I read the book way back on the recommendation of a friend, i was balling tears like there was no tomorrow :'( i really enjoyed it though. i just recently saw the movie n Rayku is right the ending is different which isnt bad, @least not in my opinion.
the last book I read was a couple weeks ago The Circle Opens Book 3 Cold Fire by Tamara Pierce the last book i read as an assignment wasRevolt of the Cockroach People by Oscar Zeta Acosta
omg im loving your gay bacon strips!!!!! >.<
threw the night and day a sinners crime remain the same. threw the day and night the dead mans blood begins to change....
finally found it!! man networking really does pay off lol the Song's Name is 月下の決闘者 Gekka no kettousha Artist: katagiri rekka & TERRA here's the video ^,,^ sorry it took so long
wishing to be somewhere else
if you've never walked in high hell shoes then buy a pair or borrow a pair from a friend and wear them around your house for short periods of time, first then slowly progress to longer periods of time. that way u get use to walking in heels n you'll also get use to wearing them for longer periods of time. If you've NEVER worn high heels before then I strongly advise you to start off w/ the lowest heel you can find then slowly progress to higher heels. you said you have a year right? so start practicing now! trust me you'll get so use to them that soon enough (if your lucky) you'll even be able to run in them as if they were flats >.<[DOUBLEPOST=1348948588][/DOUBLEPOST]also as crazy as this may sound you should try googling the shoes because ive actually seen!!! shoes similar to the ones you are describing. at the very least you'll be able to see how high the heels are in relation to how they appear on the character you wish to cosplay
has the fashion world taught you nothing!!! it is your fault for looking as u do! how dare u stay all "naturale" >.< think of all those plastic surgeons who suffer for your selfish ways. oh the humanity lol jk n as for your antics..... meh im sure they r entertaining to watch lol
most likely its due to the fact that you don't act your age or you don't look it at all[DOUBLEPOST=1348890336][/DOUBLEPOST] *dashes in* sorry I'm late my hatchet needed some sharpening >.< lol
too soon i decided that this life was all a test to determine who was the best yet unlike my predecessors i chose not to partake in a scene best left for the insane. despite my best intentions i was seen as the unrest and thusly so i was beheaded, but unlike the crowds around me i felt neither rage nor regret in fact it could be said that i was happy. to end this game of madness is a dream i never cared to enter, though those foolish dreamers did surround me. still, one cannot help but reminisce of the days leading to ones beheading........
pick 10/20 random words and make someone use them all in a poem write a poem about a leaf
This is for the girl who's never really here always thinking of everything else but here this is for the boy whose always here while silently wondering y she isn't here This is for the parents who know where she is, who she's with n what she's doing, but know nothing of who she is, what she's thinking or why she keeps silent. It's about anyone n no one, anything n nothing That wants to be noticed while craving to disappear That hopes to make a difference but knows nothing will That plans to be amazing while doubts voice is voiced everywhere This is about a girl, a boy, me, you, everyone, no one It's about the life's we live, the doubts we dismiss. the fears we keep and the dreams we desire.
Sooo.......... JupiEarth anyone!! O.o Lol :D
i added the salt and then there was blood
making fondant flowers
sorry i went mia n not its not :( i still cant find it :'(
well its not from the anime :( atleast not according to the site
yeah dont worry the moment i find out the name ill let know....... well to be honest ill downloaded first but ill let you know right after >.<
does this song come out in the anime?? if so i may have found it but im unsure
there WILL be blood.......... and Pocky ^_^