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  1. Llave
    Nice place you got there.
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 30, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Llave
    . . .
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 30, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Llave


    Why is it that every time I look at who's viewing a thread, you're always there?!

    Ima eat you now.
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 26, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Llave

    Guys and Gals

    My avater is Ennis, who is female. Therefore, I am now female.
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 26, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Llave
    Ok, we may be small now, but we will take over KHV. Set your Sonic Screwdrivers to kill.
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 26, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  6. Llave

    Who Art Thou?

    Not sure exactly what this is. Just kind of came up with something after vivid inspiration. Not sure if that's the best way to go.

    Basically, this is about having a dream about an imaginative girl, or a foreshadow of one to come and the desperation to know who she is. Hope you enjoy, critiques would be most wonderful.

    Who art thou?
    I know thee not, even so, my soul longs for thee.

    Like some emblem of my passionate desires,
    You appear in my dreams.

    I see thy visage, ‘tis so lucid.
    But when I awake from night’s sensations,
    Thine figure is effaced from my eyes.
    Natheless, it is engraved within my core.

    Like trying to remember a long forgotten memory,
    I can only remember how I felt.

    Will thou reveal thy face to me?
    O world, mold her into reality!

    To hold thee in my arms,
    And comfort thee with undying love.

    How my heart aches, I am in mortal melancholy.
    Ev’ry moment I think of you my mind gets turbid.
    I beseech thee, tell me thy name!

    If the unconscious mind is the gate to thy soul,
    May I never wake.

    Simply may I earn one thing before dawn breaks;
    Who art thou?
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 26, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Llave
    I'm unsure how to make GIFs smaller, I've done everything from restricting color to the size, yet it remains over the 500kB KHV requirement. It's currently 1mb, and I want it down to about 300kB to 450kB.


    I always see large pixel'd GIFs on Tumblr and they are about 300kB and I don't know how they do it!! Help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 26, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Help
  8. Llave


    Gotta Talk to 'em all!


    Voxli Admins posin'. [Left to Right] Ace Phoenix (The Nook), Sforzato, Llave de Espada, P, Guardian Soul, What?, and Midnight Star.
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 21, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Llave
    I just didn't want to see what everyone doesn't think of me.
    Positive opinions are not also welcome, just keep them rude and discouraging.
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 18, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Llave
    Uber Fucking Admin Overlordz!!!1!1!!!: Transcends every usergroup, they can ban the unbannable. Members in this group will be: Plums, Misty, Llave de Espada, and DPWolf.

    Site Owner of Your Souls Admin: People that could actually kill you by finding your home via IP Address. Members in this group will be: Tienewman, RvR, and Stardust.

    Not Really Admin Admins: They are not real Admins, they are like Super Mods with puke blue usernames. Members in this group will be: Chevalier

    Super Moderators: They are Super Moderators, do I have to explain this? Members in this group will be: Guardian Soul, NotLuxord (lolwut?), What?, Clawtooth, Sabby, Ienzo, and Droid4Productions.

    Sectional Moderators: They are Sectional Moderators. Members in this group will be: Noroz, Peace-and-War, tummer, Cat<3 Sora, Saxima, Kites, Rat, Jayn, and Ty.

    Reporters: They report stuff. Members in this group will be: Mike

    Coders: They don't exist any more.

    Forum Helpers: Based on popular demand, they will be brought back. Alpha Forum Helper will be: Kitty
    The rest will include: Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, and Kitty.

    Forum Sidekick: They are human alarms for the staff. Members will be: Amaury

    Forum Sweeper: The lowest of the low, sex-slaves to Forum Helpers. Members in this group will be: Forsaken.
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 16, 2012, 80 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Llave
    Stop not telling me what to do! It offends me when you don't thrust your beliefs upon me.
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 16, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Llave
    Step 1: CHECK THE ****ING PROFILE! (If plan backfires, go to step 2)

    Step 2: Don't use masculine and or feminine pronouns when referring to the person. (Go to step 3)

    Step 3: Talk with the person to get a feel of their personality. Generally it is easy if you can point out masculine words and feminine words. Also, observe others using pronouns towards the person. If a majority go with male, go with male. Or the other way around.


    Step 1.1: Just ask the person!

    That is all class.
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 15, 2012, 83 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Llave
    This video sums it up on that meme.

    (Warning, excessive cursing and cartoon blood. just sayin' Delete this if found inappropriate, I have it in spoilers however.)

    Thread by: Llave, Jan 14, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Llave

    Hey Amaury

    This thread is not for you. Because I made it.
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 13, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Llave
    First off, please do not move this to Chamber of Repose, it's not really a leaving thread.

    I'm cutting back some hours from KHV so I can focus on my artwork, it has yet to be finished. As much as I enjoy interacting with you guys here, you're too much of a distraction! (Y u all so awesome?)

    I'll still be on KHV, just not every second of the day like I am terribly notorious for. Not sure how much I'll be on MSN, but I'll try to be on it, just in case something awesome happens and I need to jump in on the fun.

    Ok guys, later... for now.
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 12, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Llave


    Y u steal all da womenz?! I am the KHV Charmer, and I will stick to that title with my life!
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 11, 2012, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Llave
    Redwall the TV series. Oh golly I loved it so much and I am re-watching them on youtube. ;~;

    It gives me goosebumps...
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 10, 2012, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Llave
    I am going to sell you a tory of Rindercella. So chit in your sairs an wisten lell...

    Once apon a time, in a coreign fountry, there lived a very geautiful birl; her name was Rindercella. Now, Rindercella lived with her mugly other and her two sad bisters. And in that same coreign fountry, there lived a very prandsom hince.

    One day, the prandsom hince decided to have a bancy fall. He invited people from riles amound, especially the pich reople. But Rindercella could not go because all she had to wear were some old rirty dags. So she just cat fsdown and scried. She was a kitten there a scrien, when all of a sudden her gairy fodmother appeared. And she waived her wagic mand...and all of a sudden there appeared before her, a cig boach and hix white sorces to take her to the bancy fall. But now she said to Rindercella, "Rindercella, you must be home before nidmight, or I'll purn you into a tumpkin!"

    So Rindercella went to the bancy fall, where she met the very prandsom hince, who she had been watchin through a widden hindow. She and the prandsom hince nanced all dight till nidmight...and they lell in fove. Suddenly, the mid clock struck night; Rindercella staced down the rairs, and just she beached the rottom, she slopped her dripper!

    The next day, the prandsom hince went all over the coreign fountry looking for the geautiful birl who had slopped her dripper. He came to Rindercella's house. He tried it on Rendercella's mugly other...and it fidn't dit. He tried it on her two sigly usters...and it fidn't dit. He tried it on Rindercella...and it fid dit, it was exactly the sight rize!

    The next day, Rindercella and the prandsom hince were married and they lived everly hafter happward.

    Now, the moral of the story is this: If you ever loll in fove with a prandsom hince, be sure and slop your dripper!
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 10, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Llave
    Because I'm not. Y u meik Karen Gillan leave? She was the loveliest member on KHV hands down.
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 9, 2012, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Llave
    They discriminate against the Mac users. All I want is a good fun game but noooo. (Wish Myst was Mac-able, I loved those games back in the day.)
    Thread by: Llave, Jan 9, 2012, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone