Welcome to Llave’s Graphic Shoppe, an emporium of art for your everyday user needs! I offer you the services that I can assure will be a positive one! As an added bonus: It’s completely free! Well, save the fact that it will cost you some time and patience. So! Onto a few crucial points: • Give credit where credit is due. This means, giving me credit in your signature if I provide you with an avatar or a signature/GIF or both. (Llave or Llave de Espada is fine. Just in case I'm ever in a username fad for whatever reason.) • Please be polite. I’m offering my artistic services to you; the least you could do is be respectful. Therefore, flaming, spamming, or anything of that sort shan’t be tolerated. Also, please do not nag me about when I will get your piece done. I usually get things done fairly quickly, but expect your piece within 2-7 days depending on what you ordered. • I have the right to decline your request if it is not acceptable for any reason. • High quality images only. I do not desire to work with something that is of awful quality and as a result, wasting my time. • IMPORTANT: After I provide you with your piece(s), be sure to save them onto your computer. I will delete them from my uploading host within a few days, after providing you with your piece(s), and once you have acknowledged you received them. (One way or another.) • Reputation is not required, however, it would be greatly appreciated. Avatar: The picture in your postbit, below your username. Picture: Provide a link or the graphic itself. Size: There are limits to the size you can select depending on your usergroup. Note: You do not need to have the max size avatar of your usergroup, unless you’re a regular member. Sorry guys, not much freedom there for you. • Staff: 200 x 200 • Premium: 150 x 150 • Regular Member: 100 x 100 Specifications: For an avatar, specifications would be anything from the saturation, composition, darkness, lightness, and or effects you would want me to put into your avatar. (The more detail you provide, the more accurate I can make it to your liking. If you just want me to surprise you, then just say so.) Text: This is not mandatory, but if you want me to add text, please provide what you would want. Signature: The graphic that goes in your signature and is displayed underneath your posts. Picture: Provide a link or the graphic itself. Size: The maximum size limit for your signature graphic is 500 x 500, regardless of your usergroup. You are free to have any size you desire smaller than that limit, just specify what you would want in the signature template. Specifications: For a signature, specifications would be anything from the saturation, composition, darkness, lightness, and or effects you would want me to put into your signature graphic. (The more detail you provide, the more accurate I can make it to your liking. If you just want me to surprise you, then just say so.) Text: This is not mandatory, but if you want me to add text, please provide what you would want. GIF: This is a motion picture that can be used primarily for your signature. Picture: If you have a GIF that you want resized or edited, just provide me the GIF. If you want a GIF from a video, say youtube, provide me the video and the timeframes you want me to use for the GIF. (Please do not make it ridiculously long, as the kB limit in a signature is 500kB and GIFs can eat a lot of memory, regardless of compression.) Size: The size of your GIF, if you want it in your signature, can only be 500 x 500 or less. Note, that the larger it is pixel-wise, means fewer amount of frames in order to keep it under the 500kB limit.) Specifications: For a GIF, specifications would be anything from the saturation, composition, darkness, lightness, and or effects you would want me to put into your GIF. (The more detail you provide, the more accurate I can make it to your liking. If you just want me to surprise you, then just say so.) Avatars: Spoiler: Avatars 100 x 100 150 x 150 200 x 200 Signatures: Spoiler: Signatures Spoiler: Signatures GIFs: Spoiler: GIFs Spoiler: GIFs When you want to order a graphic, please use these template requests. If you fail to provide one, I will not take your order. Avatar: Picture: Size: Specifications: Text (Optional): Signature: Picture: Size: Specifications: Text (Optional): GIF Picture or Video: Size: Specifications: I. moshi II. Amaury III. Deadpool IV. Myst I. Korosu x5 II. Dinny Grayson x2 III. Dr_Wigglz x3 IV. Droid V. Anti ☢ Sora VI. Cat<3 Sora VII. moshi x6 VIII. Ace IX. Krown x2 X. Machazo XI. TwilightBlader XII. dahlia-petals XIII. Scruffy XIV. Spike XV. Judge Sunrose XVI. Sokka XVII. Myst XVIII. Midnight Star XIX. Bareri-San XX. Amaury XXI. Void of Self XXII. Shadox D.
A message to you all from Rhiscx. I was over at his house today and unfortunately, I should have charged my camera... But we got some shout outs in that... 59ish seconds. Spoiler [video=youtube;IVr8dYupi5E]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVr8dYupi5E[/video]
Goes by the tune of The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra. Here's an instrumental to get you into the swing of things~ Spoiler [video=youtube;x-yU5F_SpA4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-yU5F_SpA4[/video] Chevalier, when I’m on this site, When I see your name, I will smile bright just thinking of you And the way you look online. Yes you’re lovely, with your avatar so light And your posts so comical, There is nothing for me but to rep you, And the way you look online. With each MSN convo, your tenderness grows, Tearing my threads apart And that “lol” that releases your troll, It touches my Private Message. Lovely, never username change. Keep that breathless usertitle. Won’t you please arrange it? Cause I sig’d you, just the way you look online. -Interlude- And that “lol” that releases your troll, It touches my Private Message. Lovely, never username change. Keep that breathless usertitle. Won’t you please arrange it? Cause I sig’d you, just the way you look online. Mm, mm, mm, mm, Just the way you look on-line.
Happy burfday gurlfran~ the big one nine! Hope you have a good one and you get what you want!
When I think of you, I want to do this: Spoiler
You cannot hide from me anymore, kids. Do the undoable, see the invivisible. Row Row Staff-like powa!
May the structure of time be re-written.
Finally got a hold of Rhiscx via phone. He's doing well, so don't worry. I read him all the posts in his departure thread to him, and he said thank you very much. He'd like to get back on soon, but we shall see.
This is pretty much 100% accurate...
Meh, I was feeling a dark melancholy theme and came up with a "the gazettE" sig. Not entirely good at such things, but any critique, advice, or comments would be exceedingly wonderful!
Seems legit .
All these birthdays today. @_@
Can I have yoh number? Can I have it?
Well I just watched the first episode, I suppose a thread would be suitable for us to discuss our likes and dislikes as the series goes on. But please keep things in spoilers. There are 8 episodes in total so it shouldn't be too long for everyone to catch up as the weeks go by. This is what I thought about the first episode: Spoiler: Black Rock Shooter 1 I thought it was a rather fast paced, and it was like Takanashi and Kuroi never met. I didn't like how their symbols of friendship were different, but it was cute. I'm glad they had the Takanashi and Kuroi story in there, I think that's essential for BRS. Kagari is freaky as sh!t, and her dolls... But I like BRS's new outfit. She sure can take a lot of damage. I also loved how the theme song is "Black Rock Shooter" sung by Hatsune Miku. Makes it official.
So apparently Animeanime is broadcasting the Black★Rock Shooter television series. It will be simulcasted on Niconico subtitled in eight languages. The streaming will begin Feb. 3rd following the Japan TV airing. The latest episodes will be available at 11:00 pm every Friday in the following countries: English: United States, Canada French: France, Belgium, Monaco, Switzerland, Andorra Italian: Italy German: Germany Spanish: Spain, Mexico, Chile, Argentina Korean: South Korea Traditional Chinese: Taiwan Simplified Chinese: Mainland China, Singapore The subtitled streams will not be accessible from within Japan. This is right around the corner, very exciting for all you BRS fans! Source- http://www.animeanime.biz/all/121291-2/
Literally. Spoiler
Probably huelarious.
...Thanks to this fellow. [video=youtube;57a2CEfLTt8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57a2CEfLTt8[/video]