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  1. Dexnail
  2. Dexnail
  3. Dexnail
  4. Dexnail
    ok its alright thankiez :)
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Doukuro, Nov 8, 2009
  5. Dexnail
  6. Dexnail
    alrighty braig is yours
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Dexnail
  8. Dexnail
    yeah same here thank you :)
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Spaze, Nov 8, 2009
  9. Dexnail
    Profile Post

    its alright :)

    its alright :)
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Spaze, Nov 8, 2009
  10. Dexnail
    Profile Post

    heya i made a war rp

    heya i made a war rp
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Smackdoodle McGiggles, Nov 8, 2009
  11. Dexnail
    Profile Post

    heya i made a war rp

    heya i made a war rp
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Spaze, Nov 8, 2009
  12. Dexnail
    Profile Post

    heya i made a war rp

    heya i made a war rp
    Profile Post by Dexnail for ouroborosgeneral, Nov 8, 2009
  13. Dexnail
    Profile Post

    heya i made a war rp

    heya i made a war rp
    Profile Post by Dexnail for nobodynerd100, Nov 8, 2009
  14. Dexnail
    heya bud i made a war rp
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Legion, Nov 8, 2009
  15. Dexnail
    Profile Post

    heya i made a war rp

    heya i made a war rp
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Vladimir Makarov, Nov 8, 2009
  16. Dexnail
    everything looks fin accept for the kingdom, your char can join shu but it will be later in the rp durring a battle with the yellow turbans since ur char does not have the last name shu she can join during the first battle
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Dexnail
    alrighty its ok no prob :)
    Profile Post by Dexnail for Darkcloud, Nov 8, 2009
  18. Dexnail
    ~faced palms myself~
    i cant believe i did not type down my favorite lines in the pokemon universe lol xD
    Post by: Dexnail, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Dexnail
  20. Dexnail
    China was once an peacefull united country as time went by. Then Tension between the 3 kingdoms Shu, Wei, and Wu increased but did not make the 3 go to war. An group with in China that called themselves as the Yellow Turbans thought mankind became corrupt and they caused an rebellion trying to take over China. With their words the Yellow Turbans managed to recruit tons of people so they could show the world true holy peace their way. The 3 kingdoms gatherd an army so they could kill the Yellow Turban's religous leader so they could stop the rebellion. Over the years the Yellow Turbans managed to take over 50% of China. People even think the Yellow Turban generals are decendents from heaven because of their mystic powers over the elements. Chaos is everywhere the Yellow Turbans are still continueing their take over and the 3 kingdoms are ready to set out. Will Shu,Wei, and Wu stop the Yellow Turbans or will the Yellow Turbans complet their rebellion taking over China.

    1. Be active
    2. no godmodelling
    3. remember if your an general you can only command 10 people
    4.brute stranght does not win in this war
    5. be creative and very detailed in your post
    6.this is in the Dynasty aura that means no guns
    7. only a few people can have elemental powers thats it if you do want power your char must start in the Yellow Turban ranks
    8. in your post put "Romance of The Three Kingdoms" anywhere in the first post
    9. you can recruit chars from other kingdoms but it must be durring a battle and the char must have most of their men dead
    10. there is a war schedule
    11. if you want to be a leader of a kingdom pm me

    The War Scedule- the way this will work is i will post the location where the battle will be. That means ether you are defending your land or your travelling to the war area. The war area will be different for each battle i will discribe geological features and the weather so the can be used as tactical advantages. Also you may request for another kingdom to send generals and troops to help you but the other kingdom leader must agree to it so if you deny to help them they most likely wont help you.

    The Kingdoms

    This kingdom dislakes fighting but got dragged into the chaos. Shu honors peace and nature.Their uniform color is green their land is located in the east side of China. Their animal symbol is a dragon

    This kingdom believes its their duty to stop wars and value honor. Their uniform color is red their land is located in the south. Unfortionatly most of their land got concured by the Yellow Turbans. Their animal symbol is a tiger.

