*Comes in expecting a drug advertisement reference, doesn't see one* You know, we could really use a drug PSA, this is me on whatever it is I get fucked up on. http://rix0r.nl/imagemacros/sucks.gif
That's wonderful my dear, now, for your next infraction you're going to upload a lot of disgusting and illegal porn.
I'm sure with my help Rosey will eventually pass CtR. all it takes is time. With more members helping it can be done that much quicker.
What's been confusing you? Most of it seems self-contained with the exception of my dare.
Forsaken, I have recently come to the realization that it burns when I pee, I want to know every STD you have so I know what to do to get myself clean again.
Complete clone, hardly. Username, user title, rep gems, join date, posts, pins. That's just on the surface. When you go to my profile the list...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4JJNpo6Vas Don't know any people so Midnight Star. Probably not even on but whatever.
You are extremely paranoid and question even the slightest things "You called me Makky Mak, How did you know that was my nickname?", "You knew a name I brought up the other day, suspicious." You seem to be respected by every other member for your intelligence but to be brutally honest, I don't see anything respectful about you whatsoever. EDIT: Would also like to add, your actions are fairly predictable. For example, I say a certain troll message as a joke and you respond with "Oh it's Zter/Retz/whatever" At the very least, you do entertain me a great deal, I'm sure I do the same to you.
Saxima, what was your greatest hardship in life?
Truth .
You come home one day and find out that someone has taken your family hostage, before you can react you are knocked out with a rag and chloroform. When you wake up you are presented with a choice, he can kill your parents and leave you unharmed or he can cut off your legs and dominant arm but leave your parents unharmed. You are guaranteed to live if you choose to lose your limbs, what do you pick? Not a very good question but I hope it will at least be a thinker for you.
Nope Makaze.
No, now I'm Makaze. To the person below, truth or dare?
I shall continue my streak of truths.
I'd help you get back up there but alas, my rep power is still at 0 ;-;
Nopes. inb4 Makky Mak stalks me here.
Are you even aware how much of this information is openly available with a simple search?
:stupid: Fail on my part, here's the correct link. http://www.4shared.com/audio/zb_KqK-1/dearest_what.html?
Oh, so is that why I'm talking with some people about a person who's probably sleeping right now?
Hey...Um. I know I'm kind of new here, but I've heard a lot about you and...Well, I made this for you......