I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but I don't really mind because it would bloody well deserve being posted again >: The Most Amazing Death Note Vid You Will Ever See...Ever
.... 6421 and 6423 8D edit: lmao *face universe* I found a way to find out >_> anywayz which 2 members are on either side of you?
I think it is unfair to keep you all in the dark :/ So members of KHV here is what is happening. Late 2007 we (the staff) had news of big changes coming to the site, these changes were out of our control. It's true, the dreaded has happened THE BABY SHEEP HAVE RISEN AND ARE COMING FOR THE SITE SAVE THE CHILDREN SAVE THE MEMBERS SAVE THE SPAM ZONE damn those baby sheep ;_; they will stop at nothing until we are all destroyed. *sobs uncontrollably*
Due to issues beyond control, Destiny Star is unable to run these competitions any more. So for the forseeable future I will be running this. So then, to get things underway, without more delay ~ This months poem contest is all to do with the theme of love, in preparation for Valentine's Day next month xD Rules Must be about Love Must be at least 7 lines long Must be written by yourself, and trust me we will know if you have ripped it from elsewhere. Judges so far: me, Destined and a mystery third xD Good Luck and Have Fun Post your poems here or send them to me via PM Deadline = 31st January at 10pm GMT Winner announced = 4th February 10pm GMT
You are my Riku xD :glomp: and one of my oldest bestest friends :P I don't tell you enough and I think everyone should know how awesome you are :3
YAY LOOK THS SITESA back now ayaY SO LIKE eveyrone acan STOP imsnain me on MSN becaus aITS BACK NOW YAY hahahha ehehehehehe yeah hi KHV heheheheh its back ayYbJKM i TINK i aneed a sleep now but i odn tknow -___-
...like the title says rawr Good to see you back you silly muppet <3
...until February <3 I am going to see 30STM Coheed and Cambria Circa Survive Fightstar Madina Lake Though I am mostly looking forward to seeing C&C I think, hmm idk actually, Madina Lake I am looking forward to the least <_> p.s Apocalyptica a few weeks ago were ****ing amazing! and Lacrimas Profundere (the support act) are amazing too <3 LIVE MUSIC FTW <333333333
...because I love you and you're awesome :3
:glomp: You are awesome :)
I saw this and thought of you 8D ... Rawr <3
..... ..... 8D Hello
Now I am sure many of you are aware that this RP section is frowned upon lately =/ and that people have an idea that all RPers are noobs 0_0 Well! Guys I KNOW that you can prove them wrong XD I have backed you all so far, hell I RP too, though I havn't as much lately :sweatdrop: so lets do something to change the idea that people have, lets do something to imporve the image that this section has XD There are some damn good RPers in this section, so lets show that ok? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SORRY GUYS, AFTER I HAVE HAD LIKE 3487256 COMPLAINTS FROM PEOPLE ON HERE AND ON MSN,THERE WONT BE ANY AWARDS D: I'M QUITE ****ED OFF ABOUT THIS BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE I AM LETTING YOU GUYS DOWN, BUT I CAN'T RUN IT WITH SO MUCH OPPOSITION TO IT, I'M REALLY SORRY GUYS =/ General reminder: Please can all RPers be aware of the new rule stating RP posts must be at least a paragraph long, no more one liners :)
These are the new rules for the RP section, I expect you all to have read them, if you break them because you havn't read them, that is not my problem, you will still recieve a penalty. 1) If an RP dies/is locked/ is deleted, you must seek permission of the section mod for that area (that would be O R A N G E at the moment) or someone higher before you can restart it. Restarting locked/dead threads will result in a warning unless you have permission. 2) This is an open forum, friends/family only RPs will not be allowed and they will be locked. This is the same for all RPers. If you wish someone to be removed from a thread, then contact the staff about it so we can maybe resolve the issue. 3)Any thread that has gone for 30 days without a new post will be deleted, if you are going to be away for that length of time then please inform m so that I know to keep your thread running. 4)RPs created solely for the intention of violence will not be tolerated, this includes threads of the sort: "YEAH LETS GO KILL *insert name here*" Threads such as these will be closed immediately. I see this sort of thread often from a particular member, I will be issuing warnings. 5) Please watch your overall content, there are some RPs I have seen where the RPers have overstepped the mark regarding relationships or violence, remember there are younger members here too please. 6) POLLS are not allowed in this section, post them and I will be editing them out unless there is a very good reason for them to be kept. 7) I am adding this rule because I am seeing this a LOT lately, RPers can only make 2 RPs at a time, anymore than 2 and I will lock them. Keep making them and I will give warnings. ONLY 2 ACTIVE THREADS ALLOWED AT ANY ONE TIME. 8) No flaming or bashing in your RP, if there is a problem contact a mod, flaming and fighting occuring in the thread will result in thread closure. 9.) [Added by Orange] No more replies to threads saying things such as "Is anybody going to join?" or "Why aren't people joining?" or anything of that sort. It is useless and off topic and although posts don't count here posts such as that are certainly not necessary. Posts such as those will be deleted. Be patient, eventually someone is likely to come in to your RP. <3 Do check this thread regularly, I will be adding to it as time goes by.
I will edit this in a moment to put in the rest of your new rules, but for the moment I just want to say one thing. IF AN RP IS CLOSED, THERE IS A REASON, IF YOU WANT TO START IT AGAIN PM ME AND I WILL DISCUSS IT WITH YOU, DO NOT JUST RESTART IT.
Lol you are on KHV, you are on my MSN, but invading my internet is a bit too much, no word of a lie I just tried going to a page, and this is what came up: o_O
...so there I was going through my photobucket when I came across some old pictures. So here you go ^^ I have no clue what the hell we had been talking about o_O Isn't he beautiful =) Again, I can't remember the inspiration XD LOL this was when Bunter's true identity was finally revealed These are my pets xD McRock and the wool pets :P man this was from soooo long ago o_O; Memories of an image war with Roxllen xD
... you know how we have like the yahoo spiders and the google spiders and stuff, does anyone else like actually picture them as like little robotic/mechanical spiders? anyone? ...anyone at all? Just me then?...I have no idea why o_O actually thats quite a creepy thought o_O *tumbleweed*