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  1. GarrettFinch


    As he waited for Silver to say something. A strange man had come over and stared talking rather fast. He glaceed at the fight but was not all that interested in it. He had seen many over the years. 'Think its only a matter of time before someone gets shocked and detained.' "Someone or everyone at once. More then likely to prove a point." He looked at the man who name was Lingo. He wondered why the man he stood by did not stick up for himself. That said form what he said he tended to stay out of trouble. "I am wondering why the staff of this prison have not showed there power yet. That sad I think for now it might be best to play nice." Form what what he could tell Lingo liked to talked about himself and more or less was trying to inflate his own ego.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 23, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. GarrettFinch

    He had been clearly talking more about the storm when he had told Faust to be careful. 'You must not have seen snow before in your life.' This little bit was nothing compared to what he had seen before. Anna then started talking about the snow and why it could not be something else. Well the first thing that came to mind was it might be less fun. Anna then asked them to take her up the mountain. He could see getting her to stay back was not a option. She said something about the kingdom rewarding handsomely. It was a nice offer but that was not why they were doing this. That was when Beuce had showed up. "Beuce were you able to see anything?" He was hoping for something other then snow as an answer but was not expecting much other then that answer. Shortly after that Ignis said, 'Okay, so aside from being a part of the party staff, and wanting to help, is there any other reason we should bring you? You do realize that we'll be going into the mountains in the middle of a blizzard, right? You understand how dangerous that'll be?' He did not know what to say, moments ago he had said the same thing. Regardless now that the three of them were together they might as we get going. "I suggest we see if we can find some supplies before we head up." There had to be a shop somewhere and going not prepared could end up killing someone. Then something happened and Faust used magic which was not all that surprising although he had never seen someone without a keyblade use magic before. Then something unexpected happened and Faust summoned a keyblade. This could be good or really bad. After all the last person that showed up with a keyblade had tried to kill them. "A keyblade wielder. So how did you end up here?" He was some what interested in that story.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. GarrettFinch
    I question why Marushi is not here
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 22, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  4. GarrettFinch
  5. GarrettFinch
    It is to bad I can't vote for myself here xd
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 22, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  6. GarrettFinch
    I don't know how I am here I only played once.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 22, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  7. GarrettFinch


    As he was walking around looking for anything that might be helpful information to get out of here a fight started to break out. He started to walk over to stop the fight. If one person acted out then all of them could be disciplined for it. As he made his way over to to where the fighting was another person seemed to have steeped up ending the fight. Now that the fight was more or less over there was no reason to do anything or say anything. There was not doubt that there was cameras everywhere and he had no doubt the staff had seen everything. He was not to keen on getting into a fight so early on. The alien was one to avoid. So far it seemed like most were here to cause trouble. He let out a sigh and looked up at the walls and spotted a camera. He wondered if there was any blind spots in a place like this. There was not like anything could be done for the moment. He walked in a different direction and saw someone more or less on top of a table. He walked over to Silver the man on the table. "This place is crazier then I thought it would be," he said offhandedly. "What do you think about all of this?" He was not sure what else to say of the moment so he just stood there waiting for a response.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 17, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. GarrettFinch


    There was a story to tell. One was how he got here in the first place. Simon knew some that ended up here at this prison on the planet, Arkanoid. Most did not belong here and it was mostly here-say. He walked out from the docking bay in a single file. It seemed relatively easy to get into this place. He seemed to be attacked to another person but had not paid that much attention to who it was. He had figured that it was better to play along then to make a issue out of nothing. The thing that he knew about this planet was nothing compared to seeing it in person. It was far more bleaker planet then most had made it out to be. Soon he was addressed by a man in official Galactic officer attire. From what he could tell this man wanted to show off. He knew that being here met certain death. He knew that the best thing to do was to take everything in. Everything could be a weapon and anything could make a way out. Soon the officer explained the shock collar. Soon the orientation was over. They were shoved into processing where they were stripped down, robbed of their belongings, and fully equipped with new prison attire. He walked into what was sad excuse of a mess hall. That said he had seen worse then this. He had thought about getting some food but he had no clue what was in it. The food its self did not look that good, that said he was sure he had worse at some point. Thinking that it might be best to look around the mess hall for some sort of weak point. He walked in a way where it looked like he was just walking around but he was looking at everything. The one thing that he knew was the shock collars had to go if he wanted out of here. If he wanted to get out of here that would have to go.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. GarrettFinch

    There was not much he could do if the boy wanted to stay. He had said that he seen danger. "Trust me you have not seen nothing." 'Besides, this seems way to interesting to pass up on so i think i'll be following where the action is.' "You stick around long enough you could end up dead or hurt." He thought it was best to give this guy some sort of warning. 'The name is Faust it will be a pleasure to travel with you all on this Chilling adventure. So i hope you guys won't give me the cold shoulder.' He just stood there not saying anything. "We should get out of the storm." He said this giving a sort of suggestion. He was starting to worry about Beuce.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. GarrettFinch
    The RPA does make people crazy/ insane
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  11. GarrettFinch
    She is a good noodle until it comes to the rpa.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  12. GarrettFinch
    How am I here? I think i joke around to much to be here. Must be the wrong thread.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  13. GarrettFinch
    Interesting that I am here.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  14. GarrettFinch

    After he pointed out the shack not to far from the mountain Ignis showed up only to leave once more stating that she was going back to the castle. Then short after Ignis left a unknown person showed up. He let out a sigh. This person no doubt followed Ignis out here. Regardless of how he got here, if that was following Ignis or not it was not safe here. 'Quite the exciting night isn't it?' "No it is dangerous out here. You should get back to the castle where it is much safer." There was more to it then the snow fall that he was talking about. There was a sound of concern in his voice.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. GarrettFinch
  16. GarrettFinch

    Storm watched Master Midarah leave the med bay. He looked at Thea and Zephyr and flew out of the room. On his way to the med bay he ran into Master Midarah. She then said, 'Your friends want to head to the Magic Council to try to appeal for the release of those who were taken into custody. They will meet me downstairs in about fifteen minutes. I'm sure they will want you to go with them.' He was sure as anything that release was not going to happen without a fight. He then watched Master Midarah go. On his way down to Master Midarah he ran into Storom and started talking to him. After the conversation was done he headed down to where Master Midarah was only to see Thea already there. He walked to the two. "You are alright." There was a sound of relief in his voice. Being knocked out for more then the past hour had worried him. He could not protect Thea and Zephyr and it worried him to no end what he could have done.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. GarrettFinch

    He continued to run after Anna. Elsa was nowhere to be seen. That was when Anna said that this was her fault. He catching up to her.
    "It is no ones fault." That was when Anna asked how she was going to get up the mountain. "Well you will no be any good to your sister if you freeze to death. Perhaps that shack has some supplies." He pointed to a shack not to far off from the mountain.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. GarrettFinch

    When Midarah said, 'Then I will help you help them... As soon as you both are well enough to travel, we'll give the Council a surprise visit. Gavin can come with us too if he wishes.' He gave a simple nod. He would go get Gavin when they were ready to go. Thea said nothing about feeling fine. They should rest more but he was sure that was not going to happen. Hopefully magic would not have to be used.

    Elsewhere Gavin sat overlooking the city. It was quite a nice view. Going back through the window of his room he took the books was looking at and began walking back to where they belonged. He reached where he had got the books at the first place and put them back. Glancing at the clock he noticed that it has been quite some time since he saw Thea and Zephyr. He wondered if they were awake yet and started making his way towards the med bay.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. GarrettFinch

    The party seemed to be coming to a close. Nothing all that odd happened yet. He was sure that this was going to change sooner or later. The new queen, Elsa, seemed incredibly nervous about something. The two princesses seemed to be fighting. He did not see why they could not just talk it out. Elsa shoots ice from her hands as gllacial spikes cover the floor. Guests began to cry out in shock, before backing away. Ice magic. Cool he thought. Huddling behind his men, the Duke of Weselton spoke. 'Sorcery... I knew there was something dubious going on here.' Magic wasn't looked well upon in this world. Anna quickly running after Elsa carrying her glove, called her name as she gave chase. 'Elsa! Wait, please! Stop!' As the guards tried to keep everyone calm, the Duke looked out the window for signs of them. 'Look! It's snowing! It's snowing! The Queen has cursed this land! She must be stopped!' "It is fine there is no need to worry." Well so much for discretion as Beuse summoned his keyblade. He watched Beuce had off after the two girls. He had no choice but to follow the two girls. He did not think that summoning his keyblade was the best thing to do in this situation but he had to get through the ice some how. Heat he thought as his hands began to heat up. He had never used magic before without his keyblade. That said it was a good thing he could use it without it and it was useful to do so without one. Putting his gloved had out he started melting the ice with heat coming off his hands as he ran after the two girls. He just had to hope somehow he would be able to change at some point because what he was in was by no means the proper chasing attire.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. GarrettFinch

    When Midarah entered the room he gave a slight bow out of respect. He just sat there watching the events unfold. There seemed to be more talk about the magic council. So far he had not been overly thrilled with how the council had took care of things. 'The Magic Council didn't see what happened or experience it first hand like you all did.' That never really stopped them before. From what he could tell the magic council seemed more concerned with making it seem like nothing ever happened then what was right. Then again there was the inter workings of the council that he knew nothing about. There then seemed to talk of going to the magic Council to speak with them. Zephyr had said something along the lines of the magic council being too cautious. Midarah had seemed to think that they were just doing there jobs but from his experience that did not seem to be the case. That said Midarah had dealt with the council more then Gavin and him ever did. Considering that the only real experience had been mostly indirectly and then a few hours ago. He just sat there not saying a thing.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena