✿ OUTFIT | MUSIC | OOC ✿❤ MOOD ↝ LONELY❤✖ LOCATION ↝ TRAIN✖ Elisa's happiness from the doctor's 'no breakfast for you' episode quickly vanished. She blinked at her broken phone after she pulled out of her bag. It gave its life to the ocean. It was so dead. She tried her hardest to revive it back in her room in the inn they occupied earlier, before hopping onto the train and having her orange juice breakfast - but she was interrupted by the rude inn keeper who quite literally kicked them out. So, obediently, she grabbed all her things, dumping it into her military bag, before she followed everyone into the train. Needless to say, she was really upset with the fact her phone wasn't working - it was her last piece of technology, and the only one capable of grabbing internet connection. Though, she highly doubted that she would ever find any until she got home. She began to wonder how her followers thought of her. They probably just thought she was having a fun time at camp, when really she's been through all of this. It would be a highly interesting story to tell, sadly, with no photographic evidence which meant no photosets with filtered photographs to show anyone. It would have been really pretty - especially on her main blog! All the colours and all the creepiness. Her followers would probably really love it. Plus it would probably get her more likes with a story of the princess surviving such a horrifying ordeal - that is, if she did survive. The teen gripped on her phone at that thought, before she placed it back into her bag. Man, that thought sucked. Like, how would anyone even know about her death if ever the case? All her friends online. Kent. Mimi. Opal. Prince Lulu. Blythe. And everyone else! How would they know? Would they even care? Elisa gulped at the uncomfortable thought. Thinking about it made her want to throw up. It really did. Plus, the train wasn't helping. She looked down at her military bag and opened the ziplock with her appetite pills. Logically, they probably wouldn't help at all, but she took one out from the six left, making five, and popped it into her mouth. Swallowing it. She still felt a little sick, and the stuffed cabin she was in wasn't helping, so she got to her feet and walked out. She glanced at people through cabins, they were with friends, talking about. She smiled at them, with a pang of envy in her spirit. She kind of just wanted to forget and be happy like them - even though they seemed not so happy. But like, they had company. She was alone. After that thought, being away from the internet, she felt even more alone. But she didn't bother with them since they seemed busy and content with each other's company so she kept walking. That's when she spotted a familiar boy with brown hair. He was alone in his cabin. It was Bryan. She felt her heart begin to race and her cheeks heating up. Blushing again? What was it with this guy? She pressed her thin lips together as she stared at him from a distance. He looked kind of tired and unhappy. She didn't blame him. She was sure a lot of people were, which she wouldn't care less for, but seeing Bryan who was usually so happy and sweet in a state like this bothered her. He was alone. All alone. Wait. So was she! She clutched the strap of her bag, before she began to take steps forward, she hung by the cabin's door, peeking her head in, "H-hi Bryan." she squeaked. A short, incredibly awkward (at least in her terms) silence followed after, so she quickly said "U-um, I just noticed you looking... a little glum. Um. A-are you alright?"
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» TERRIFIED/GUILTY≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » TRAIN CHOO CHOO ≛ OOC ✌ Silence was all anyone got from Tucker for a while. He'd give a small smile if anyone directly called for him, but walked on. He felt kind of guilty for not dealing with the doctor when Maria came out of the clinic alright. Thank goodness Erik had been there. He also felt guilty for not being able to respond to him, more so when he couldn't find himself to speak up when Maria talked to him. It was like something was caught in his throat and he just couldn't speak - like one of the doctors pinned him down, put a tight grip with his right hand on his neck before pulling out an exacto-knife with the other and ripping out his voice box. He really didn't trust doctors. He loathed them. Everything seemed to keep adding onto the heavy feeling in his chest that he tried to mask - but he kind of gave up after Maria. It wasn't her. It was just the thought that he couldn't do anything and he had to leave her to... doctors. He stayed by her silently, kind of like a guardian, when they waited for the train to arrive but once it did he just couldn't find himself being around anyone at the moment. He got into the train, found an empty cabin and walked into it. He had nothing but the clothes he had on with him, so all he did was lie on his side, close his eyes and try to be oblivious to everything. He sat there, breathing and thinking for a while again. Why now? Camp was supposed to be fun. It was summer, summer was supposed to be fun. So that meant summer camp was to be twice the fun! But holy macaroni, this was just a nightmare. To think that all the disasters were bad enough, the twenty-one-year old found himself being haunted by things of his past - something he'd never wish to visit ever again. It was just the feeling of not being able to help anyone including himself, the doctors that attacked him in the hospital, leaving people to disaster like his troopers during the fire, the noises of the breaking ferry, all the children's screams and cries, but most especially the death. It was a nightmare, though. He could hear it. All of it. All the screaming of children, the grinding of metal, and that helpless feeling. Yet, it was all darkness. It was a nightmare, yes, it was! It was the demons waking up from their slumber inside the back of Tucker's mind which he tried so hard to lock away - but they found their way out. The demons. The doctors. The children. They all reached out to him. Wake up! That's all he had to do! Just, wake up! But it was no use. He felt paralyzed. He couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't speak - no, couldn't scream. That's when they began to appear, like a dying film being rolled on the screen. They got closer with every blink. Doctors, with children in their grasps, not being able to move or stray away. He wanted to tell them to run, to get away - but he couldn't move! Couldn't speak! They got closer, dropping the children on the floor - where they lay limp, crying and clutching their knees. Bruises covered their entire bodies. The doctors reached out for him, holding handcuffs and ropes and metal sticks in their hands. He felt like he was in a straightjacket. He wanted to get out so badly, but it was just the same - he couldn't move, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't scream. Even though he so badly wanted to! No! No! No! That's all he wanted to scream. No! HE shut his eyes. Maybe they'd go away then! But NO! That never worked. They were always there! NO! N- "Tucker!!" Large hands lay on his body, gripping him tightly, and shaking him vigorously. It was just a dream - no, a nightmare. He gulped, before wipping his head up. A large man towered over him. He didn't wear a look of concern on his face. His chestnut eyes were filled with ill intentions with his patchy cherry hair matched his grotesque appearance, worse, an evil smile cracked onto his face. He wore an orange jumpsuit. The grip from his hands on Tucker's body became much tighter, hurting actually. No. Why was he here? No! He still couldn't seem to move. No! He was supposed to be locked away. NO! JUST- "NO!!!" Gasping out, he sat up from where he lay. Sweat trailed down from his temples. His eyes were filled with panic as he blinked quickly, looking at the people in his cabins. It was a couple of students, with worried expressions on their faces. It was a nightmare, after all. Like, a double nightmare. He stared at them for a moment, breathing heavily before he ran a hand through his damp red hair and closed his eyes. "Tucker, are you... okay? You were grunting, moving and mumbling in your sleep, we got worried." It was that Joanne girl from the first day and the year before. She was alive? That was good. The counselor opened his eyes, to look at her. "I'm fine. Just fine." he said before getting to his feet and heading for the cabin door, before any word could escape the other students, he spoke again, "I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm fine." all lies, of course, but he really didn't want them to worry. He closed the door behind him before he walked down the hall of the train. He could feel his body shaking, as he balled his hands into fists and stared at the ground as he walked. It was haunting him. It really was. This was a nightmare. Everything was just horrible. Out of the corner of his eye, he spots a familiar looking frail girl. Blonde hair, delicate features. It was Maria. He stopped and looked at her for a moment, watching her pull something out of her pocket, only having it fall to the floor. The train didn't help at all. She couldn't reach down for it as it rolled around, escaping her grasp. She also looked like she was in pain. He let his eyes avert her for a while before he looked back at the fragile girl again. Every blink at her added to his guilt from earlier. He pressed his lips together, licking them nervously, before he walked up to her without a word, getting down on one knee as he reached for the pill bottle on the floor. He looked up at the beautiful girl with a blank expression, too tired and too lost of what exactly he was doing to bring up a smile. He held the pill bottle out to her. Still, silence. He blinked, realizing she probably needed more help than that, he got up to his feet, took a seat beside her before he popped the bottle open and dropping one of the pain kilers into his hand. He grabbed her right hand gently, before placing the little pill into her palm. He looked at her for a moment, still in silence, before he finally got to speak up, "Do you need water for that?"
Elisa developed a crush on Bryan, Tucker is still unchanged Thanks Jayn! Can't wait to see the updated map! c:
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» FRANTIC≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » INN/CLINIC ≛ OOC ✌ Tucker nodded at the younger counselor, holding Maria more securely. He cradled her into his arms as he got to his feet. He glanced back at the two siblings, Bryan began talking quickly to Noelle. It made him smile for that moment on how great an older brother he must have been to her. How great a family they must have been back at home before all of this... Quickly, he turned to face forward again and hastily made his way down through the hall and down the steps. His chestnut eyes filled with concern as he looked down at the fragile girl in his arms. She reminded him of a chinese porcelain doll right now - utterly beautiful, but so easily broken. Like, what was even happening to her? He really hoped she was okay. The 21 year old glanced at the dining hall as he passed it. He saw many students up and socializing - which was nice. It was good to see the others weren't too frazzled. He didn't wave to them, obviously, but nor did he send anyone a smile as he passed quickly - he usually would, to you know, kind of give the send off that everything was alright, there was nothing to worry about, but the young male didn't really find himself doing that. He was much too worried about Maria right now, but also, the thought of going to a clinic began to get to him. He could feel his heart racing and his jaw clenching. He didn't dare slow down his pace, this was far too important for his fears to come over him. As he exited the inn and crossed to the clinic, he gulped down a big knot in his throat that quickly traveled down to his stomach - but there was no time for any of that now. He used his shoulder to push the doors open before rushing into the clinic as he walked forward and yelled, "She needs a doctor A-sap!" It took a second for the clinic to absorb what just happened - it probably looked like those scenes in the movie where the couple or the father and son just came from a car crash and one of them was badly injured and had to be carried to the nearest hospital. Nonetheless, the doctors quickly came, bringing a bed where Tucker - with the help of some doctors - placed her on it before they got to work on her on the spot. A doctor stood from the huddle of other doctors and walked up to Tucker, as the others rushed her off to a room. "What happened to her?" The cherry haired counselor swallowed again nervously, "She was here last night for sure. She remembers nothing of last night. She fainted. That's all I know." he answered quickly, barely taking a breath and with a different tone than his usual. He didn't look at the doctor either, who then responded "Well, I was busy with others. I'll find someone who worked with her last night and perhaps they'd be of better help." Before the doctor could make his way back to the hall in the clinic, Tucker reached forward for his arm, stopping him from moving forward. He looked at the medic fiercely, before uttering "You better." The doctor only responded with a really nervous, half-scared look on his face but nodded anyway and pulled away from the counselor. Tucker watched him go without a word before releasing a really big sigh and taking a seat in the nearby chairs they had for people who were waiting. He buried his face into his hands, simply breathing - quite heavily, kind of the one that one would hear if someone was crying. Shaky, heavy breathing. But the young adult didn't cry. He wasn't going to, not in front of the doctors he didn't trust or in front of any students or counselors. He didn't want to be there but he knew he wasn't going to get up and leave. A feeling of responsibility fell on him. He wanted to make sure Maria was okay.
As her friend reached into the pocket of her dress, she wore a confused expression on her face. He pulled out a small black stone from it causing her to inhale sharply - she forgot all about the mysterious black stone! It seemed pretty important, so it was probably best out of the hands of one who couldn't even control her powers but at the same time she wanted to take it from Kendric, not wanting to add to his responsibilities. Just as she was about to though, he spoke up. "Celeste, Zauriel, Mya, and Drei. You guys are coming with me." She nodded at him with a smile, thankful that she was grouped with him - someone, probably the only one in complete honesty, that she felt close to and safe with. Celeste stared at him for a moment, as he continued to watch him pair students together. Her smile didn't fade as she watched him. It made her happy, despite the chaos that was happening, that Kendric had taken the challenge of leading everyone. She always knew he was the leader-type of guy and felt like with him, nothing could go wrong. The group was in good hand for sure. The teenager then clutched her hand cannon, feeling even more confident as she looked down at it. Armed with Abelard weaponry, magical talents (minus herself) and good leadership? What could stop them? Well, actually, she was sure many things could but above that, she no longer felt drained of energy. Oh, and not to mention the mystical voice that seemed to speak to them and save them from tough situations every once in a while. "There's a lot of empty land up north. Where the rest of Tasnica used to be I guess. We'll just have to find each other again there!" Bang! The gunshot rung in her ears, eyes widening as blood splattered on the side of her face and on Kendric's arm beside her. She stopped breathing because she was incapable to at the moment and her body froze completely. Her eyes, however, were able to shift downwards to look at the body that had fallen. It was one of the girls Kendric was with earlier. She breathed in sharply, with her body still frozen in place by complete panic. She smelled the metallic odor of blood, and tasted it when she licked her bottom lip. People were after them, they wanted them dead. This was real. This was happening. She could feel her tense body beginning to shift again. Her eye color turning completely black, even to the white of her eyes - making them appear beady, like a shark's. "RUN!" Bang! She blinked as she heard her friend's voice, turning to him in a flick, appearing big-like. Her eyes averted to ruby reds for a second, until the second gunshot followed after her friend's order almost immediately, joined by two girls falling. She swallowed nervously, feeling her eyes go back to the beady black while her nails began to thicken and elongate once more while fur began seeping out of the tips of her extremities and crawling upward. She gripped the hand canon more tightly with her right hand. Hearing the boy they were with, judging by the name he didn't mention - it was Drei, snapped her back into reality. That's right! They had to get out unless they wanted to be dead. She gulped then followed running, more like leaping - running similar to how a cheetah runs but the teenager was still on her two feet. It just the similar touch the ground and leap off of it to accelerate. She caught up to her group as soon as the third gunshot had been fired, running beside Kendric now, still finding herself unable to speak and continuing to morph gradually due to the panic and chaos.
ooc: sorry for shorts posts lately, not feeling well :c He breathed out a sigh of relief, hearing the boy's respond. "Thank God!" he grinned at him, "I thought the bandage on your head was something serious. My ankles kind of hurt but mostly, I just tired myself out from... uh, yeah... last night." he muttered the last few words, then swallowed again nervously. As the two continued to talk, a female voice pitched into their conversation. She didn't look like she was having a good day - not just because of the tragic events that were occurring, but she didn't look well. She seemed drained and worn out. Tucker's eyes widened at what she began to say. 'What's going on...?' Did the girl not remember anything? Bryan was the one who spoke first, with him not being speechless unlike the cherry haired counselor. Before Maria could have reacted, which took some time, another young female joined in. Pink hair. It was Noelle - the younger sibling of Bryan. Filled with concern towards Maria, he gave Noelle a small wave and a gentle smile. He was about to answer her question quickly but Maria had finally responded to them. She spoke stuttering and with pauses in between. Tucker decided to keep his chestnut eyes on her, his concern rising for the poor girl. The 21-year old pieced together what happened next. The words that came out of her mouth were barely audible, she didn't look well and she complained about pain. By the time she reached out to grab Bryan's arm weakly, Tucker stepped forward. The girl succumbed to the loss of energy and gravity at the same time, falling next to Bryan. Before she could, however, Tucker reached for her and grabbed her by the waist and shoulder gently, almost cradling her even. He looked at the two siblings, swallowing again for a moment, before he worriedly spoke the words he never wanted to say "We have to go to the clinic."
✿ OUTFIT | MUSIC | OOC ✿❤ MOOD ↝ TIMID ❤✖ LOCATION ↝ INN/DINING ROOM✖ Elisa woke with a grumbling feeling in her stomach. She made a small wimper as she clutched the skin of her flat stomach. She should probably go eat, even if she didn't want to, but she knew her limits well. She sat up from her bed, pulling the covers completely off of her, revealing the pale, almost porcelain skin of her bony body that was covered only by the undergarments that she wore to sleep. Her bare feet touched the cold, wooden floor under her while her aqua eyes looked down at the mess spread out across the room. The teenager was able to hold onto her green military bag, which contained some of her necessities like a one extra set of clothes (which she always had since she liked to be prepared), her sunglasses, her pills which were mostly ruined except for the few that were safely tucked into respective zip locks, her phone and iPod which showed no signs of life whatsoever, a doodle notebook which was still drowning in dampness, some of her accessories that had paint peeling off of it and her cupid's brew potion - which strangely seemed to be alright. She kneeled down between the two sets of clothes, both were still damp so she decided to leave one to dry and wear the other - which was the same outfit from the night before - just because she liked it more than the other outfit. Once she was dressed, she gather her hair back into a high pony tail. Locks of her wavy hair traced down to her shoulders. She left all her stuff sprawled on the floor, still wanting it to dry up and left her room, locking it before she started down the hallway. She passed a couple familiar faces, including her counselor and Tucker who joined them from the hospital the day before, but they seemed busy in conversation so she just stayed silent. She made her way down the steps, smiling at people who passed her. She sat down on one of the chairs of the long wooden table, looking at all the food served in front of her. They were all home cooked breakfast food. in front of her was a plate and silverware, with an empty glass. It felt just like home. She started by filling her glass with orange juice. Sipping from it, she looked around only to realize she wasn't alone. There was a girl nearby who was scribbling down on something with another girl, looking rather familiar, by her side and another boy. They seemed busy too, so she stayed silent again. It seemed like a very silent morning for her.
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» *SIGH* ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » INN≛ OOC ✌ Tucker woke sluggishly, hardly opening his eyes as he shifted his arm from over his head to his side lazily. Sunlight only barely seeping in through the windows and thick air had awoken his deep slumber. He coughed and sneezed. He probably caught a cold from yesterday. He felt a little sick. He was one of the last people fetched from the ocean, wanting to stay behind and make sure everyone was alright. It took a lot of energy from his body, but no one seemed to be left behind when he got into the boat with Patrick - except for his belongings, which had all been washed away into the ocean. He pushed himself up from his bed, the covers sliding off of his bare shoulder and grazing the scarred skin over his chest and abdomen. He sighed looking down at his body, he didn't even remember the last time he wore just boxers to sleep - which if he wasn't as tired as he was the night before, he knew he probably wouldn't have slept because it was too uncomfortable for him. However, since he had lost all of his belongings, he really had no choice. He had to let his clothes dry by his window then wear it in the morning. The half-naked male got up on his feet, wincing slightly - his legs ached and his ankles were still hurting. It would have healed if the whole ferry-accident hadn't happened. The 21-year old walked awkwardly to the window and pulled his shirt from it. He rubbed the fabric between his fingers. It was still a little damp, with no help at all since it seemed to be rather foggy outside. Having showered last night already, he simply pulled the shirt over his head and shivered as the cold material made contact with his skin. The white bits of his striped shirt still appeared a little transparent on his skin, subtly showing his scars. He fanned it out, trying to get his shirt to not stick to his skin. He then wore his shorts and slipped his feet into his shoes - something he did happen to save throughout the ordeal. He grabbed a box of tissue from the side table by his bed, blew his nose, threw it into the trash bin then walked out of his room, which he requested to be close to the bathroom, so he could make the quickest escape from the showers, and for him to be alone. He closed the door behind him then locked it before he dropped the key into his pocket. It would probably be a good idea to check on everyone else around - since after being dropped off into the inn, he just made a quick getaway to avoid the clinic completely - even though he probably needed it. His chestnut eyes glanced around the room, wondering if other people were alright. He thought about his troopers: Pierce, Quentin and Stratana. He still felt responsible for them. He began walking through the hall, to go downstairs and greet people a good day. He looked at his own feet as he walked, trying to size himself up for a smile to greet everyone with. He let his lips curl into a smile even though there wasn't really anything to smile about - and just then, as his eyes looked back up to where he was heading, he stopped and saw a familiar brunette teen, standing by a door, with a rather worried expression. It was Bryan, which made Tucker's eyebrows furrow, he felt really bad as he looked at him. This was his first camp as a counselor and this is what it turned out to be. He blinked at the other male for a moment before inhaling then walking up to the boy in a dorky and chipper manner. Waving he said, "Hey kiddo! Merry morning!" which was completely ironic and awkward to say now that he realized it. He quickly averted his eyes for a moment as he licked his lips nervously, afraid what he said was completely inappropriate. Then went back to him, crossing his arms over his chest tightly "... Well, kind of, but um. Hey. Uh, Are you okay?"
Initial + Current Impressions? u w u Favourite food from another continent? A story about a favourite day? Would you rather go to the beach or the mountains? Why are you so cool???
4! ♥ "What are you talking about? I've never been bet-" Before he could even finish the last syllable of the word, the ferry had lunged forward accompanied by a loud noise. Tucker was immediately thrown off of his feet, falling backwards and releasing the half-filled glass of orange juice in his hand. He let out a yell when landed on his back, with a loud thump. Pain surged through his entire body as he made contact to the tough floor. As the ferry continued to move and tempted to flip over, he reached back and grabbed a metal rod from the ferry's railing. He held on to it as tightly as he could. Increasingly, he could feel himself beginning to carry his own weight. The ferry was flipping over. He knew that by the time he would hit the water, there would be a great pull on the ferry - with him included. But it all happened so fast. Ice cold water stung at his skin. Soaking his shirt and shorts and polo and shoes. He never let go of the railing, but when the rough waters crashed onto the deck, Tucker slammed his shoulder on the deck's wooden floor. The pain was terrible but Tucker knew he needed to get out now. He needed to makes sure he can get out and make sure everyone else was alright. With the water's help, he was able to pull himself up more, and with a painful kick off the deck he launched himself to the side of the ferry, using the railing to direct him there before he let go and began to swim up. His lungs were craving for air as he wasn't prepared for anything. Luckily, with this athletic build, he was able to swim up to the surface. He gasped loudly as his head popped out of the water, frantically searching around for anyone. Remembering who he was just with, he cupped his hands by his mouth and yelled, "Erik!" Elisa felt her back press into her chair. She would have flew right out of it if she hadn't gripped onto the nailed table so tightly. She gripped so tightly as she held on for her life. Great terror was probably evident on her face. Everything was so scary. She couldn't even scream or yell or think! Water began to fill the ferry and gravity seemed to be absolutely odd. She found herself gripping tightly at the table, but since the gravity was shifting she knew this wouldn't hold out for much longer. It was true, she fell into the water quickly. The current was insane and broken shard of glass seemed to be everywhere. She gulped nervously, she knew she had to get out now. She took a deep breath and swam forward, she needed to get out to the surface. She swam through a hall, recognizing it as the one to the deck. That was a good idea! To the deck, then away from the ferry and then out to the surface. It would just be a long swim, but it was her best chance. Once she saw the door out of the deck, she took a much deeper breath than the first and then dove under. She swam through that door and felt her back immediately bump onto the deck's floor. She flipped over to face it, using it to guide her to an edge by the railings. She felt the cold metal railing bumped onto her head, which hurt a bit, but that didn't bother her as she grabbed onto it and began to swim away from the ferry, kicking as hard as she could. She thought she wouldn't make it out, but as air began to feel her lungs she knew she had made it. She gasped out, breathing in lots of air and swallowing some salt water. She coughed violently. What was going on?
ooc: Sorry I have to leave very soon, but didn't want to go without posting. The counselor fought the urge to react to grip of Erik's hands on his shoulder. "Yeah, absolutely!" he lied enthusiastically before adding, "Ugh, thanks so much. I was so glad to find all my troopers okay. You're the best, Erik, really, thank you." Erik glanced back at the other counselor and then he nodded then pulled himself and Tucker away from him. Not really paying attention to that, Tucker kind of fumbled - especially with his hurt ankles. As he followed Erik, he glanced back at the previous company and waved a bit with the bread in his hand before he turned his attention back to Erik as they stopped when they got some distance away from everyone. He popped the last bit of bread into his mouth and sipped a bit more of his orange juice. He looked at Erik curiously, "So what happened anyway?" Elisa glanced at Bryan a bit, only a bit. She tried not to look at him for some odd reason but when he spoke, he did glance over to him. It was a no-brainer for her to think of an answer to the question but she got distracted as Richie pulled out a bottle of pills. She was certain they weren't the same as hers, but what did he have? "Well, I'm just going to use the internet." she said casually as Richie gulped on of them down before speaking. The boy seemed really friendly, which made Elisa smile a bit. The thought of hanging out with others would be cool, finally getting out of the house. Something she'd have to get used to, but cool nonetheless. Glancing at her counselor quickly, who seemed to be occupied with a mobile phone, she turned to Richie. "I live nearby Red Bank. I can walk there if I have the energy." she laughed, she decided to leave out the part that she never really left her room - or rather her computer.
Chie - As you know, I really, really, really love this piece. I've told you plenty hahaha, but truly, you have improved from your past work. This is just so well done in every level like high five to a million angles. I also really love your take on it. Midnight - I love how different this is from the usual entries. It makes me think and wonder about what this really means. I hope you can translate it for us! But really, wow midny, this was a great piece to go with. Jiku - I always love your works and this one doesn't disappoint. I understand that it's not near finished but this is great. I really love the designs so far though, good job!
✿ CLOTHES| MUSIC | OOC ✿❤ MOOD ↝ HAPPY ❤✖ LOCATION ↝ FERRY ✖ "This is pretty exciting, yeah? What do you think they have on this ferry?" Elisa looked around the main floor of the ferry for a moment, from where she and Richie sat. It was marvelous like always and the buffet looked really appetizing - probably to everyone else. Things were sparkly clean and the weather was much nicer. She turned back to the boy by her and smiled, "Honestly, I think this thing has anything. We should go exploring later… OH! I wonder if there's internet!!" she said excitedly, trying to make up for the silence she gave the blonde haired boy in the bus ride. Earlier it was just a little weird with the whole taxi incident but by the time they arrived at the ferry, she just shrugged it off. Her new friend was really nice and cool and fun to be with and that was it. She reached down into her military bag and trying to look for her phone to check for internet connection, her hand bumped into a rather cold piece of glass. She looked deeper into her bag and realized she hit her finger on her cupid's brew bottle. She gave a short, silent scoff at it before retuning to search for her phone. She found it but before she could pull it out, a familiar voice had called for her and Richie's names. It was followed by hurried footsteps then when she looked up at a guy who stopped by their table, she saw her camp counselor! BRYAN! She grinned when she saw him. She kind of missed the guy, hadn't seen him since the night before. He then grabbed the third chair at their table and kind of just fell down on it. He grabbed her fingers and kind of flew into this panicked tone, "I'm really, really, really sorry for leaving you behind in the forest, I didn't mean to! Are you guys okay? You didn't get hurt did you?" She could feel her bony fingers being pressed against each other as he squeezed both of her and Richie's hands. She looked into his deep, worried eyes and found herself blushing a bit. She looked away immediately, "U-uh, we're fine! Real good! Doctors were a pain though, but we're good." ✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» NEUTRAL≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » FERRY ≛ OOC ✌ Tucker simply grabbed a piece of bread and a glass of orange juice. He let out a small sigh after realizing how much food he got out of a buffet, he lost his appetite almost completely from the hospital. He was pretty much content with just swallowing his saliva nervously and licking his lips. Of course his grumbling stomach wasn't, but eating seemed to make him feel sick so he could only take in so little. He took a sip of his juice before he turned his back to the buffet. The 21-year-old looked around. It was probably a good idea to surround himself with people to try and forget everything - like he usually did, hence he always loved company because they seemed to be like some sort of drug to him. Always the easiest way to forget things. However, as he looked around the first group his eyes fell down on was with that blonde kid from the taxi again. His body froze again and he gripped his juice tighter. He swallowed again, when a rush of what just happened in the taxi rolled back into his mind. He decided to take it outside, limping on his way out. He kind of did want to go back to them, kind of just to get closure but his body kind of just went "whoa tucker no, you're not ready for that." plus, his counselor buddy Bryan joined them and he wanted to check in with the newbie - to see if he was alright. As the wind whipped his red locks back, he looked around to see some people, until his gaze fell on two counselors - one of which was someone he knew, Erik. Only half in the mood to surround himself with students now he decided to approach the two guys, with a small smile on his face. He stopped by them and greeted them with a simple "hey guys." before biting into his bread.
✿ CLOTHES| MUSIC | OOC ✿❤ MOOD ↝ RELAXED ❤✖ LOCATION ↝ BUS ✖ Once the buses had arrived, Elisa allowed people to go on first - offering them to pass ahead of her. Eventually a young girl refused and offered the same thing to her, having been standing there for a while, she agreed and began to board the bus. Once on, she saw some familiar faces, so she made sure her outfit was doing okay. She tugged down at her cropped, white, gold studded bustier top and her black, faux leather pleated skirt. She smiled as she found herself satisfied with her outfit, one of her favorites actually, then she pressed her fingers over the straps of her camouflage green military bag and walked down the bus. She noticed a lot of familiar faces, actually as she watched closely at who was there. Elisa immediately spots Sebastian, her cabin mate back when camp… was more of a camp and less of a depressing thought, but he seemed busy talking to some other girl. When he turned her way for a second she gave him a small smile and a wave. Then she went on to pick a seat. She bumped her shoulder on some incredibly curvy girl's shoulder. "Oh, I'm sorry!" she said timidly as she looked at her for a moment. Whoa. She had… really big boobs. Elisa looked at them for only a second - because they were there. They were just there, kind of in your face really. But she looked away a second lately because she never liked large chests. She liked flat, model, probably unhealthy bodies. She loved them. She did like the girl's red hair though - it was a really nice, cool shade for such a warm color. She gave her a smile and made her way to picking a seat again. She found one not too far back this time, both empty and sat down by the window. Seemed like everyone already made quick friends and were all busy talking to each other. She didn't want to interrupt any conversation, although it would have been nice to talk to someone. Instead, she grabbed her very round, almost witch-doctor sun glasses and put them on. She leaned on the open bus window and watched the camp from there. So many things had happened in the last 3 days. It was weird. ✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» PRETENDING ≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » BUS ≛ OOC ✌ As he stepped out of the rather luxurious cabin where his stuff had been moved, he still felt all drained and disgusting and violated. e licked his lips again and swallowed before he began to make his way to the buses. He hang his head low for a moment as he walked with an athletic bag by his left side and his guitar strapped onto the other. He watched his bandaged feet as he took one step in front of the other, limping a bit as he walked. As he saw familiar faces passing by and waving at him he knew he couldn't ignore it. He bit down at his lower lip for a moment, before he snapped his head up in a big grin and waved energetically back at the students and leaders who recognized him. 'Just keep waving and smiling and no one will ever suspect a thing." As he continued to walk with his limp, he decided to keep his signature smile on for everyone to see and pretend to be in his usual chipper mood. Which he was great at anyway. He waited by the buses as students climbed into it, smiling. He looked down at a girl beside him, "Sucks, huh? Leaving so early?" the teenage girl nodded at him with a small frown. The cheery camp counselor smiled and patted the hair on her head, "Don't worry, going back home will be another adventure! It'll be fun. Now, get up on that bus. I'm right behind you." he said to her gently as he pushed her forward slightly. The girl nodded with a smile and boarded the bus. He followed after her like he said, and once he got on, he placed his guitar down by one of the first seats. He then noticed a very familiar brown haired girl in the distance… it was his trooper! Pierce!! She was sitting by some guy with black hair. It was nice to see her with new friends.His face lit up to see her alright, he copper his hands over his mouth. "Hey Pierce!!" he called from where he was then gave her a very energetic wave. He walked over to her, still limping, and greeted her with another smile. "Aw man, it's good to see you okay! How's the rest of the squad? If you know that is… oh and hello, Pierce's friend! I'm Tucker, Cabin B counselor."
✌ CLOTHES!!≛ MOOD» BROKEN≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » HOSPITAL ≛ OOC ✌ He tried to stay calm. He really did, but it was probably obvious that he was trying. Since they had left the hospital and been in the taxis, all Tucker had been doing was licking his lips, swallowing and breathing awkwardly. His mind was rambling on and on and he tried to fight back any memories that were tempting to haunt him. Except the problem was that the more he tried to forget, all the more did the thoughts stay in his head. Sometimes, he'd turn to look at the other two, Elisa and Richie, giving them a soft smile. He hoped that they didn't notice how uneasy he was. Elisa seemed really happy and energetic - which he was confused about for a moment, but then he realized that was his usual state, so he decided not to dwell on it. Richie on the other hand seemed incredibly nervous. He was about to ask him what was wrong, when the taxi turned very suddenly at some intersection, causing everyone to shift towards the right side of the taxi - squeezing onto Tucker's body. The 21 year old immediately tensed already, feeling everyone - particularly Richie, a boy - squeeze onto his body. His initial reaction would have been to push them away lightly, in an are-you-okay type of manner and laugh it off maybe, however, something else happened. The blonde haired boy who sat beside him had not only leaned into him but kind of fallen over and lost balance, landing his right palm at the counselor's crotch. It acted like a switch Tucker's entire body flew into some panic mode again. His eyes widened at what just happened and he completely froze for a moment. His heart felt like it stopped completely and all the bones in his body felt like they were locked. Then suddenly, he got up to his feet but since they were in a taxi, he hit his head on the roof of the vehicle with a loud thud. It pushed him to fall back into his seat sharply. ✿ CLOTHES!! | MUSIC | OOC ✿❤ MOOD ↝ AWKWARD/HAPPY ❤✖ LOCATION ↝ TAXI/CABIN/SHOWER/ROAD✖ For a moment there, Elisa had been completely zoned out as the car traveled but then a loud thump from the car brought her to reality. She turned immediately to where the sound came from, it was Tucker. Jeez! It looked like he fell out of the sky when he fell back to his seat. Her eyes widened at him. Why did he attempt to stand up in a car? Him of all people? Tucker wasn't exactly a short or even average height boy. She turned to the boy beside her, seeing him clutching his hand. His face was completely red - like, completely! He was blushing so hard that the girl could swear she could feel the heat of his face beside her. "Oh my gosh I am so, so sorry!!" Elisa just became even more confused - so flustered that she was kind of speechless even. She kind of just eyed the two, watching both of them frazzled - just not equally. Tucker was obviously a lot more unsettled by what just happened - whatever it was - and Richie just looked like the epitome of shame. She kind of just wanted to speak up and ask about what happened - but with the state of the two boys int he taxi, she figured she probably shouldn't and won't get an answer anyway. The 21-year-old heard him but it flew into one ear and out the next. He didn't even consider it for a moment. He was just so out of his mind and so frantic. Still not relaxing, he squeezed himself towards the door tightly, getting some sort of distance from the boy who just touched him. His hand grabbed the taxi's door and he immediately pulled it open, trying to get out. Luckily, the doors were locked and Tucker avoided becoming roadkill. His breathing became very quick and he grabbed the head of the chair in front of him, pulling himself closer to it and away from the pair of students on his left. He pressed himself closely to that corner. Keeping his head low with his back facing the other two. He knew the other two were there and he had to be there for them no matter what! He had to try and calm down and try to make sure nothing was suspicious…But it was probably too late. His head kind of stung from bumping it hard on the roof of the car, his heart felt like it was pumped with an adrenaline overdose, his body was not frozen anymore but he was shaking, his face felt hot and he knew he was blushing because of this, and his breathing matched his heartbeat. "N-nahhhh… man. U-um, it's fine! T-t-t-totally fine! Haha… Uh, things happen. I-it's fine." he said as he laughed it off nervously. He didn't move from his position and he couldn't bring himself to face the two. He kind of just sat there, shaking and breathing and trying to keep his composure. Elisa began muttering "um" and "ers". She just kind of wanted to break the dead silence. Luckily, the taxi came to a stop, in front of the camp. "Oh, we're he-" "Shower! Pack! Bus! Ferry! Bye!" Tucker opened the door and left, running towards his cabin without another word. That was probably the fastest exit Elisa had ever witnessed in her whole life. She watched him go in a hurry, as if the fire from last night was right at the soles of his feet. She scratched the side of her head before she just shrugged it off and exited the car. She walked over to the opposite side of the taxi to meet up with Richie as they walked towards their cabin - which was empty, all things were apparently moved to nicer cabins so she went there in a hurry anyway, with a smile on her face. Elisa tried not to think about the taxi incident and kept to herself as Richie's face was still beet red. Once they arrived in their cabin, she grabbed a new set of clothes. She just wanted to get out of her smoke-smelling clothes. Still finding it a bit awkward to speak to Richie, she walked towards the shower building and wasted no time in taking her shower. She let the cold water refresh her as she soaked there for a while. Her pale blue hair darkening as it wet. After some soaking, she did go out and change into her new outfit. She felt so cool and refreshed - it made her mood even more jolly than it was since getting the news of the hospital not sending her breakfast. She walked back into her cabin and packed up all her things. She felt kind of sad just letting everything back into her luggage but she didn't rebel against it - because she knew she'd go back to the internet anyway! With that in mind, she hummed a nice tune as she exited her cabin and left for the main road - where she waited with some other students and smiled at whoever seemed to look her way. Tucker pressed his hands on his face, fingers having more pressure over his eye sockets, as he showered in a cubicle. The water from the shower head plummeted down at his head, brushing his red hair back. He didn't exactly know if he was crying anymore or not. He just felt so… violated. Those last two days - from the ambulance, to the hospital and to the taxi incident. He didn't blame anyone at all, he only blamed himself. He always told himself that he moved on from his past and not let him bother it, smiling everyday and laughing, but it was an obvious lie right now. His hand moved over to shut the shower off as he grabbed a towel to dry his body. He looked down as he wiped his chest, staring at his numerous scars for a while until he couldn't take it any longer and shut his eyes tightly. He wiped off trying not to look at himself and changed into his new set of clothes inside the cubicle. With that done, he left the shower building immediately with a bag slung over his shoulder and walked out into the open, taking a bit of his time as he expressionlessly stared down at his own feet as he made his way back to his new cabin to pack his things up.
✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» FORCED/FAKE≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » HOSPITAL/TAXI ≛ OOC ✌ All the campers, both students and counselors, were discharged from the hospital the next morning. Tucker woke up to a soft nudge at his right arm. He practically jumped up in response to the touch as his eyes opened wide and he inhaled sharply, only to see a doctor who smiled at him gently greeting him good morning. A sigh escaped his lips as he muttered a "good morning" back politely without his signature smile. He was still completely shaken from yesterday and grew more cautious with doctors. In fact, as he sat up properly he began to notice how his eyes felt so heavy and still stung when he blinked them. Also, he could feel how dry his lips and throat still were. His ankles did feel a little better - a little, still had some pain in them but he knew he could probably manage walking now. The doctor informed him that all campers admitted in the hospital yesterday were discharged this morning, and that they were to head back to camp immediately through taxis that waited outside the hospital building. Tucker nodded at his words, still unable to smile at the man he half-saw as a demon, it spoke again suddenly also informing him that the terrible incident was to cut the camp short and all campers would be returning him. Also, that he was actually one of the only counselors in the hospital. In other words, it meant that he was one of the only adults - trained to guide the students - in the hospital. The 21-year old felt the responsibility immediately, and he began to get up from the bed. His ankles were still wrapped in bandages and the doctor told him to keep it on so he wore it under his shoes. As he lifted his body from the bed for the first time in what felt like forever, he wobbled a bit. The doctor grabbed him and held him up so he wouldn't fall but Tucker immediately moved away from him. "I'm sorry, I'm fine." he said, swallowing before he proceeded out the door, limping. ✿ CLOTHES | MUSIC | OOC ✿❤ MOOD ↝ DISAPPOINTED ❤✖ LOCATION ↝ TAXI/HOSPITAL✖ A cotton ball and doctor's tape were placed securely over her right hand when they pulled the IV out of her system. Elisa's bright blue eyes sparkled when the doctor told her they'd be returning back to camp. The doctor then told her to make sure she ate, and got enough exercise, and- blah, blah, blah all over again. She zoned him out completely until he mentioned that due to the immediate transportation of the campers from the hospital to the camp they wouldn't be serving her a breakfast meal. The teen fought hard not to smile brightly in front of them doctor so she just politely nodded. But inside she wanted to scream and leap, 'I've eaten far too much last night. Enough for the week!' She felt much better from yesterday, after a good night's sleep.In fact, quite energized - but probably from the fact that she could finally skip a meal and wasn't under the doctor's eagle eye. She skipped towards the exit of the hospital, where she could already see so many students gathered in front. They probably didn't have it as bad as she did, hence them being there much earlier. But, that many people had to be sent to the hospital? Wow. "Mulshine!" "U-um, here!" she squeaked, raising her thin arm up into the air. The cherry haired counselor who stood up in front, towering over all the students as he stood on a chair held a paper in his hands, checking off names as he called them out. The camp sent a counselor to go back for them and bring them back to camp? She was about to go all 'well that was nice of them' until she caught a glimpse of the counselor, who she remembered as Tucker from the year before, and his boat shoes, noticing that his ankles were wrapped in bandages. As he checked off the last name on the list, Tucker stared down at it for a moment, 'Okay, big smile. Big smile. You're a camp counselor, this kids probably just went through hell too. Be happy.' he gulped down a knot at his throat once more before he looked up at everyone, with a smile on his face. "Okay, as you may know we're headed back to camp! Unfortunately, due to the horrific events, we will be sent home early." The crowd of students erupted in a lot of cries, shocked gasps and 'what's?!'. This was expected and Tucker couldn't help but frown - but he knew he had to pick this up. "But don't worry! Chin up guys! We're still going to have that long bus and ferry ride back home and we've still got some time back in camp! Very short, but nonetheless, fun time! So once you get back, pack your things and be prepared to leave. Take a quick shower if you want. As for now, hop into one of the taxis, be at least three or four students there so we can accommodate everyone - and we'll head back to camp. Alright, go!" Elisa felt her heart sink as the crowd of students with sad and angry faces began to slug towards the taxis. She watched Tucker get down from the bench slowly. He delivered the awful news in a happy and positive manner which probably did help but she could feel that he was sad about it too. In fact, with what she remembered of him, he didn't seem as happy - not genuinely at least. But who could blame him? She definitely was not happy at the moment. Suddenly, she saw a familiar blonde haired boy from the crowd. Was it… oh my goth, yes it was! It was Richie!! She jogged over to her cabin mate and tapped his shoulder lightly, "Richie! You're here too, I can't believe it!" she hadn't known he ended up in the hospital. She was with him during the scavenger hunt with Bryan after all. Before she could talk more, she felt a hand softly touch her shoulder, looking back, a young face topped with cherry red hair and a forced smile looked down at her. It was Tucker. "Come on you two, we should head back." he said gently as he motioned them into the nearest taxi. She nodded obediently with a small smile and hopped into the taxi before Richie. She watched the counselor hold the door open as Richie climbed in and looked back towards the hospital and the line of taxis. All students were in their respective vehicles, so he turned to them and instead of shutting the door he climbed in with them. "I hope you don't mind that I joined you. My name's Tucker." he smiles. He still seemed happy and chipper, but at the same time there was definitely something off. He was fumbling his fingers over the hem of his shorts unknowingly to no end as if he was trying his hardest to keep still. He also constantly swallowed. Probably shocked by everything like she was. Hey, at least he was trying to be in a good mood for everyone. The anorexic teenager simply smiled back at him, "No, not at all. I'm Elisa and this is Richie. We're from Byan's cabin." she introduced as the taxi started up and all the campers were making their way back to camp.
When some guy bumped into her, she kind of lost balance and had to step away, fumbling at her feet. She had not fallen. She decided not to mind it, with no energy to do anything or say anything. It wasn't worth it, and she wanted to save as much of her powers right now - especially with gym next. She was about to take a step forward, but then she heard a very familiar voice come from the man behind her. "My bad." She turned to face him. She was right. It was that Hunter guy. The one with the white hair who joined yesterday. The non-power user. She grunted and rolled her eyes. Him again? Why was he always around nowadays, it was so annoying. People already saw her with him yesterday - in a group presentation. Frida Logan with some guy who doesn't even have any powers. Gross! Wasn't yesterday enough already? Was the universe just there to hurt her since yesterday? She grunted, looking up at the tall man with a drained, leave-me-alone expression. She didn't utter a word, but simply stared at him with the grim face. She shook her head slightly, and rolled her eyes again, turning back to continue walking until he came to interupt again, "You're pretty blue. ...Get it? Your nickname could be Blue. So it's like I called you pretty. But..." The bluenette stopped at her tracks, eyes widening at the words she heard. She felt like she was going to vomit. What did he just say? Had he lost his mind? She turned to him with the most confused, disgusted expression. She stared at him again, lips pressed together as she swallowed hard to try and keep how disgusted she actually was inside. She breathed out exasperatingly, unable to fathom on what the pathetic white haired man was going on about. Frida stood on her tiptoes, and grabbed Hunter's neck with a hand, squeezing it as she told him sternly, "Look just because we all had that episode yesterday - it doesn't mean you can talk to me. You're just a pathetic wannabe power user. You try so hard, but trust me, you're never going to be special. You're not going to be anything to anyone." her tone was very direct and nonchalant, but also tired. She squeezed his neck in her hand tighter, he was only human. No matter how strong he was, this would hurt him - or at least give him a difficult time in breathing. "You're wasting my time, energy and oxygen. Don't look, come close or speak to me ever again." with her final words came a surge of electricity as she continued to tighten her grip. She let go immediately, and turned on her heel, walking away from the man. If he dared to come aft her she swore that she'd lose it. The petite teen grabbed a bottle of hand sanitizer and squeezed some into her hand. She pressed her hands together, sanitizing them. She wanted to take away the germs on her hands from touching the non-power user. More so, she just wanted it to be gym. She was honestly a little more energized with her encounter from Hunter. Fired up by rage and disgust. She was ready to prove everyone that Rendium wouldn't stop Frida Logan. As she walked to the bleachers of the gym and set her bag down, out of the corner of her eye she spotted the girl from yesterday. She was quite a distance away from her, but she was cool. It was the dark skinned girl from yesterday who pulled off the gruesome display. Seeing her made a small smile creep onto her lips. It was good she was safe.
sorry, I've been really busy with classes lately. I haven't started on them because I closed this week off from any requests. I'll try and find...
✿ CLOTHES | MUSIC | OOC ✿❤ MOOD ↝ DISGUSTED ❤✖ LOCATION ↝ HOSPITAL ✖ Elisa lay in her hospital bed, as doctors came in and out of the room. She hazily looked at them. She felt horrid. Her legs were aching from all the running she did. Her hand was practically immobile since the injections were there. She could feel her dry lips cracking when she'd move them. Luckily, the doctors had removed the oxygen mask off of her since they found out there was nothing wrong with her. However, what happened next was the most horrible of them all. A doctor came in, he was tall and friendly looking which made her smile. But then her eyes darted to what he was holding, a tray of food - and no, it wasn't just a bowl of fruit or a salad. It was a three course meal. She could already see it from where she was: a salad appetizer and all of its useless toppings that only add up into fat, a pasta main course which screams endless calories and carbs, and a friendly looking fruit bowl which didn't comfort her at the moment. There was also a glass of water, the only thing that she liked from the tray. The doctor sat by her raised bed, and placed the tray on her lap. He smiled gently, but all Elisa could see was a face of a demon giving her useless calories. "I know you've just been through a tough, stressful time so I'll keep you company while you eat." ' More like watch my every move and make sure I don't leave even a bit of cut pasta noodle.' she thought bitterly. Her mind began to have a battle in her head. If she ate this and finished it, she'll probably cry and not feel good at all but she'll also have the doctor leave her alone. If she didn't, then this could turn into a bigger ordeal and she wouldn't be back in camp. And yes, for once, she wanted to go back to camp. She wanted to be around her cabin mates and counselor: Bryan, Shouta, Sebastian and Richie. She wondered how they were. Were they at the hospital too, or back at camp? She half wished they were int he hospital, just so she knew she wasn't so alone… She reached for the fork with her free hand and poked it into a lettuce. Her stomach grumbled under the tray, most probably in hunger but to Elisa it transited to her stomach screaming at her "Don't you dare take that bite!!!" She did anyway, pleasing the doctor-demon. She ate about half of the salad. She was already so full but she knew she wouldn't be left alone if she didn't eat more. The doctor began to talk to her as she tackled the pasta, eating about one fourth of it at the end. The doctor was still talking as she ate all of her fruit bowl. He said the usual things she'd hear when doctors were concerned with her weight. Of course, all of this was just blah-blah-blah-blah to her. She wasn't listening at all. Eventually, she gave up completely and took a sip of her water before looking at the doctor, with her unfinished food on her lap, saying "I want to sleep." He shrugged but smiled and nodded, he placed the tray on the counter as if she would eat it later. Once he left, Elisa released a loud groan. She felt like crying but no tears seemed to go down. Was she too tired to cry even? This by far had been the worst night in a while. She wanted to take in a couple sleeping pills and just go null and forget, but she didn't have that and she didn't really need it because after a while of feeling disgusting and dead, she fell asleep on the stiff hospital bed anyway. ✌ CLOTHES≛ MOOD» BROKEN≛ TUNES≛ LOCATION » HOSPITAL ≛ OOC ✌ Tucker looked up at the ceiling, breathing heavily. His eyes stung every time he blinked them because he had been crying so much. His throat felt all scratchy and rough and destroyed - not just from the smoke he inhaled but from screaming. His body felt drained, as if he just did all the sports in one day - which of course he didn't. He had just gone through an incredibly tough time. It was just everything. From the scavenger hunt disaster, to him failing to find his troopers and just - the hospital. He had to be honest, he hated hospitals. He's been there too much in the past. He really didn't enjoy them. They were like a window to the past he so wanted to forget. However today wasn't just a peek into the window. Today, at the hospital, Tucker was practically zapped back to the past. The doctors brought him to a room once they got him to the hospital. It wasn't so bad at first, they worked on his ankles - which were okay. They were strained after all, but the doctors wrapped them both in bandages anyway for support. It was obvious that his ankles had broken before and the tired boy told him that it was normal. He broke his wrists and ankles numerous times in the past. Tucker still had a smile on and thanked the doctors at this time, but then everything fell to hell with that they did next. The doctors asked the young adult to take his shirt off so they could examine the curious scars over his hip bones. Tucker objected right away, telling them he was fine and nothing was wrong and he just got it from a hiking trip one day at the mountains where he fell terribly. It was the same trick he would tell people who would actually see it, at school or in camp, but the doctor's weren't fooled. As he continued to argue politely, the doctors began to get irritated. Eventually they had it pulled off of him - which wasn't really doctor-like for them to do, but the doctor's must have been very stressed out by the night. Other campers must have checked into the hospital as well. But once the shirt had been pulled off of his body, Tucker flew into this panic. He couldn't stay still. He didn't want to be there. It was kind of like watching an animal in a tight cage trying to get out. The doctors, totally done with his excuses, held him down and examined his body. There were scars everywhere. Mostly by his hip area, crawly down past his belt line and all over his chest, by his collar bones, nearing his neck, trailing to his back and by his nipples. They weren't really bad scars, but the number of them was crazy. The doctors probably figured out what had gone on, when they pieced everything together or they were just really tired of the tall boy's thrashing so the doctors asked him numerous questions - all of which he heard before. Tired from everything all he did was answer them truthfully. Eventually, they did leave him alone. They gave him back his shirt which he put on really quickly and left him alone, with apologies. He told them it was okay in a tired tone, it was his fault after all since he didn't really talk about it. But then again, who'd blame him? Wrapped in shame of what he put the doctors through acting like a 12 year old rather than a 21 year old, he gripped at the fabrics of the bed cover. He hated everything at the moment. His teeth gritted together as he fought hard not to scream or cry. He felt so broken down and violated. He closed his eyes, attempting to fall asleep, which he was sure would happen soon, but not soon enough. He just wished his was back in camp again, surrounded by people and laughter and merriment where he could just pretend and smile his big smile and forget about reality. He just wanted to go back to his troopers and be their super trooper again. Of course, it might be a different story if he went back right now and even tomorrow but still, he would rather be back at camp, escaping reality, than here at a hospital, having to face it.
✿ CLOTHES | MUSIC | OOC ✿❤ MOOD ↝ ANNOYED ❤✖ LOCATION ↝ HOSPITAL ✖ Elisa could barely remember what happened. She felt like her body was just floating in an abyss - a somewhat similar feeling like when she took too many sleeping pills. Her eyes were closed, and her body was relaxed but that didn't matter because she wasn't even at a present mind. Everything was trippy. However, she still tried to remember what she just went through. The teenager remembers the scavenger hunt starting and her getting very excited. She also remembers when her camp counselor, Bryan, grabbed her delicate hand and lead the group out of the forest. She then recalls that they had all split up and she joined Bryan and Richie, where they found some things! What was it again…? Then, her camp counselor hauled her up to this new searching location of theirs in a very… nice manner before he tumbled down as he tried to bring Richie up. Then, she was alone for a moment and she was so scared but at the same time she just tried to think she was a black mage in a forest ins one magic role play on a forum site she was part of. Then, panic spread through everywhere and she was with Bryan, but then he disappeared and then soon she lost Richie too. She remembers screaming frantically for them both and thinking this was definitely not a cool situation to be in anymore. Then she remembers feeling weird and things going black. As she opened her eyes to a clean white ceiling. She saw an IV beside her and injections that connected from it in her forearm. An oxygen mask was also placed over her mouth. She could see bandages on her other arm, over her imaginary bicep. Another bandage was on her incredibly large right thigh. She still felt really dream-like and hazy. She was at a hospital - that was for sure.With those in mind, she began to piece it all together. She realized what had just happened: she fainted due to the products of no food intake, intense heat, smoke, dehydration and exhaustion. Someone must have found her, probably the camp leaders or the firemen, but someone did and brought her to safety. At least, as safe as she could think of - she really disliked hospitals. They were such limitations. The IV was for the underweight-ness they were probably gong to be curious about, and also to get the "missing" nutrition into her body - especially at this time that she needed it. The oxygen mask was obviously for all the smoke she possibly breathed in and the bandages were there for the wounds she probably got from running and falling. She blinked her heavy eyes slowly. Now the doctor would find out she's anorexic and that she would need to probably stay in the hospital a little longer - maybe even over night. Usually when doctors find her in that state, they'd keep her for the entire day and make sure she ate but then again, this was a totally different context - she could just blame that it wasn't hunger that caused her to faint but the forest fire. However, not only that, they could also begin to keep an eye on her more - maybe even contact her counselor and tell him to make sure Elisa got a good, full meal everyday. She wanted to vomit at the thought of eating a meal. She sighed in her mind, this was not fair.