Is Delicious o.o omnomnomnomnomnom
It made more sense to us to post this AFTER the changes when we could explain the details loves. So as some of you have noticed there have been a couple of changes: Anything Else has gone and can now be found under it's new heading "General Discussion" Here A new section titled Help With life has been added for the threads regarding advice and support with problems, that can be found Here Intelligent Discussion is now under the heading "Discussion" However posts are still required to be thought about. Spam will still not be tolerated. Fanclubs have been added to the Forum Families section. Expect more changes to come <3
it is 4:44am that is all
I came across these today by accident after watching an FFX AMV I have to say, they are damn good <3 I have been listening them for the past few hours. So far I adore the song Fairytale Gone Bad (the song in the AMV), but I also like Forever Yours, Choose To be Me, and Heal Me I don't know an album and I don't know how long they have been around <3 but I intend to find out. So what do you think? Know them already? Like them, love them, hate them? wow my music taste covers a lot O_O;
rawr rawr rawr :ninjacat: Concert tonight yayayayayayayayay but then I have no more until August ;_;
*curls up and goes to sleep* Wake me in the morning <3 I will have pancakes please :3 So...sleepy...@_@
._. I keep hearing the like buzzer noises when you answer a question o_o I'll just be over in the corner ...rocking back and forth ding bzzz inb4trendwhore yeah yeah yeah Let's see who knows me <3 it's an easy one
So, my MSN is glitching really badly, it's not letting me sign in, and then when it does sign in it says that everyone is offline. I have approximately 300 people on my contact list, I am pretty damn certain that at least some of them would be online. Then it tells me that people are online but it isn't letting any of my messages go through. inb4runvirusscan done that Suggestions? Thoughts?
As long as you come to me But I dont like illusions I cant see Them clearly I dont care, no I wouldn't dare To fix the twist in you You've shown me eventually what you'll do I dont mind I dont care As long as you're here Go ahead and tell me you'll leave again You'll just come back running Holding your scarred heart in hand It's all the same And I'll take you for who you are If you take me for everything And do it all over again It's all the same Hours slide and days go by Till you decide to come But in-between it always seems too long Suddenly But I have the skill, yeah I have the will, to breath you in while I can However long you stay is all that I am I dont mind, I dont care As long as you're here Go ahead and tell me you'll leave again You'll just come back running Holding your scarred heart in hand It's all the same And I'll take you for who you are If you take me for everything And do it all over again It's always the same Wrong or Right Black or White If I close my eyes Its all the same In my life The compromise I'll close my eyes Its all the same Go ahead say it You're leaving You'll just come back running Holding your scarred heart in hand It's all the same And I'll take you for who you are If you take me for everything Do it all over again It's all the same
oooh shiny O_O Your name looks purtyful in that colour Congratulations <3
First of all I know it is highly frustrating when a member like Mimikins joins and trolls the boards, even more so when there isn't anything you can really do and there are no staff around to deal with it. We try our best but we can't always be online when we are needed xD we don't have little alarms that tell us when the forum is in trouble. This is why we need you guys to be mature and be responsible. In the event of a troll attack/major spam attack/some form of chaos. 1) Don't panic, we may not be online at that specific point in time but the staff will deal with it as soon as they can. 2) For the love of (insert deity of your choice) do NOT reply to the troll/spammer, this is what they want, they want a reaction, you giving them a reaction only pleases them and encourages them. 3) Do NOT make mimic threads D: again this is giving them a reaction and will only drive them on more. They want people to get mad. 4) Do PM a staff member, it doesn't matter if they are online or not, PM them anyway so that when they do sign on they can deal with it right away, if you put the title to be something like [URGENT]. 5) Do ignore the troll/spammer, don't even discuss them xD instead act as though you cannot even see their presence, true this will piss them off, but if you show no reaction then they get no kick out of it. 6) This isn't a major thing, but uh, don't waste your rep allowances on de-repping said trolls/spammers, I mean if you want to then go ahead, but since they will be banned anyway there really isn't much point. Though that is down to personal opinion. Feel smug when they get their ass banned and you know you were the mature one xDDD don't sink to their level, just laugh at their stupidity <3
Not my intention, I got so brave, drink in hand ._. lost my discretion, it's not what I'm used to... addicting song is addicting D:
**** you insomnia
~ That is all ~
Cinnyboo stole the cookies from the cookie jar D: *points and runs away*
So there I am sat talking away with people and I'm chatting with Omar and Bivi when this...thing starts flying around, so I look up and see it out the corner of my eye, I swat it away but it comes at me again D: Then I get a decnet glimpse of it D: I JUST GOT ATTACKED BY A ****ING SPIDER WITH WINGS D: Some of you may remember this thread, and since then I have been collecting proof that its a real thing D: Right, now who else is getting that thing? D: OMG THAT'S RIGHT Unseen Footage <3 of the much anticipated Birth By Sleep Aren't we good to you? This vid was found by our very own Erkz <3 Credit also goes to Omoide who found it too xD omfg enjoy :3 Edit: Original vid removed due to copyright xD edit: vid found by Rising Storm damn sweet quality <3