well the book of the bible is pronounced 'Tie dus' and the video game char (according to dissidia) is pronounced 'T dus' get a psp then :P Thats what I did :D
doooooooon't disapear!!!! D:
star: very good :3 but they pronounce Tidus wrong DX they say it like "T dus" when in America it should be "Tie dus" DX sumi (sorry still calling you that): you should get it then ^^ haha agaaaaaain - all these name changes are confuzling me ><
i have no money for crisis core DX i have dissidia though :D
im tottaly on my new psp right now =D
O_o don't go kicking anyone out of the family D:
Ello :D how are you doing?
O_o why do Ialways come in at bad times in this family? xD
hahaha I'm laughing very hard right now too xD i got my psp :D but my mom won't let me play it yet D:
:D its an amazing shirt *nods*
that just made my day =3 1. woaaah i tottaly wore my kh2 shirt today - from hot topic? with the cover art on it? 2. HOW DO YOU HATE SHOPPING!?!?!?! shopping at like lowes or grocery shopping i understand BUT CLOTHES SHOPPING!? crazy i really wana go shopping right now if you couldn't tell
wooooah it took me a min to reliaze you were talking about me when you said larxel
okay I sent the pics to stardust so get them from her (I deleated the rest cause it was a HUGE file)
okay :D this must be a pretty big file o_o its taking a while to download there are a few pictures of her in that outfit :D
okay want me to open it? which pic do you want?? and I can send it to you via msn then :D
OHHHHHHHHHH I KNOW HOW TO OPEN .RAR FILES!!!!!!! what me to open it for you?? or do you want me to find the link of the thing you need to download? edit: sorry i got really excited there ><
thats good :D thanks
i get my psp on tuesday :D just so you guys know xD
hmmmm..... maybe they gave you the wrong schulde? go to your counceler ajfa;kdjfkadjf (i can't type today ><) and ask them to switch to classes you asked for oh and I get my psp on tuesday *excited*
I was going to say, I didn't get a pm! D: but then I read on and was like 'ohhhh' and star - you're making an intro if you like it or not! D=<