Xemnas saw Xigbar fighting Riku and conjured heartless for Riku to fight.
Hey Goimez! Hows it going? And whats with the old people dancing in your sig?
Hey family!
31197 Hey! Btw you can call me EB if ya want. :D
"Thats weird," Zack said.
Immortality sounds awesome, but like discussed it's also bad cause of all the people you see dying. If you fell in love, only to watch him/her die....to me I'd try to commit suicide, but of course you can't. Living with that type of pain would be horrible, I can't imagine it.
Hey there! Welcome to khv! Its a good site...:D Remember to post a lot so we can get to know you!
Hey there! Post a lot, don't spam, don't flame, you've probably already the rules, so yeah.
Well, I didn't know you HEAPS well, but I knew who you were and stuff. I'll miss ya and stuff...I just hope everything'll work out for you :D Well, cya later then.
31195 Hi guys!
Good! And yourself? lol at msn convo...
Xemnas looked at Xigbar. "She can wield a Keyblade, idiot," Xemnas said, rolling his eyes, "even she's not a good bait for Sora, she can defeat heartless herself, and that would ultimately lead to Kingdom Hearts." He turned to Kairi. "Isn't that right?" he said, lifting her chin.
Zack nodded. "So whereabouts are you from?"
The Nothingness strangled the Darkness and the Darkness disappeared. Xemmy pulled the Nothingness out of her.
What did she do last time? Reply in the PM if ya want...
I like them too! Dani California is my favourite from them! And Stadium Arcadium and Snow are good too!
"Be careful," Zack warned, "he comes out of nowhere."
Xemnas sighed, and shot Nothingness at her, which fought the darkness in her.
Well, don't show you're bothered by her. This is gonna be hard, but just try and ignore her, and talk to other people and pretend you don't give a damn about her. About your friend, I don't think she'd have forgotten you, it just maybe she's preoccupied or has problems of her own (just a thought...) But don't turn emo, I've considered it lots of times, but its stupid, you'll just get dissed a lot more, as it shows you're emotionally unstable. Wow, this is like my longest post ever xDD