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  1. Boy Wonder
    Alright, guys. We've officially started!
    Remember that we're starting IMMEDIATELY after Vision is born. How the story unfolds after this, with these new characters and different setting, will be very interesting. Feel free to use banners, if you're planning on using them (I'm making small ones, but they're not done yet) and hopefully y'all like that team banner #mediocrephotoshopskills. I'll have one up for the other groups later. For now, I only gave an in for the Justice Avengers and X-Men at the tower. I'll post an in for the other X-Men and the bad guys (and the "Others") in the morning. Personally, I hate starting RPs with more than one scene. It can make for a confusing start, in my opinion. Let's go~
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Boy Wonder
    After being born from Hydra's machinations and Iron Man's hubris, the unstoppable AI Ultron recruited his own team from Hydra's resources to counter the Justice Avengers. Though his exact intent is unknown, it is obvious that he tends to destroy humanity out of some ill-conceived notion of protecting the planet. Part of his plan involved constructing a new body for himself, using a special stone to power it as well as Vibranium and the strange Nth Metal to compose it. Fortunately, thanks to the fearless Canary, the Justice Avengers were able to take the cradle holding his new body. Unfortunately, as the Flash sped the cradle to Iron Man at Justice Tower, Ultron took Canary prisoner. Meanwhile, Superman found himself facing one of Ultron's lackeys, Blue Beetle, while Batman and the assisting team of X-Men (Cyclops, Jean Grey, Rogue, and Quicksilver) fought the rest of Ultron's forces (Ranger VI, X-23, Scarlet Witch, Harley Quinn, and Deadpool), but the evildoers escaped while distracting the heroes with a derailed train. Batman, Quicksilver, and Rogue moved civilians out of the way while Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Superman stopped the train. Leaving the rest to make sure the civilians were all safe, Superman flew back to Justice Tower to regroup with Iron Man and report Canary's abduction.

    Finding his thought-to-be "deceased" AI, J.A.R.V.I.S., Iron Man came up with the idea to integrate JARVIS into Ultron's new body to aid the Justice Avengers. Seeing the potential, Superman aided Iron Man with Kryptonian technology, even offering the Kryptonian computer, Brainiac, as a template.

    When Batman and the X-Men arrived, Batman opposed building another AI and while the Justice Avengers argued, Quicksilver used his speed to dismantle the equipment. Attempting to help his teammates, Flash used his own speed to fix the equipment. The two speedsters raced back and forth, continuously dismantling and repairing the equipment in superspeed when Thor -who previously disappeared to an Asgardian well- arrived and used her powers to direct a bolt of lightning into the equipment, unknowingly directing Flash's Speed Force energy into it as well. Out of the cradle erupted a red and green synthezoid who immediately attacked Thor in confusion before stopping himself. Thus, the Vision was born. Now, the Justice Avengers struggle with what Vision is, whether or not to trust him, and what to do next.

    Location: Justice Tower, headquarters of the Justice Avengers (formerly Stark Tower)
    Characters: Avengers: Vision, Superman, Iron Man, Flash, Thor, Batman. X-Men: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Gambit, Quicksilver.​

    "I'm sorry. That was...odd," the synthezoid stated, looking at Thor, "Thank you." All eyes remained on Vision as he synthesized a cape and gauntlet -matching Thor- as well covering his body with a green material.

    Cyclops kept his hand on his visor, a twitch away from letting his beams escape. "What are you?" He asked. It must've been a reflex -he wasn't aware that he did it- but Cyclops slowly moved in front of his X-Men, taking point. "Ultron?" If that was true, though, why would Thor have helped this...thing?

    "You think I'm a child of Ultron? I'm not," was the response. Turning to look at Stark, Vision continued, "I'm not Ultron. I'm not JARVIS. I... am." He raised his hands to study them. Was this what it was like to have a body? To have a conversation with others? Was this what it was like
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Boy Wonder
    Yep. Definitely.

    (we should be starting tonight, guys)
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Boy Wonder
    Are you sure it's not the other way around?[DOUBLEPOST=1444966017][/DOUBLEPOST]I went to ring a customer up today and he was zoned out. Then he said, "Sorry, I smoked way too much weed this morning. Hey, are you guys hiring?"

    I gave him an application.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 15, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Boy Wonder
    That feeling when I can't tell if my professor is really encouraging and supportive because she's my professor or if I'm really that good.

    I'm just going to assume she wants to bang and stop worrying about it.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Boy Wonder
    No, Ruby isn't faster than Flash.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Boy Wonder
    It's a screenplay.

    Title by Greg Allen​

    (Greg and Melissa sit at a table.)

    Greg: Statement. Statement. Statement. Question?
    Melissa: Agreement.
    Greg: Reassured statement. Confident statement. Confident statement. Overconfident statement.
    Melissa: Question?
    Greg: Elaborate defensive excuse.
    Melissa: Half-hearted agreement.
    Greg: Insecure statement. Distracted statement. Absurd statement.
    Melissa: Clarification question?
    Greg: Panicked bullshit explanation. Quick meaningless comic non sequitur.
    Melissa: Laughter.
    Greg: Fake laughter.
    Melissa: Laughter.
    Greg: Fake laughter. Unconscious compliment of physical characteristics.
    (Pause as he realizes what he said.)
    Melissa: Pleased response.
    Greg: Shocked continuation of meaningless comic non sequitur.
    Melissa: Laughter.
    Greg: Relieved confident laughter.
    Melissa: Laughter. Superficial compliment with accidental double entendre.
    Greg: Confident laughter.
    Melissa: Embarrassed laughter.
    Greg: Confident laughter. Confident suggestive proposition.
    Melissa: Violent denial.
    Greg: Aghast repetition as a question?
    Melissa: Disgusted denial.
    Greg: Defensive incriminating implication.
    Melissa: Offended retort.
    Greg: Aggressive childish insult.
    Melissa: Disbelieving rhetorical question?
    Greg: Aggressive childish insult.
    Melissa: Stunned silence.
    Greg: Aggressive childish insult!
    Melissa: Defensive childish resonse!
    Greg: Aggressive childish insult!
    Melissa: Defensive childish resonse!
    Greg: Aggressive childish insult!
    Melissa: Defensive childish response!
    Greg: Attempted Condescending Conclusive Statement!
    (He begins to rise to leave)
    (she exits, leaving him sitting at the table.)
    Greg: Pathetic self-revelation.
    Thread by: Boy Wonder, Oct 13, 2015, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Boy Wonder
    You have Charter? That explains so much. We use them at work and we've been having so much trouble with them and it's costing us a lot of money.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 13, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Boy Wonder
    Umm, no. But bringing in the instances of the other groups is off-topic. If you're implying that other groups doing it makes it okay, then no, it doesn't. If you're just asking if I -for some reason- think it's just cops doing it, then no; the other groups and their situations aren't part of this discussion.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 12, 2015 in forum: Current Events
  10. Boy Wonder
    I'm torn on this.
    About whether or not he was on duty: if he wasn't, then he shouldn't have the gun issued for duty. Whether or not he ends up needing it, it's a misuse of work equipment and, from what I know about cops' jobs, a crap ton of paperwork if anything happens. However, the article mentioned that he was uniformed which makes me think he was working. If he was simply taking a lunch break to eat with family for his birthday, then I can see why he wouldn't leave his weapon unattended especially if he was in uniform. I don't think he was putting off his job just by eating birthday lunch with his family; it could have been a simple lunch break celebration because he had to work the rest of the day. I'm willing to bet that in those cases, cops are required to be able to "jump back into action" if they get a call. I've seen it happen more than once in the restaurant business; a cop orders and then has to leave before finishing because they get a call. I've seen it happen to firefighters, too. Olive Garden should have handled it differently, though. Complaining they're being persecuted against, however, is just bullshit.
    I want to point out what's wrong with this statement: The police are persecuting the other groups and then complaining when they don't get their way. You aren't being persecuted because you have to follow the same rules as everyone else. Not applying that to this specific instance, just saying that cops complaining about being "persecuted" is like someone complaining that we have to remove the Ten Commandments from a state capitol. Not to mention all of the cases of police brutality recently, especiallythe race related ones.

    As to the kid with the shirt: the school ****ed up. Look, I'm all for much heavier gun regulation, but getting students in trouble for a shirt honoring soldiers is not the way to do it. I understand that it's the gun culture that needs to change, but this school did not help the cause.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 12, 2015 in forum: Current Events
  11. Boy Wonder
    I'm glad you came.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 11, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Boy Wonder

    Happy birthday, man!
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 11, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Boy Wonder
    You're such a loser
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 11, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Boy Wonder
    Just an FYI: I'll keep most of the discussion for the thread on here, but I know these days, a lot of people like using Skype talk RPs. If you're not already on my contacts, feel free to add me jeffreybueno.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Boy Wonder
    I agree with this post.
    And season 3 comes out this month, right?
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 10, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Boy Wonder
    Root beer beer
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 10, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Boy Wonder
    Watching RWBY Vol. 2 finally
    That food fight scene.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 9, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Boy Wonder
    It's supposed to be a team of mutants, Inhumans, and humans to show that a team of all those can work. But for some reason, Deadpool is on it and he can't kill while working under Cap Steve Rogers.
    Age of Ultron is how this started! I was watching it instead of doing homework and thought "I really want to play Vision."
    So I started thinking up an RP for it and this was the end result.
    and I am so glad someone is taking Tony. All yours~[DOUBLEPOST=1444370895][/DOUBLEPOST]First post is partly updated with new characters. Will finish in the morning and get started on beginning this~[DOUBLEPOST=1444427660][/DOUBLEPOST]Wow, after finishing the first post, it looks like we definitely have enough characters to start! I'll get to work on starting it after I do some formatting to the original post. Is everyone okay with their characters' info? Obviously, you're not restricted to what it's in that blurb; we just need a basis for the character for everyone else.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Boy Wonder


    Friday = day off work = catch up day
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 9, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Boy Wonder
    He posted a cop brutality video the other day and made a comment about how all cops are like that and they're liars (it was one of the cases where the cops made a statement that was revealed to be fake by video evidence) and how he unfriended all law enforcement on his Facebook (no idea how many cop friends he actually had lol).

    He just posted a video he saw on youtube where, in an interview, Steven Seagal says US shootings are engineered to give the political Left a reason to go after gun control (in the same interview, Seagal praised Putin as one of the greatest world leaders and claimed the Cold War was a hoax).
    I don't know what gives Seagal that expertise on those matters; must be the fact that he's a deputy sheriff.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 9, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone