Have you ever used your power unfairly (Probably better for an S. Mod or Admin since you don't have that much power)? If no, have you ever thought about it? Can't answer that one, haven't been here long enough to gauge an opinion one way or the other. I suppose only two members have done something that cause my opinion of them to lower So I'll just do those two. 1) Makaze Since my first day here you have called me a troll, an alt account, what have you. On the plus side, I have had a lot of fun with you. 2) DPWolf Despite meeting the requirements for that Secret Santa topic she refuses to let me participate. I have sent two PMs asking about them and both have went ignored. I want to make a note down here, even though those two members are the members I like the least, I'm still relatively neutral towards them. Truth or dare to next poster
Truth Next poster, truth or dare?
How annoying, that could take months.
A troll? Sweet little old me? You hurt me Laria, besides I've got nothing on people like Zter. As for the other questions if I give out everything...
The young looking girl is an accidental post in the "Post a picture of you" topic, the one holding a picture is a picture of me. Don't worry,...
The timings flexible, and I know, that song is simply amazing. I <3 it. Next poster truth or dare?
I won't say outright, but ask FKB what she told me in Voxli. She didn't know it but she gave me the keys to find it and with something she told me...
Feeling uncreative and lazy right now. Go into KHV's Voxli room and sing Friday on mic this Friday at 6 PM Pacific time.
That's too bad, but I suppose what I'm asking would probably get you banned and violates an unwritten rule for this game Truth or dare to next poster.
Take a photo of your penis, ass, both nipples, and face and make elves of them on this site: http://elfyourself.jibjab.com/ And post the finished product in a VM to me.
What is the worst thing you have ever done in your life and did you feel regret for it? Truth or dare to next poster.
It's fine, don't worry about it, I wasn't offended. I don't actually know your email I was just asked to pass along that message. Makaze has...
http://elfyourself.jibjab.com/view/sTzn4G9I5ehlZFLP?cmpid=ey_url http://elfyourself.jibjab.com/view/GBrMaZe7q03Ohhz4?cmpid=ey_url I love it, I may do another one. Oh god XD at trollface guy
This is a very good one. Although the answer is easy, doing it would probably be insanely difficult for me, I would end it. If we're as close as you say we are I would probably never forgive myself for doing this to her. If I end the friendship then she will be better off in the long run. Truth or dare.
Try it on me. Hmm, will have to think up a new one then. EDIT: For 24 hours, you must post using Google's translator. Translate it to Japanese and back to English.
Do you have a mic?
Oh? What's wrong? Truth or dare next poster
Are you crying?
Bitch, don't make me make that human centipede scenario a reality. Then you will be the poopface.
Spoiler http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/b/b7/Ewoks-endor.jpg Take your pick.