33110 Yep, proud Saix fangirl. Always will be. I <3 him. ^.^
33105 Just thought I'd jump in. It's amazing this thing is still going.
Yep, I've had CS2 for a while, and this is my best wallpaper (in my opinion). It's Gackt WAY back when he was in Malice Mizer. And if you don't know who Gackt is, I guess just have fun looking at the wallpaper. CnC please. I want to get better. I've been doing the same patterns and using the same methods for too long. I want advice. XD Link: http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa13/flutist1723/MaliceMizerEra.jpg
I would've LOVE emails from you, of course!! You're one of my best friends ever on the forum. ^.^ I'm glad you're glad I'm back. ^.^;; And yeah, I remember you, Muffin!! We only talked for a brief time, but I remember!! *hugs*
Thanks, CtR. I've been emailing with Roxma some. Haven't in a while. XD But He told me a little. Not much about here, just his life and random stuff. But it feels so good to be back! *glomps CtR* And thanks to Devil's Angel, too. ^.^
Well, for a short time at least. I may not be on a lot in the next week, because of final exams before Christmas break, but during the break I'll be on a LOT more. I miss this place. A lot. So, I'll be on a lot during the break, which is only about two and a half weeks, but then I'll disappear again for the second semester of school. Then during the summer, I'll be an avidly active member again. My activity will go on like this. But at least I have some time on my hands now. So, I'm back, peoples I talk to!
*deep breath* (Trying to calm myself from going insane already.) School started today for me... And now there's no escape!! Granted, I like most of my teachers already, I'm just not ready for it yet. 25284
Someone in here repped me... *thinks* ... ... ... It could've been several people. Then they say "Guess who." Wonderful. This will bother me until I find out who it was. So, how is everyone else this fine day? I'm going shopping later. Not that excited about it, but hey, I need new clothes for school, so yeah.
WOW, that was a lot of zeros. I was wondeirng why this page was so long.
The only thing that really bothers me about Axel, and it's not really Axel, it's people that think this, is how people think that there was some yaoi relationship between Roxas and Axel. They were BEST FRIENDS! Would you really expect him NOT to want to find him, and care about him, and he makes Axel feel like he has a heart? I don't think there is any yaoi relationship there. Sorry if this was off-topic. It's about Axel, at least. And his "soft side" in KH2.
*brings KK back to life* ^.^
You did get the ten, KK. ^.^ But it makes me kinda sad that EC is so depressed. 25171
*eats cake* *passes out ice cream* I wanted some ice cream, so I figured I would share. ^.^ Ice cream for everyone, too!
Aww, EC. We want you to be here, depressed or not. Just cause you're you, and you're our friend. ^.^ 25168
Aww. I've never really seen any fan-drawn Demyx that was actually serious. But he's still so freaking CUTE like that! And Zexion's expression is priceless. ^.^ Nice job yet again!
Why do you ask? Have you deprived a poor hot dog from its natural habitat?
God. //fillerz//
I'm so freaking happy now! *jumps around thread* 25102
25100 Woo! Thanks, Roxma! You're the freaking BEST!! *100 hugs*
So that's why this took so long to load. Roxma and his freaking picture. lol. Kidding. *hugs Roxma* 25096