Happy happy birthday Krown! Enjoy being 15! c:
I am very sure you've mistaken me for someone else xD I'm pretty sure my shower head would love to give me a smack on the head one day HAHA, but...
Meeerp okay here! Sorry, I didn't save the psd file so I had to just pix it with a flat image BUT ANYWAY How's this? I hope you like it!! Code: http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh164/night_demon418/Hector_garnet_zps4ae56293.png
<- OCD Pikachu! Sorry this took FOREVER Krowley and that it's only 1/2 done. I'll try and finish the Lea one up asap but things have been getting really busy :c I hope you like this though!! Spoiler: portrait Code: [/SIZE]http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh164/night_demon418/larxene-krowley_zps3fd7ca63.png[SIZE=13px] Here you go my love! I'm so sorry this took forever ; A ; Spoiler Code: http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh164/night_demon418/RA_sam_zps1b6bc377.png Sorry for the delay HoT, I hope you like these!! Spoiler Code: http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh164/night_demon418/Hector_angela_zpsa4cf617c.png Code: http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh164/night_demon418/hector-luna_zps9ec68fcc.png Here you go! I hope you like this Sebax! from Elisa ekekek jk Spoiler Code: http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh164/night_demon418/sebax_sebastian_zpsbbafde7a.png Oh and I'll get to your banners some time this week but just clarifying, you're requesting for two right? This one and the one in the next page? c: (also please change this image! The link doesn't work)
oh, cool! hehe and yes I do but like, mostly in the shower xD
oh fantastic! Congratulations n _ n I'm just skyping with friends and trying to do requests on my art shop haha
I'm good too, just a little headache u A u hehe, so anything interesting happen this week for you?
Why hello there Oda! It's nice to meet you too and get to chat c: How are you?
"This is Steel. Marcus Steel." Candice's eyes widened and jaw tensed as she heard the deep voice in the other line. Her bright blue eyes darted from the phone, which she glared suspiciously at, then moved to her little Razor slumping on the bed. She silently mouthed it a 'Who the hell is this guy?' along with a very confused expression. However, she stayed quiet and continued to listen in curiously. "I understand you have some unique gifts that you have yet to try out, Candice. Or should I say, Phantom." 'Ph-phantom? Phantom. Phantom! I like the sound of that. I actually really do. Wow. This guy is good... Wait a second, how in the world did he know my name? And my powers????' Her mind was unsettled but the tone of the man from the other line was very calming so she wasn't scared even though she was absolutely puzzled. Before she could open her mouth to begin speaking, the deep voice came from the other line again. "I'm sure you know me as the man in charge of the Justice Allies. I'm personally a fan of your father's work. Good man." JUSTICE ALLIES? He just said the Justice Allies! Why was the man in charge of the Justice Allies calling her? How did he know her father personally? Were they close? How come she never heard of him? As he paused from speaking for a moment, Candice decided to think over why she had never heard of him. Sure it was familiar, but if her father ever mentioned the leader of the Justice Allies - a group she looked up to ever since she discovered her powers - she would definitely remember it. Her father probably mentioned his name during one of those days he'd bring her over to the laboratory. That was probably why she never remembered - she never really listened to her father inside of the laboratory unless it was about her powers. "How would you like to prove yourself as a hero to the city? A group of Justice Allies are heading in to fight off something quite large. Simply put, a robot. A big one." She gasped out excitedly, unable to keep her thoughts in her mind any longer. She began jumping up and down, squealing into the phone as she grinned from ear to ear and excitedly showed a thumbs-up to Razor along with the rest of her stuffed animals. "R-really?! I'm in the Justice Allies? Like, THE Justice Allies?! I'm going to be a hero?!" she began squealing once more, shutting her eyes and balling her hands into fists while leaping into the air. This was absolutely exciting - she couldn't even handle it. "I know you have a costume ready. So suit up. The city needs you." Her smile immediately disappeared for a moment, "Now how the hell did you know about my costume?" she snaps out loud but before she could get an answer, the line on the other end dropped. She pulled her hand back and made a what-the-hell expression as she looked down at her pastel phone. She gave out a small sigh and placed it in her short's pocket. She looked over at Razor "Is my boss a peeping tom...? Is he watching right now?!" she immediately turned around to the walls of her room, eyeing them suspiciously. Was he some kind of super hero like her? Maybe his power was invisibility.... Then, she suddenly remembers the whole point of the phone call she just had with the man she suspected. The Justice Allies! She had to go to the city! Save people and things and the big robot and just be cool!! Remembering all of this hyped her up and she did a little dance in her place, still not over from the excitement. She turned back to her little bunny friend, "Look! I'm all suited up and ready and ahh! Razor I'm going to do it! I'm going to be a hero!" The excited teen winks cheekily at her stuffed friend, posing with a peace/victory sign on her right hand and bringing it to her face. "Wish me luck!" With that, she leaps into the air and transforms completely into her purple haze, zooming out of her room and into the city skies. Knowing where to go wasn't difficult: people screaming and running the opposite direction, the shaking of the ground and obviously - the big robot up ahead. She flew past the people running, cutting around them very easily with her powers. She continued to move forward, searching through the crowd for other people like her - yes, the Justice Allies. It wasn't difficult to spot them either - all suited up for the challenge ahead. She saw them all by a nearby building. She picked up her speed and zoomed behind all of them. With a puff of smoke she appeared in her human form in complete costume. She brought her right hand up to a salute and grinned at the group before exclaiming, "Candi- I mean, Phantom here! Reporting as your newest Justice Allies Member."
Celeste looked around at everyone, smiling as they seemed satisfied with all the weapons around - some of them made by her own family. Some even thanked her and recognized her family which she fel totally undeserving for, causing her to blush slightly. She didn't really know what to say so instead she just nodded at them and immediately turned away, slightly flustered. She gripped her weapon's handle tightly in her hand, swinging it forward to hold it properly with both hands. She walked over to the crowd of students, who began talking about escaping from here. She noticed that some of the students seemed to be back to normal... which probably meant the bad guys would be right at their tail. All she could see were weapons. Weapons everywhere. She pouted, escape didn't seem like much of an option at the moment - but they were right, this couldn't just be some room. She turned to her friend Kendric, who seemed to be the one who opened the door to this place to begin with. She glared at him for a moment, remembering that she was angry with him a couple minutes ago but she let it off with a sigh the nudged him slightly with the side of his weapon. "Alright hero, any ideas from you?" The other students had already been spitting out their own but some sounded really skeptical but she listened in to every one of theirs until she heard a very worried and troubled voice. She looked over to the direction from where it came from and saw a familiar face - it was the Alayah girl, she seemed to be freaking out on something and talking with her brother. Even from a distance, with her bunny ears, Celeste listened into their conversation. "I can't find Abi, Have you seen her?" Abi? Who was that? She really needed to start taking down names "What does she look like?" "She has short brown hair, and, um, she was wearing pink," Abi! Her name was Abi. That shy girl Alayah was with in the elevator. The teenage shapeshifter's eyebrows furrowed, she looked around. Where was that girl? Alayah was right she wasn't anywhere... She turned back towards the tunnels. Was she still there? No, that can't be - all the students must have made it. Celeste tried to focus and listen in through the tunnels - she couldn't hear much, actually almost nothing - probably because she wasn't exactly great with her powers but really, she couldn't hear anything not even- BANG! BANG! Two shots. Was that two shots? Celeste's expression changed to one of great fear and worry and she clutched her weapon desperately. Two shots. Abi missing. What did this mean? Did this... did this mean that...? No! It couldn't! She could feel tears in her eyes, but she bit her lip hoping they wouldn't fall. No, she only thought of the worst that could happen. Abi was probably just- This is your fault Nadine! You just had to blabber on didn’t you?” That was the voice of one of the bad guys. In the tunnels? That meant they were close. She gasped out loud before turning to everyone and exclaiming with a panicked tone "They're progressing through the tunnels! We have to move!"
OH PHILIPPINES HI Hahaha yeah it was such a big thing her before I always picked the Night Elves now it's League of Legends though I play very poorly in both games heheheh heheh heh.
NOW you go to DC > > lol have fun it's a super great place please enjoy we're going to miss you Llave !
White. It was the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes. The tiny teenager was filled with panic and she immediately pushed against from where she was laying to hoist herself up. She was completely alarmed until she realized that she wasn't in that horrid, terrifying white room but in fact, she was in a room filled with color. She was in her room. Safe in her room. She looked down at the pillow beside her, it was the white thing she first saw when she woke. She growled at it for a second then grabbed it and threw it across the room before slumping back down, face-first into her soft bed. Turning her head to the side, she realized it was already getting pretty late and that she probably needed to get ready. 'It's gym day. Why am I not excited?' Rendium was probably the answer. It was as if it was still attacking her system. She didn't feel like moving at all - she felt like rotting away. This was incredibly odd because 1) this was the electrifying Frida Logan being taken to account and 2) it was gym day, her most favourite day of the entire week. However, yesterday had been probably one of the worst days of her life. They were in the White Room for a while, all of the students. They didn't talk much with one another - at least, Frida didn't, she didn't exactly have the energy. She remembers taking a while before she could even stand up to take a seat. They used so much force to sedate her yesterday but then again, because she used so much force to fight them off. Her awful day didn't end in the White Room, because the Rendium took so much off of her, she couldn't even make it back to her room alone. Guards had to help her out and drag her back to her room - which was the biggest punch to her ego, as one could imagine. Students saw her being dragged back to her room, even after spending time to possibly get the Rendium out of her system. People she's made fun of or hurt definitely looked at her with smirks on their faces and lines of mockery. She felt all eyes on her and heard all the little murmurs, along with picking up distinct words like 'wow' and 'look at that' and 'serves her right'. Once they brought her to her room, the little girl remembers getting dressed for bed incredibly sluggishly and crying until she couldn't remember anything more but waking up. She groaned before rolling on her side and sitting up, she pressed her middle fingers into the corner of her eyes. Her eyes were sore from crying last night and all she did was take a deep breath before going to her bathroom and freshening up. She got out of her pajamas and into some undergarments then brushed out the tangles in her blue hair and put them into pigtails and brushed her teeth and moisturized her face before applying her thin coat of lip gloss on her soft, little lips. She sluggishly moved over to her closet and grabbed the PE uniform, pulled the shirt over her head and slipped into her black shorts. She put on white socks and wore running shoes. Now, usually it would take her about 10 minutes to get ready for gym, but today she was still so drained and had no motivation to move it took her a good half hour. She went over to her side table, grabbed her bag which she slung over her shoulder and sulked out of the room. She knew people were glancing at her when she walked out but she was in no mood for any interaction, not even to zap anyone away. She kept her head hung down and she began walking towards the gym. It was probably just in her head but she could still hear the murmurs 'Oh look little Frida Logan not so super anymore.'
" meow. " " But then I think mehhhh, maybe not. "
I giggled so much listening to the 1st one, incredibly entertaining and well done as well. I also enjoyed the Adventure Time one (one of my fave songs!!) I like the unique, theatrical adaption of it. Shoutout to that fabulous singer! AHH SO TORN WHAT A TOUGHIE DECISION but my vote goes to entry number 1 n _ n *claps*
Spoiler Oh Cat you're here too jk I LOVE YOU CAT AND CAT BABBUUUUUUUU HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY EVERRRRRRRRR MY DEAR DOCTOR, I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING THE MOST LOVELYYYYY TIME (time time time. heh. get it, doctor? heh. I made a time pun because i'm the Tardis ha ha ha time) ANYWAY SO DOC LOOKYes, even inside my beautiful. Mhm. Cake in the Tardis. I am allowing it - TODAY.There, that's your cake I made it myself because I absolutely adore you. Okay. Now time for mushy stuff. Okay hello Cat my dearest. You're the greatest person ever you are forever my 1996 buddy, XIII Siska, DOCTOR, TWEWY, DS Swapnote and just ughhhh babe you're just my bro. I hope everything is going sper well in school you super smart person you. YOU FINISH UP THOSE HIGH SCHOOL YEARS LIKE A BOSS. And just really I hope everythign is great for you because you deserve ALL OF THE GREATEST BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL OF THE GREATNESS YOU BEAUT. Guh, I can't even birthday greeting. Wow. You're just too amazing for words. NEver ever change because Cat, dang girl, you're just the greatest. Best of luck forever with everything. Your Sexy loves you very very much and I will always always be here - in space and in time, forever.and from the man himself
"Yeowch!" The blonde haired teen immediately put her right index finger in her mouth, entertaining her tastebuds with a rusty and salty taste. Blood. In her other hand was the culprit to the wound on her finger, a small, silver sewing needle now coated with blood on the tip. Her eyes furrowed at the sharp metal piece, 'That's another one for you but I win this round.' She poked the needle back into the little rag doll that she used as a pin cushion and took her finger out of her mouth. She stared at it for a moment, watching a little red dot form in the middle of it. She liked it clean then wiped her finger on the side of the polka-dot shirt she was wearing. She looked down at what she saw sewing and a smile appeared on her glossed lips. She reached for it, stood up and held it as far as her arms could reach in front of her to look at it more properly. She tilted her head to the side and giggled a bit, completely satisfied with her creation - her new costume! "Thankfully daddy made this material that'll work with my powers and convert to gas just like I do, huh Razor?" Her hands immediately became this hazy purple and blue smoke and the top she just put together completely followed and became the same mist as well. She grinned as it worked just as it should have, then reverted her hands back to normal - along with the costume. It was a ver loose hoodie type of thing. It had an incredibly large hood, that sat all fluffed up around the neck when not being worn. In the center of where the hood ended and met the body was a big cat-shaped skull that she added mainly because she wanted to. The sleeves were also very large - she chose to make it very loose so that it would be easy for her to work with and move around as well when using her powers. The entire hoodie was striped with purple and pink - not only because she wanted to but also because it was the standard colour her smoke form would usually take. She turned to Razor, her bunny stuffed toy that she removed its arms replacing them with arms with cat paws and adorned its body with demon wings and a pirate eye patch, "Looks like my costume is complete! Do you want to see it?" Silence filled the room for a moment as she stared at her little friend. Then she turned to her other hybrid monster stuffed animals on her bed, "Oh you want to see it too? Okay!" The ever eccentric Candice leapt into the air and transformed completely into a large purple haze then zoomed across the room. Since she wore her normal clothes, the clothes few along with the purple haze - which was always an odd sight. She reverted back into her human form in her closet. Her feet landed on her fluffy rug and she began grabbing all the parts of her costume: the hoodie that she already held, cat ears, the mask she made the day before, her shorts and the shoes. All of these were made of the same material designed by her father. She changed quickly, then, with one big breath as she was nervous if the material would cooperate, she turned into the purple haze. Whenever she'd do this - she pretty much felt like a ghost - still being able to see everything and anything and still have her mind, just physical contact was very limited, but her soul was pretty much intact. She looked down at the purple haze of what she was - and it was all that she was indeed! A rush of happiness and excitement passed her and she zoomed back into the room, reverting back to human form and landing in front of her bed. she placed her hands on her hips, and did a little twirl, before crying "Tadaa!! Fully functional and completely adorable!" She smiled and giggled, before diving into her soft bed and grabbing Razor in her hands, holding her closely and cuddling up. "Thank you, thank you. I know you love it. I love it too. I can't wait to use it when Daddy and Brother let me have fun in the lab again." She looked down at the one beady eye her bunny friend had and smiled, poking its nose before looking out the window. She wanted to go out again. Her father told her not to, because they didn't know the extent of her powers - but she had already been out of course. She would sneak out into the night and fly across the city. Flying was amazing - of course this was actually just mere traveling, no wings or whatever but nonetheless, it was amazing - beyond fantastic. ! ~ Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together ~ ! Her bright blue eyes lit up at the familiar tune of her ring tone, she whipped her head to the opposite direction, focusing on her pastel pink phone the buzzed on her desk. The numerous, gothic but adorable keychains attached to it made little metal noises on her desk. ! ~ I need the other one to hold you. Make you feel, make you feel better ~ ! The teenager pushed against her bed, sending her up in the air and turning completely into smoke again. Then she zoomed over to her desk, landed in front of it and grabbed it. The caller ID was an unknown number. She wore a confused expression as the song continued on. She looked over at her bed, asking her little Razor for approval to answer the call. 'Well no one actually calls or texts you, might as well answer it.' popped into her mind. She shrugged but then nodded and flipped her phone open, "Hello? This is Candice speaking. Who's this?"
OHMYGOD? idk shhhhhh shhh it's okay Rissy I can't spell for my life like autocorrect doesn't even understand what I'm trying to spell and can't give me suggestions
Well I either 1. Skype 2. Sleep 3. Draw 4. Video Games 5. Tumblr 6. Shows So I'm in no position to go and tell you "YOU SHOULD GO OUT MORE" bec wow I'm a home buddy and mhmm 10th Doctor YISSSS
Your life sounds absolutely wonderful and I'm incredibly jealous wow Have the most amazing time while having your adventures and have a safe trip! Photos and water = best friends yes oh and hello I remember your username but you probably don't know me but still YOUR LIFE SEEMS SO FANTASTIC