I believe in spirits and I am Wiccan so I say this is BS. The chalkboard one is shopped and the car one is too. When you catch spirits on cam you only see mist even if you're using HD cameras
That is why you use a trojan. Anyway how are you?
Marry the bf that knocked me and move to Vegas :D Your sister who is one year younger than you has a crush on you and has smexual feelings for you, what do you do?
sorry the PM thing on GLNEt isn't working for me here's how the turn goes activate ojama trio thus filling the field then activate flash of the...
My bf knocked me that's how I have it.The lobster was good but I threw up after
you really need to read the rules. You necrobumped a thread which is against the rules
probably going back to bed, you?
yes you are right
a sophmore I know is named Hugh Wiener middle name Jazz
Well IRL and in video games the Dealer always cheats.
Well it must be bugged. the dealer got blackjack 7 times in a row
trying to get good at Blackjack. So, not so well
Aussy, that is your nickname :)
okay, so how are you?
For guys i heard it sounds like clapping when they fap hard
Hai. Sorry, I was abit busy trying to make myself the top ten
I have the top ten highest scores
so true. it does sound dirty
no it's an arcade game on here
Your welcome, anytime ;)