Nova, what would you do if Patrick had a kh-vids account? (I know, thats random) but I never speak up for myself so I wish I could speak up like you
i never really liked 'scream/schrei' but I love 'Ready Set Go/ Ubers Ende Welt' *shrugs* i read they wrote this song in 2 hours o_O i wish i could be like you =/
i don't really like the new single - the lyrics are really stupid ): i'm hoping the rest of the album will sound a lot better :)
i thought you deleated it DX that just made my day xD
heres the album cover : now that I look at it, it doesn't look much like your avy xD
its not out yet coming out the single has come out :D give him some time :) it sounds like hes into you - hes probably just really really nervious to call or text you
yaaaay you have to read this : I've heard of that - never watched it tell me bout it - the guy I like is a total jerk to me (he can't ignore me cause hes my locker buddy and sees me inbetween like every class xD ) homecoming dances can be so over rated CRUSH THEM! Laptops, can't live with them - can't live without them Kill it Banish it to the outdoors I like you name Food is good =3 Decesso is your avy from the cover art of Tokio Hotel's new album? Or do I just have Tokio Hotel on my brain? ><
*huggles* why do you never tell us whats wrong?? if you dont' want to tell us why do you tell us something is wrong D: i know its not good to keep things bottled up but I'm not going to tell you to tell us cause of that cause I'd be a major hypocrit then xD
awwww Arch are you okay? is there anything I can do?
o_O its not like they had the convention for the protesters the protesters were protesting the convention..... awww - Hunter's bass is probably really expensive if you think about it....
but i wasnt making fun of God iwas making fun of protesters
protesters at an anime con that said jesus hated anime so he hated you if you like sorry this is such a weird post my psp died on me then wouldnt let me edit the other post and it sounded like you thought i didnt believe in God
uuuuummmmmmm ace you clearly dont know me that well cause that was a joke im really offended that you dont think im religious or that i dont believe in God i go to church every sunday unless we have plans and if that happens we try to go for at least sunday school i take my faith seriously but i can joke about somethings (doesnt mean i dont love God or Jesus (and the Holy Ghost xD )) hey! im lutheran what can i say??xD oh and i wasnt dissing God (i would never dream of doing that!!) i was dissin some
Jesus hates you cause you love anime! xD
oooooohhhhhh but thats still fun!!! ace -I was going to get pro but i had a 50$ cupon for plat. so i got that real cheap
ooohhhh yeah forgot about the pro verision >< Star my psp doesn't like your name =P its showing the codeing xD
i don't know what amazon you're on - but its not the right one cause its only $50 : and plat. pro is only $100 so i don't know what you're looking at:
well i bought 8 like a month befor 9 came out so that may have something to do about it bought i got it on amazon ^^
cause it is better =P ace- just make a whole new amv
yes it is but it is also making me feel stupid >< i've so far pronuounced both Tidus and Zidane wrong ><