, and got what you wanted :woohoo:
Wow, that AMV was cool ;D~ Death Note looks like a cool anime too, hehe ^.^
Well I haven't made any, but I've been thinking about making some when I have time hehe XD, what about you?
Uhh.. Well I was just browsing around Youtube and looked at some Kingdom Hearts AMV's and the site was like in the credits, so I thought I'll take...
Yup, it's really nice hehe :D
Hihi ;D Thanks, and yup I'm enjoying my time on kh-vids so far ^.^
Hihi :3~ Thanks once again, hehe
Hihi, I'm new to the forums + I hope I'll settle in and make some friends :poke: