One hop this time. Right foot two stomps?
;Chocolate; Cream. .maerC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC'x Lucky I guess xD
From these posts, it seems that everything is chaotic in a way. Although I've never talked to you before (shame, cuz you seem awesome xD) I hope everything gets better c:
;Cheese; Pasta. .atsaP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC'x My other gran is somewhere. I dunno where :v
;Salsa; Dance. .ecnaD CCCCCCCCCCCCCC'x o: LOL. My gran doesn't even know how to open up a folder on the computer o-o
;Sandwich; Si. .iS CCCCCCCCC'x Listening to music and trying to write. This isn't working out at all xD
;Turkey; Yummy. .ymmuY CCC'x Yea, kinda bleugh too xD So what you up too? :D
;Purple; Cheese. .eseehC C'x Yea :x Kinda sucks too xD
Oh wow, filled with mystery. I'm really curious as to why she is so stubborn as to not eat and everything, her past also makes me want to know more. I hope everything is explained soon. Until then, I will enjoy not knowing c: (Update soon, kthnx)
;Green; Toast. .tsaoT 8'3 Yea D: Only thing I can eat is chocolate X:
Did I see Sora in there? o_o Looks absolutely amazing! Hope it releases soon in the UK.
;Red; Men. .neM Cx I can never eat breakfast in the morning. It makes me feel sick :c
;Clouds; Young. .gnuoY :3 I am doing pretty good, yourself? C:
Listening to Music. Typing out this post. You know, the usual.
.______. Ten.
;Hope; Fool. .looF 8<D Well, g'morning, or afternoon, or whatever :lolface:
;Snap; Chalk. .klahC D< They areee! Well, I shall abandon you to get some sleep. G'night C:
;Pen; Teacher. .rehcaeT 8'B S'MORES. I dunno how you spell them, but they taste good! xD
;Ruler; School. .loohcS :3 Blahhh