That is all
To all members. Due to some members now having rep values of almost 50 (as well as other reasons such as repwhoring and members abusing the de-rep system), we (the admins) have recently decided to alter the settings for rep value points. Previously members rep value went up: 1 point every 50 days of being a member 1 point every 100 reputation points 1 point every 1000 posts The new settings mean that rep value will increase: 1 point every 180 days of being a member (approximately every 6 months) 1 point every 200 reputation points 1 point every 1000 posts NOTE: THIS WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR REPUTATION ITSELF, IT WILL ONLY AFFECT HOW MUCH YOU GIVE/TAKE AWAY WHEN YOU REP/DE-REP Rules regarding rep will still apply, abuse of the system will be dealt with.
I loved you first, I loved you first Beneath the stars came fallin' on our heads But they're just old light, they're just old light
Gets old rather fast. *shot*
That not everything is gonna be the way, You think it ought to be It seems like every time I try to make it right, It all comes down on me Please say honestly you won't give up on me And I shall believe
Can go to Hell -______-
I was talking to some people about this: tonight I got bored and boredom led to this @_@ for you guys~
'Cause you just might get it, you just might get it, you just might get it help D: Can' *asplodes*
For some reason my laptop wont let me on any internet page apart from KHV D: For every other site it is telling me Page Cannot Be Displayed It is starting to creep me out a little >___>
Nothing Compares To You~
.-. Biscuits and cookies for breakfast seem like a good idea ...right up until you hit that point where if you eat another you will asplode and die x_x
Guys just to let you know officially we now have spoiler tags. We don't have an option button for it in your post menu yet, (though personally I don't see why there has to be one >_> ) Anyway from now on if you wish to post a spoiler then you do this [spoiler*] spoiler text [/spoiler*] Obviously without the asterisks <3 Spoiler isn't it pretty? The only thing is, don't post spoilers at the very start of a thread as there is still a glitch where it shows the spoiler if you wave your mouse over the title. Note: Do NOT use the spoiler tags to cover up illegal content and advertising in your posts/sigs. That goes to the people who are trying to cover up large gifs and videos in their sig as well, adding the spoiler tag doesn't allow you to bypass the rules. Remove these immediately if you haven't done so already.
Spoiler blah blah blah
So I leave for 2 weeks and come back to a whole lot of changes D: So Orange and Rosey are now staff, prems are Teal and there are about 438952646782 more prems. Madi is now Gwen (I think) Orange is back as Orange and Ris and Rat are no longer prems. Anything else? o_o Hey guys <3
Thursday will be my last day :] Some of you may remember last September when I left for about a week for a fieldtrip to Scotland, well this time I am going on an excavation, for those who don't know I am studying archaeology and training to be an archaeologist. I have this amazing opportunity to go work on an actual dig site, and they are taking me on as an actual archaeologist instead of just a volunteer <3 I'm going with some others from my course and one of my lecturers has arranged it all. If the site is what we believe it to be, it could be one of the most important in Western Europe O_O and I get to go dig it D: I am so nervous but also so excited. So anyway, I will be gone a minimum of 2 weeks, if it gets extended then I will let you guys know since I have enough numbers of people on here that I text xD So guys play nice and behave, if I come back and you have blown up the forums I wont be happy >: xD Have a nice two weeks and see you all soon <3 I shall take lots of photos for you all to see :] p.s Just because I wont be here doesn't mean I wont know what is going on <3 so behave xDDD
I so totally just copied what I wrote on another forum for this thread @_@ Sorry Cocobeanz if this is the wrong place ): I asked like 3 people and they said here. Well I have already shown some people, but I kind of wanted to show everyone else too, wider audience means more input right? More input means I can improve and all that jazz (or at least hopefully) So anyway, to get to the point, I am interested in photography; my camera comes with me pretty much everywhere XD but I’m not all that awesome at it, so I am hoping that some people can give me tips to work on. I already know some of my issues; for example apparently my lighting sucks and my focus points are kind of awkward O_O So here are some photos, let me know what you think? I do have a lot more photos but I didn’t want to completely overload you guys D: I mean there is a lot there as it is O_O Any advice/comments/destruction?
Faythy is awesome but underappreciated ;_; You should all talk to him more he's cool ^^ and also he has damn awesome taste in music <3
I saw this and thought of you o_O *stuffs you into a sack and walks away*
...Hello <('~'<) (>'~')>
You know, there are a few things that piss me off. Now it might surprise some of you to hear that I get mad considering the fact that I am generally majorly calm and aim to be as pleasant as possible, but you know what? There is only so long you can be nice to people before it starts to wear you down. I have no problem with the vast majority of people, and to be honest I love most of you to pieces, but if I don't say this then I will go insane. So here are some things that piss me off about KHV :] For example, when people insult and ***** at others and then when someone dares to say something back they go running. People who act like they rule the world because of who they are friends with, I especially hate that, I always think that if you want people to respect you then you have to EARN that damn respect, not just use the status of your friends. BE YOUR OWN DAMN PERSON. And another thing that pisses me off, when people don't get the attention they want so they go all emo and *suicides* if you think you have problems because someone on a KINGDOM HEARTS fan site doesnt like you then go out into the real ****ing world, some people have actual problems, making threads about being depressed and suicidal because other members dont like you is just making other people's REAL ACTUAL problems seem like a joke. Get over yourself. What else pisses me off? When people act like they are the authority but don't know how to play by the rules themselves.If you are going to attmept to boss others around then don't forget you too have to follow the same rules. I am sick and tired of seeing people getting all butthurt because they got caught out for not playing the game right. People who are attention whores, oh my god @_@ seriously if you have nothing better to do than be an attention whore then **** off and do it somewhere else. I DO NOT CARE WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE OR THAT YOU HAVE MATCHING STUFF @_@ BAAAAAAAAAAAAW threads, you know, the ones where people are like "everyone hates me and thinks I suck" chances are love that at least one person will hate you, making threads like that only makes people dislike you even more, WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO SEE? There are over a thousand members, of course there will be people who dislike you, but hey guess what? THAT is LIFE, you know, life, L...I...F....E that thing you would have if you werent so busy being wrapped up in getting pissy that a couple of kids (who were up to no good starting making trouble...Im getting distracted) said they didnt like you. So to sum up before I go any further. ^___^ who you are friends with and who you know means jack ****, you follow the same rules as everyone else and get treated the same regardless. Making threads crying because someone upset you will just make people more inclined to do so as they recognise you are dramatising, attention whoring is something to mock, not something to be a part of <3 Sorry for the outburstt guys, have some *cake* That is all~ p.s also people who insult others but then can't take the heat themselves.