Another proof that I suck at renders and I´ll do it better at sprites and stocks XD: V2: The purple dot represents the Master Emerald, but after so many Adjustement Layers it turned from a green dot to a purple dot D=, and no, I can´t put it in the top, then the color will clash with the colors of the sprite and the background. CnC please?
V2: V3: V4: Maded in the GIMP, if anybody wants the tut just PM me. And here´s an abstract background that I maded, just to show it. CnC please (And yes, the background of the Sonic one is supposed to be B&W, it would be horrible if it was in color)?
Maded in Photoshop using a start of a tut (The firsts 3 steps), the rest I made it myself, and so a question: I should made a tut of this? Anyways, CnC please? PS: I know, the render is crappy, is the best that I could found, if anybody has a better one, PM me.
V1: V2 (I blurred the background): All of them maded in GIMP, if anybody wants some of the tuts, PM me, once I finish with my GIMP tuts I´ll start with the Photoshop ones, and I got an idea for a sig (Tutless) using all the things I learned in PS, maybe I make a tut about that (I know, the last times I tried I didn`t so so well, but the first time I didn´t know what was going to do, the second time I knewed what I was going to do but I didn´t knewed how to do it, and this time I know what to do and how to do it, I been thinking about what to do for hours, and then an idea pooped up), anyways: CnC please? And I know, I been in a Sonic mood lately, XD!
Again to the basics, following tutorials: Personally the Shadow one is the best ^^. CnC please?
I know, the title isn´t so good :/, anyways, since my first try was an epic phail (And very probably this one too), I decided to do all again: I hope the clipping masks are okay, and I know, the splatters aren´t so good, if anybody know a good pack of splatters please PM me (I am talking about a pack for PS)... Okay, I am a little nervous. CnC please (Please I want a DECENT one)?
I know, is the new definition of crappy, I tried to do a sig by myself, so CnC please, a DECENT one please, so I can improve it.
Yes, is Carnage from Spiderman: V2: CnC please?
What is sadness How it exists the sadness That is what I think Sadness is what I feel My heart break The shards fly Up in the skies Sadness is what I feel The clouds rises The sky is dark The sun hides Sadness is what I feel And in the night I watch the stars They wall like tears Thought my cheeks Sadness is what I feel This is my first time, so I already know it´s crappy, I writed it when I was depressed.
Special thanks for Wabba for giving me the tut. I know, my username isn´t Nymph of Destiny, I maded it for a friend, anyways, I will rep anyone who give me a decent CnC (Too I never repped anyone in my life... I should start now -_-). CnC please?
Well, I can believe how I did it but I did it, this time I added some negative space and a common black border instead of the transparent one: V2: CnC (DECENT one preferably) please?
This is probably my last RP, if this RP dies, I give up -_-: History: A strange message in a strange lenguage has been trasmited to all the planets, the message said this "The end of the universe has started, pitiful creatures, if you are worthy to come to help us in the domain of the universe, then you must understand this coded mensage, come to the sector 27-A of the planet of Zebes, we been waiting for you, attently: Mother Brain. Rules: You can be any char from any Game/Anime, etc. But you can only have the KH characters that I will list (Of course the FF chars aren´t under this rule). Taken Characters: Metroid. Mother Brain: Chaser007 Weavel: Chaser007 Dark Samus: Chaser007 Samus Aran: Chaser007 Kingdom Hearts. Sora: Kairi: Riku: Mickey: -Reserved for The_King- Xemnas: Xaldin: Vexen: Zexion: ProLucrecia. Axel: Demyx: hitna3510. Saix: Marluxia: Keyblade49. Larxene: -Reserved to Nymph of Destiny- Roxas: GateKeeper. Naminé: Final Fantasy. Kadaj: hitna3510. Cloud: GateKeeper. Black Cat. Eve: hitna3510. D. Gray-Man. Allen Walker: Kiburedo. Rules: All the common rules (No Yaoi/Yuri, No Godmodding, etc.), and you can up to 5characters.
Yep, another Photoshop tutorial followed, the char of this time is Mother Brain, if you have played a Metroid game you probably know her:
I am spamming more than usual here, LOL, I think I am in a happy/spam mood.
Think about this, there wasn´t information of the next KH game, and then one day, Boom! a lot of info everyday, I think that SE has maded that in porpouse, they don´t wanted to show info until they have a good amount of it, what do you think?
This Signature was maded in my Photoshop that I installed today, but the text and the border are from GIMP, I wanted to try somthing new and different from what I had done before:
Yep, I opened a shop, I not only make sigs with renders, I too make ones with stocks and too avatars. Avatars. Username: Character: Render (If you have one): Text (Optional): Size (Optional. Default: 100 X 100): Yep, I opened a shop, I not only make sigs with renders, I too make ones with stocks and too avatars. Avatars. Username: Character: Render (If you have one): Text (Optional): Size (Optional. Default: 100 X 100): Common Signatures. Username: Character: Render (If you have one): Text (Optional): Size (Optional. Default: 400 X 150): Background (Optional): Abstract Splattering (The best type of background that I have for now): A (Grayscale): B (Colorful): Shiny Light: Dark Abstract: Techno-Pixel: Stock Signatures. Username: Character: Render (If you have one): Stock (If you have one, if you choose render then you need to give me a stock background): Text (Optional): Size (Optional. Default: 400 X 150): Background (Optional): Displaced Abstract (The best style in this type of sigs that I have for now): Smudge Abstract: Gradient Stock: PS: If you don´t understand some of the options here, then left them in blank, I will choose them for you. And remember: Rep is good and is going to be apreciated. and two other things: 1) If you are going to stop using the Signature/Avatar PM me, I don´t want to waste space in my Photobucket acount. 2) Once your Sig/Avy is ready I am going to PM you, so be ready. PS: If you don´t understand some of the options here, then left them in blank, I will choose them for you.
Metroid My new sigs based in the Metroid games, rate and comment please:
So many people are leaving, I can´t hold it anymore T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T T-T.
Yep, you heared me, I want to play a little match, post your username (The one of your DS) and your friend code: Name: Chaser007 Friendcode: 4854 2160 6504