OOC: *old member AKA Princess_of_heart*: hey does that mean me and hannah can take over? *edits rool* *mewmember*: naked party? WTF? MWAHAhahHAHAHA... *runs away* BIC:Grace was glad it worked out. She just hoped that Nicholas would leave them all alone. "Where are you staying by the way?" she asked the two, wondering if Sakura and she would need to get a room at the hotel so they all had somewhere to sleep.
Grace tapped her cheek in thought. "Why don't we stay here for just a little longer so we can make a plan and not get caught again? One day won't be any harm will it?" she asked Lucca, hoping the compromise would work. She agreed with Lucca about leaving but if they went without any sort of idea of where to go, they would only end up right back where they started.
Grace let go, realzing he was nervous about the hug. "I'm sorry..." she said, embarassed. "Oh, we've been here for... well awhile. This is our first day in town though. We were keeping to the shore and waters until now." she explained. "From what that... boy, Nicholas," her tone as she said his name was again not very approving. "said between pick up lines, you two are the talk of the town."
Grace bowed her head back to him and then Mia with her arms open in the more femine mermaid's bow. Then she threw aside her formalites to throw her arms around his shoulders and hug Lucca tightly. "We've been searching for you two. I'm so happy we've found you." she said, holding onto him for just a moment longer than he probably found comfortable Eric groaned alittle at being woken up and tried to roll away but he only came in contact with sand. "Ah!" he spit out some sand that got into his mouth and stood up. "Oh..." he blinkd in surprise at Ame's human form. "You look very nice." he complimented after a second. "We should find somewhere to stay until we can find the others." he added. OOC: oh idk if you've rated it. but i don't think it's rated for naked peoples ;)
Serifina rolled her eyes. "you are never going to fly me anywhere." she stated, before turnhing to Aiko. "Oh good, you found that thing."
"Because she is an almost newborn lycan. Because I am old enough to keep a grip on myself. And because no werewolf will kill you for shooting me if I do lose contol." Jinx answered, still unable to look him in the eye. She knew what she was asking of him was unfair, she would not be able to hurt him if the situations were reversed. Still, the two hunters couldn't do it on their own and she wasn't about to let them get themselves killed so easily. Mary flew up to the church's steeple to survay the whole town. She kept looking for the werewolf but she could tell by the scents in the air that only humans and vampires were around so far. "Where are you?" he hissed, getting more impatient by the moment. She watched the castle carefully for a moment, debating leaving the town and looking for him directly. Carl knew better than to belive Bee and kept himself as far back in the stable as possible while Micheal held her.
OOC: well as you didn't rate this to be fun with that little fact... I suppose we'll just go with the disney version of this kinda thing! aka: nudety? what is the devil's magic of which you speak!? BIC: Grace followed where he was pointing and gasped."What? oh, I don't care. Thanks for helping us" she answered Nicholas without thinking, having missed what he'd actually asked. She smiled at him honestly for the first time before running with Sakura towards Mia and Lucca. Eric (magicly wearing pants!) had finally dried off and was just waiting for Ame. After alittle while practicing walking, he sat back down and fell asleep. "Wake me up when you're dry." he muttered, still gripping his dagger.
"Edward, you need to knock her out or I'm going to." Jinx quietly said, after a silent moment of watching Hannah. "We have more than we can deal with her hunting too." She walked out of the door, following D and knowing Van Helsing would be behind them soon. Micheal can deal with Bee, Edward has Hannah. I'll keep myself in check. That only leaves thee people to fight though... she grit her teeth, knowing sooner or later it would only be two people against an army. Carl turned around, startled by Micheal's voice. "Eh," he stumbled backwards away from her alittle. "Bee, just do like he says."
Jinx looked over at Hannah. "That means neither can Bee." she stated seriously as she carefully let go of her face to tear off a part of her skirt's hem. She carefully tied the cloth around her nose and mouth like a veil, while holding her breath, to keep at least some of the scent away from her and free up her hand. "I'll guess that Micheal will be getting her back here soon. Are we going out there?" she asked Edward and Van Helsing. Carl, still being human, didn't noticed the blood in the air and walked towards Beatrice. "Hello Bee." he greeted her cheerfully as he started taking care of the horses other than her Sorin. OOC: cool :) that should be fun
Jinx winced alittle at Van helsing's touch. With all the blood in the air she was completely aware of his heart beat, but she didn't pull away. "There are so many..." she whispered. "We have to do something... it's a massacre." she felt her voice crack alittle as, through her fingers, the scent filled her head. Mary walked through the towns street, feeling like a goddess. She had fed on enough humans to make her stronger than ever and now she had control over heself again. The gorey sights all around her made her laugh aloud. "Where are those people?" she asked herself, now itching for a fight. The nervous girl from a few hours ago was gone
Jinx walked her free hands fingers up his hand to his pulse. "too late on that score." she answered, feeling his heart beat through his wrist. "Edward, do you really not like us keeping each other entertained?" she asked, after his growl, keeping her fingers over Van Helsing's wrist. Mary let out a screech that scored the night's air after Dracula released them. Then she waited a moment, watching all the other new vampires take to the skies or streets. Screams and blood washed over her scenses almost immideatly, driving her mad so that she was soon in the sky as well, targeting those who's scent drove her even deeper off the deep end. Still, she remembered Dracula's task for her and kept out an eye for the werewolf and group she'd been told about. Before Edward could answer Jinx's head snapped up towards teh window. "Did you hear that?" she demanded, getting up and standing by the window in a flash. "There are newborns out there... and their hunting." she put a hand to her mouth and nose, trying to block out the over powering smell of death and blood. Her hunger spiked at the smell even though her fingers and she suddenly wished she had hunted as she felt her self control slipping little by little.
Jinx smiled at D and his hand. "I don't hunt humans." she pointed out, knowing what he was thinking by his expression. "And if hannah needs to hunt, that's up to her. I'll hunt by myself later" she muttered, now drumming her fingers rapidly. She disliked the odd 'going in groups' habit everyone had picked up as they stuck together. Mary looked around at the women who's expressions of bloodlust matched her own. She couldn't wait to try out their new strength and complete her special task.
OOC; you should be!
OOC: whoopsadaisyies! all better now. Eric forgot he's not Gemini. i guess he's a cross dresser now ^^
Mary wasn't aware of Hikairi watching them as her eyes remained locked on Dracula. "I'll see to it." she answered, licking her lips. "I don't know, i think I can wait until we're done with this fight." Jinx thought aloud, as usual under estimating her hunger. "although you do smell nicer than usual." she added in a hungry voice, just to mess with him.
Eric nodded slowly, watching a cloud pass over them. Seeing the sky without a watery cover was odd but interesting. He admitted if he had time he might want to explore too, but they didn't have that much time so he pushed that interest away and thought about the more important subject of searching out four people in the big human world.
Gemini gave the others a thumbs up before waving Sameire towards her. "Lets get out of here. You'll love the fresh air." she said, lightly leaping on all fours towards the sewer's exit.
"I don't know, maybe the same as we're doing: trying to find each other. Then again, knowing them, they may just be exploring." Eric sighed. He hoped everyone was taking the matter of their sea being taken over seriously.
OOC: that's okay! cuz when your bored you can do that :P BIC: Carl thought about Micheal's advice. "You're probably right, but maybe having someone who doesn't 'understand' what she's going through will help?" he suggested before continueing outside. "Just alittle hungry." Jinx admitted. "I bet without this glamour I'm a horror." she laughed, letting go of it over her hand just to see. And sure enough her finger nails had elongated while her skin had paled farther than usual. She let the glamour slip over her hand again. Mary looked at him with only curiousity. "Yes?" she asked, her eyes bright.
Grace smiled slightly as he described the two. It sounded like everything was as normal as possible with them. "Don't be so harsh on Lucca. He's just making sure nothing happens to her. You don't quite understand the circumstances, that's all." she stood up for her friend's behavior. Eric kept his pace with Ame's and soon they got to the shore. He pulled himself out of the water and helped Ame do the same. "I guess now we just wait until we're dried off. We'll look just like those humans then." he said, laying back and catching his breath from the swim. "Next step, find the others..."