its been a long time, so long it feels almost like i dont belong anymore....sorry i havent visited ^_^;
*watches shield crumble* fail on my part......ok i got nothing...*ducks in corner hiding from the tantrum that is antistardust*
*anti-antistardust shield* haha!
*ducks out of way* whoa, too close
much abliged..... *eats cookie* egg mcmuffins anyone? *cough* star *cough*
i would say its about the same........ recom has more drammatic moves, n i love that, but the replay value is minimal.....and kh2 has moves, but theyre not as awesome but it has more replay value......
lots of fire. I beat him using a deck containing 3 firagas right out, then a few fire raids.....I think 4, then 2 miracle gifts. I know, healing the enemy isn't a good idea, but it does more good then bad. im on the final axel battle, and im only level 50 I think......ill write a more complete guide the next time I get to him....I plan on restarting soon anyway
"im currently time traveling, i will return last week" that was my favorite part.
man tries to pay bill with spider drawing very funny
the only time it happened to me was when i was already about to hit him......he was falling, i swung, he stopped, i hit it didnt last long.....
i think its a very large step forward.....the party system is amazing, its about time they made an 8 way private chat system. the new guide is pretty good too, you can access almost everything form it. the only thing i dont like is that it took me a while to realize i needed to unplug and replug the wireless adapter. all of your settings get reset. thats quite an annoyance.
diablo...... half life...... portal....... i hear crysis is good too
ive seen the movie, but wat does it being 12 30 am have to do with anything? just curious
the human race ceased to surprise me many moons ago.......theres a phrase, "cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen?" well, same applies for the internet, its full of people just waiting for the opportunity to put someone else down.....every site has them, there are no exceptions......if your looking for compassion, the internet is definately not the right place
well, it had to happen someday.......its sad it didnt happen later, but it was going to at one point or not surprised in the least
the limited edition guide says this....... the probability of changing into anti form gets greater every time you change forms, except final form. anti points -u start with 0 anti points. -if u have between 0 and 4 points, you have a 0% chance of becoming anti form. -if you have between 5 and 9 points, you have a 10% chance. -if you have more than 10, you have a 25% chance. obtaining anti points -changing to valor, wisdom or master gives you 1 point. -changing form while an ally is unconscious, gives you no points. -changing to anti form takes 4 points from you. -changing to final form takes 10 points from you. -obtaining a new form, drops your points to 0. odds modifiers -during most scripted battles, your chances double.. -while fighting organization XIII your chances quadrouple. -while battling againnst armored xemnas, your chances increase 10 fold. -while battling with non-party, co-operative members, you have no chance. effects of anti form -all commands disabled except attack. -sora moves at double speed. -sora takes 50% MORE damage. -sora can not pick up hp orbs. -sora does not gain exp from defeated foes while in this form. -form gauge drops faster if you pick up drive orbs. sorry i havent been on i a while, school has gotten the better of me, but now that my classes have relaxed just a bit, im back and reay to work, so feel free to post any requests you have......plz and thank you, your patronige is most apreciated ^_^
i dont think hes too nice......u kinda have to be if your gonna be the keyblade master, i wouldve done most everything he did, except with the oranization, he didnt have to kill em.......
so, because someone else is more tech savvy then sarah palin, she shouldnt be v.p.????well, im more tech savvy than she is(probably) so that mean i should be vice president?????? yeah, dont think so......
i heard the first few levels were the only time you actually feel like the force is the ultimate weapon....the rest of the game, the enemies develop shields desiged to block your abilities.....