You goatta burn down his bridge.
You feel like you've become nothing. You're just there for the ride, not intentionally. Where you feel like your opinions don't matter, you're not getting anywhere, and everyone "praises" you to no end...
As all of you vBulletin veterans remember, when you go to your (or someone else's) profile, there was a link to "View All Started Threads." Personally, I miss that immensely. This site is too big and long standing to casually browse through the Spam Zone and look back at some of your most nostalgic threads from like 8+ months ago. If there's any way to bring it back and or find a mod, I would like to know. I hope you guys are in agreement with me on this....
I know the forum is pretty much facebook even in itself, but I was wondering if you guys were ever going to make a facebook "fan" account for furthering the KHV name? I know the major controversy is "OMFG IF I LIKE IT PEOPLE WILL KNOW MY REAL NAME" etc etc. But not only will our real life friends and other people we are friends with see we like it, they may be interested and a chain effect of such would result most likely in a better outcome than a worse one. Now, I would make it for you guys, but as you all know... *looks at username color* yeah.
And this desperate guy is asking me for my phone number. I have never before hated my own gender this much. Ladies, I deeply apologize on behalf of all the true gentlemen out there. We do not deserve you just because we expect to be deserved.
Let's get this suckah rollin' again. Haven't had one since April. Post in here and I will give you a nickname. You may or may not regret it. :3c
Jus come to the US k thnx
Suffering from a slight case of insomnia is insane... especially when you have an 8 hour shift starting in 5 hours from now.
Hot off the press. MADEON YOU HAVE MY SOUL
2-disc Blu-ray + digital copy Amidoingitrite?
Spoiler ohey e'rrybody.
Well, my family and I are finally going on a vacation, and I really really need it lol. I'll be gone from Saturday August 18th, to Monday August 27th. We are going to a friend of our family's cabin in the major boonies of PA, so there will be absolutely no internet. In fact, it's so out there I won't even have phone reception. So, those of you who do have my number, I unfortunately won't be able to recieve and respond until I get back. Posting this ahead of time, before I forget and you all run around wondering where I we-*shot* Cheers.
Because, y'know, Rep Whores are too mainstream these days.
Seeya in a few days.
Come, my children. I shall lead you into the Promise Forum.
Dear god, staff is hiring like no one's business. D: Also Misty you look good in red gurl~