Want some grenades and shurikens too?
...And that's how Saïx gained his X scars huh... Antoher Comic:KH2: Laundry Day by *Silverookami I hate yaoi but this is completely funny
Crimsom is really better
Xaldin AND Xigbar(the member) *runs away*
This forum is getting obsessed with Halo...
LOL XD ...when you try do douple jump ...when you act like a keyblade wielder but without keyblade(guilty!) ...when you enters this site(everyone here is guilty!)
1 and 2? ...when you see a black dog you shout: Heartless!!! ...when you see a man with a blue guitar you scream: Demyx!!
banned for changing avatar
OMG! 2,147,483,645 posts! Or he doesn't have life,or he used his admin super-pwning-powers! More than 7 million posts per day is ridiculous!
Animatrix is a very good movie!I recommend it!:noworries:
intriguing... I hope i don't...
sooooooo cuuuuuuuuuutee(Mansex is saying this) My cookie will...
Nice job!But you could show the text more like Soku said. I almost can't see it.Other than that try using dodge tool on the left part of the sign. It's a little too dark there.
Now it's my time Magikarp!Use...
Magikarp use Hyperbeam!!!WTF you don't have hyperbeam, just use splash attack.
+Ulxiz Graphic Shop+ Welcome to my graphic shop!Hope you aprecciate my work. Signature Form: OBS: I won't do signs with only words in the render.Show me a picture. Default Size = 400x120 Avatar Form: OBS: Default size = 100x100 I can make Gaia's avatars too Examples: More here: Album And remember: REP IS GOOD Orders: Star_Seeker: [2] rachel: [3] Mighty-Matt91: [1]
Awesome work for paint! You should try draw him in his normal pose since Beast doesn't stand up normally and channge his skin's color to a more nobody-ish.
Exactly, Sex Ed is a need
Send a pretzel for him so he could die suffocated