    This kingdom beleives in ambition and hard work. Their color is blue their land is located in the north. It is rumord that this kingdom wants absolute controll over China yet is an very valuable ally. Their animal symbol is a bull

    The Yellow Turbans
    Always said to wise and holy this small group expanded turning into a kingdom. Some of the generals have mystic abilitys that makes fighting them to be troublesome. Their animal symbol is an pheonix

    OC Format
    kingdom: (your char must have the last name of the kindgom to be in it unless if your char is an yellow turban)
    rank: (if you want to be a leader of a kingdom pm me)
    power: (remember people in the yellow turbans are allowed to have one power thats it and i want less then 5 and also the char must be a general)

    accepted oc


    Username: keybladewarrioroflegend
    Name: Rei Shu VIII
    kingdom: Shu
    rank: Leader

    age: 37
    bio: His father was Rei Shu VII, a very strong warrior who yet, disliked fighting. Rei VIII shared his father's dislike of fighting, but understood the importance of being a strong warrior. He traveled many distant lands, training under the best martial arts and weaponry teachers available. He became a strong warrior, like his father. Rei looked up to his father, until the day Rei VII was stricken with a mysterious illness. No one could cure it, Rei VIII knew it was nearly time for him to lead the Shu kingdom. Sure enough, when his father died, Rei VIII was crowned. He was a very kind, wise, strong, fair ruler. When people diagreed with something, be it a law or a new tax, Rei gave them a chance to repeal the law. Everyone loved him. But after the war began and he was dragged into the fighting, he had no choice but to tax the people of his kingdom. While most agreed it had to be done, others disagreed entirely. Many attempts were made at his life, but all failed.
    weapon: Huge sword with a dragon emblem on the handle he calls, 'Shu Spirit'
    power: None.
    other: He is called 'The Blood Stained Dragon' by his citizens.

    Username: Dexnail
    Name: Xiahu Shu
    kingdom: Shu
    rank: general
    appearance: long brown hair that is long in the front stopping at his hips and short in the front stoping at his eyebrows, green eyes, wears black pants, green silk shirt that has very long sleeves covering his hands, wears a green headband
    age: 18
    bio: He recently joined the Shu army wanting to be on a advanture. Xiahu's father was an great general but got killed in the last battle. Even thought Shu is with the other kingdoms he does not trust Wei and Wu.
    weapon: twin daggers
    power: none


    Name: Shin Wu
    kingdom: Wu
    rank: Leader
    bio: Tenth in line of succession, Shin Wu became the leader of his people due the the assasinations of his father and older siblings. The populace blames it on the yellow turbans, the religious freaks that decimated their homeland. Shin Wu wishes that it was only the yellow turbans, but his training and knowledge from his teachings told him that it might not just be them. The wei and possibly the Shu could have planned some if not all of the political slaughter. Putting that aside for the sake of the recapture of his homeland, Shin now will join forces with his rivals.

    weapon: Same as in picture only connected by a chain, three knives in his belt, and a medium cutlass strapped to his lower back.

    other: He is tactical, but can throw caution to the wind due to his youthful nature.


    Username: Dexnail
    Name: Boris Wei
    kingdom: Wei
    rank: Leader
    appearance: Has short white hair with an goatee, dull brown eyes, an scar on his right eye, very tall and musculer, armor covering most of his body except for his head and around his waist is tanned bull skin
    age: 60
    bio: Born in a very mountanis area in China he learned how to live life the hard way. When he first started his millitery carear people feared him just because of his body built. Known to be the Blood Bull of Wei on the battle field. Durring an battle a arrow went into his right eye instead of falling down or running away Boris did the opposite. With pure rage he killed all of the arrow men deflecting the arrows with his gient shield as his lance pierced though the arrow men's chest in that unit 20 arrow men bodys was found about 5 still stacked on Boris' long lance. Afterwards he worked silently solving problems with in Wei. With his rulership Wei's combat power increased drasticly. Unfortionatly 6 years ago his health declined drasticly when he got infected with an uncurable disease. To this day he still trys his best fighting while the disease slowly kills him. Recently he started writting his will putting a certain someone's name in it to take over the kingdom when he dies.
    weapon: an big shield with an long sharp lance
    power: None
    other: has an uncurable deadly disease that is killing him slowly

    Username:Ouroboros General
    Name: Di Ren Péngyou.
    rank: General
    appearance: page 1 post 4

    Yellow Turban Dossier Subject: Di Ren Pengyou

    Not much is known about the man known only as Di Ren Pengyou, not even his real name. What is known is that he has been an assassin for the Wei clan almost since its beginning. Although it is theorized that the name or perhaps title of Di Ren Pengyou is passed from generation to generation. However, This particular incarnation's reputation is feared throughout the land, and he has been nicknamed among the locals as simply "Blue Death"
    Survivors say that he is cold as the ocean and twice as irritable, that he kills without remorse, and that even our best men have failed to so much as scratch him. There are even stories of him killing his own superiors simply to advance his position of power.
    From what little we have learned, Di Ren is being forced to work for the Wei clan because of some past indiscretion. However, I doubt he could be persuaded to join our side, considering the body count he has amassed over the years.
    He always kills his targets, Is so stealthy some believe him to be an urban legend, and he once killed five yellow turbans at once.
    It's hard to seperate fact from fiction, but there are at least 20 targets that we know he killed. Intelligence sources claim that since the war started he is leading a special "Black Ops" division for the Wei clan. Their purpose is to find and eliminate both primary members of the war effort, and to seize any and all assets away from us. But surely this is just a rumor?
    At any rate, Di Ren is just as ambitious as his countrymen. He is not killing us just to please his masters, but rather to forward some sort of goal separate from the war effort.
    weapon:Sword- Throwing Knives-
    power: none
    other: Friends call him Di, he believes in personal accountability, and is fond of dice games.

    Yellow Turbans
    Username: Dexnail
    Name: Suna Purela
    kingdom: Yellow Turbans
    rank: Leader
    age: 50
    bio: Suna was known as simply the angel sent from god in the Yellow Turban community and to the world. He helped people when nature braught forth the harshest conditions and was very ambitious to unit China. Often he stood and watched as his sons go to war and die while his daughters was forced to marry strong millitary leaders. His wife became incredibly ill Suna asked the 3 kingdoms to send docters to his home to help his wife. Sadly they denied even though Suna helped them for so many years. When he turned 40 he became even more holy claiming that god told him to unit the land under the Yellow Turbans. In 10 years he put all of his effort taking over land so his people can see true peace. He believes it doesnt matter how many people he kills god will forgive him.
    weapon: a double bladed pole
    power: able togather the energy around him during the proces the heat of the gathered energy increases drasticly. He can throw the energy at his enemies or make his weapon hotter then magma.
    other: He is often refered as the Guardian Angel by the Yellow Turbans.

    Name: Shin Kei Lu
    kingdom:Yellow turban
    rank: Prime Minister(third in command of yellow turbans)
    age: 25
    bio: By a young age he was a known sorceror through out his village but in the end to magnify his power he sacrificed his whole family to his evil summons to give his power the boost it needed to be finalized
    weapon: Demon Caller(mix of a sword and staff)
    power: Can summon the dead
    other: Intends to betray the yellow turbans and use his massive influence to cripple the yellow turbans and create his own kingdom

    Username: The Joker
    Name: Raito Usumacinta
    kingdom: Yellow Turban
    rank: Just a soldier.
    appearance: Wears standard armor that has rusted both in rain and in blood. Under this he wears a black cloak. Tall for his age.
    age: 26
    bio: Raito was always alone in his life. Never fitting in, he hungers for the raw feel of battle. Not believing in peace but wishing for the war to grow, he does what he can in secret to hinder war efforts. Some of his comrades question his honor, but fear him more. His outside look is calm, far from mirroring the wild side he keeps stored within. His father was for the war effort, and his mother against. One day, his father and mother got into a fight. They had some big fights before, but all before was a lead up. He came in on his father killing his mother. Instead of stopping him, he helped. It turns out his father had been drunk, and when he saw him in the next few hours he was holding the dead body of his mother crying madly. Looking at what his father had become, how he had hesitated to kill his weakling of a mother for so long, he decided to kill his father, also. Swearing to rid the world of the weak, he donned his armor and headed off to war. The weapon he uses is a combination of his, his father’s, and his mother’s weapons forged together.
    weapon: Sword, the hilt has a whip attached to it and one side of the sword‘s blade looks like an axe.
    power: None.
    Thread by: Dexnail, Nov 8, 2009, 78 replies, in forum: Retirement Home