If you say so. Also, I'm curious. Did I hit a nerve with that post? You seemed to have sent me negative rep for it.
How so? She does seem like a nice girl and I'm surprised you would do something like that to her, but hey, that's your choice.
How awfully Brave and confident you are. Your signature seems ironic when you say things like that. I hope Saximaphone isn't the next person you get rid of, she seems nice.
Is that why you would get rid of some of them?
Nah, she just wants to be petted, maybe if you stop being such a bad boy and be a little nicer and petted her you would be like by more people.
Oh, I see, so you've got nothing. Okies. Good to hear.
Such as? Mind explaining?
You were wrongly convicted of being a pedophile. The judge gives you two choices 1) Go to jail for the rest of your life (I know pedophiles don't get this long, just go with it) or 2) be castrated and sewn to another guy Human Centipede style. What do you take?
Note to self, be extremely specific when Rat is involved. Next poster, truth or dare?
I want you to post a picture of yourself sucking on your toes and post it here.
I'm just curious about this you're okay with possibly putting three families through the same tragedy of losing a child again? True it might be something that won't give them an early death again but when I think of children dying it's usually because of famine, disease, and even cancer. Something that could easily happen again. If it was something like murder than I can see your reasoning but that doesn't happen too often. Anyways, next poster, truth or dare?
Kind of juggling a couple things I just glanced through it and I'll give a full read through and reply after this video I'm watching.
No, it's pretty small I've played that game before and there are a lot of times I wonder why I didn't die. Still pretty hard though and insanely fun with two people.
Don't worry, it'll take a lot more than that to make me leave, if I do decide to leave it will be because staff has banned me for being too much...
That seems a little contradictory but okies, thanks and sorry if I came off in such a rude way, I suppose I'm a little annoyed with Makaze yet again.
Not really fair to place the blame on him, I pretty much get this from half the staff. Misty even flat out told me my IP doesn't match with anyone else and yet, I'm still being accused of being an older member. Don't worry, I'm not asking in a mean or angry manner, I'm just curious why I get this from everyone and was hoping I could get an answer.
Yes, the subject was never changed. What's wrong with my online demeanor?
Nah, if you posted during the whole thing I didn't see it, no, I'm talking about Makaze and Saximaphone. ...um... What? The thread is only six days old. I've been here for a week or two, plenty of time to get into the game.
Not much to tell, it used to be fun now it's all Rawr rawr, you changed your post you are a welcher and don't deserve to play this.
I agree actually, I change my post and several people get on my case. I decided to do the dare and Makaze still gets on my case. It's way too serious now, not fun like it used to be.