in halloween town its always fun to stand between to sewers and have donald and goof y walk into and get knocked back....lather, rinse, repeat.....
i beat it in the course of a weekend....friend of mine loaned me the game on a friday, monday morning i gave it back with a finished save file....
half life 2, ravenholm......scary as all hell
so, wat your saying s, we should all change our religion to one universal religion through compromise then as time goes by, die from lack of change????
honestly, wings(that work) would be awesome. it would also ruin the car industry.....eventually, when i could afford it, i probably would get them...... this is how the world works, if its there, and it has a price, someone, somewhere, in this case me, will buy it......
i dont doubt that this is most likely the exactly would you put a tax on sex???? then it comes down to, what you would consider prostetution and what isnt.....meeting someone at a club and the next morning they steal your wallet, could that be prostetution? it agreed upon to be prostetution? im sure if you could find a way to tax sex and have others, suh as maried couples do it for free to each other and not be taxed, im sure it would be legalized....
axel would probably be my favorite chracter to play.....roxas i suppose would be good too just for the keyblades thing.....xigbar was poweful too, same for, any of the above mentioned characters i suppose
very impressive, colors flow only hang-up is that theres not enough background.....sure its there but it doesnt look like there was enough time spent on it...
i believe rumors ae called rumors for a reason....would it be the most awesome thing to ever hit this planet ever? sure..... but lets not get our hopes up too high..... no story, no plot....its like taking a video camera to school and following around 4 girls all day
i would have to say syndrome.....cuz hes a guy who knows what hes doing..... for instance, dr. evil.....seriously, austin powers has escaped a dozen times in the past, why put him in a room with one inept guard? scotty had a point, just grab a gun, and shoot him, BANG! done........ syndrome is similar to this, he knows what hes doing, with the whole, "super weapon that can only destroy itself" thing....two quick fixs and he could rule the world.....1 to the programming, have it not hit itself, and one to the design.....put rubber or something in the openings.....everyone else always had some kind of stupid weak spot....for hades, it was that he didnt out-right kill hercules.....similar ideas for the rest of them.......
very funny, i got to the item shop guy before i needed to stop reading on account of my laughter drawing the teachers attention...... but i do agree with the stupid doors bit.....why not just put a stupid sign up.....on the door or something....hve a sign nailed to it sying "do not enter" or something simple like fortress 2 does it and im grateful kh2 does it, im sure its not that dificult......
so ive read that your problems solved, but in case the cramps return......
im sorry for your deepest condolences.....
personally, agnostic.... if theres one thing you dont discusss, its religion, you never know who your going to offend....
love the background, love the colors...... 2 things i didnt like....the flow is kinda poor, i recomend adding in a few orange and red dots surrounding mario, that would help bit.....and wat is that on the left?????? it doesnt match the rest of the tag, unless thats like, your signature on all your pieces....
very impressive, i love the color scheme, it matches quite well, and the flow is terrific as well.....personally, i think it would better without the text, but im sure thats just my personal opinion......
im a huge star wars fan, but topping that were league of extraordinary gentlemen, and nightmare before, those 8 get my vote......
my all time favorite limit is trinity limit from the first game....i liked it even better than the kh2 version.....but assuming im not allowed to choose that one, ragnarok
im a mad-dasher.......i run straight past the normal baddies and head straight for the bosses....i hate leveling and i hate wasting time on insignificant shadows and such....i finish kh2 at an average of lvl 32.....