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  1. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Roxas looked a thte young nobody. "What? I can't help you if you don't say it." He smiled gently to Bxteh.

    She blushed and hide her face with her books. " O-of m-m-m-m-my human l-last min-minutes." She spit out. Her deep red blush flared even more.
    Post by: ♦Demon♥Angel♦, May 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Train's trouser snake suddenly went crazy. "I-I-I got to go to the bathroom!"
    Post by: ♦Demon♥Angel♦, May 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Sora aprouched Riku. "Hey, are you ok, man. I heard that punch." He sat next to him.
    Post by: ♦Demon♥Angel♦, May 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Train nodded and looked at his undrank milk. "I-I've missed you, too." He said suprisingly calm. His inside were jumping up and down. His brain had turned to mush, and his face was a deep red.
    Post by: ♦Demon♥Angel♦, May 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
  6. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Sora's senitive ears picked up the sudden crack in the wall. "Umm...I better make sure Riku didn't break his hand." Be fore he explained, he walked out of the room to Riku.
    Post by: ♦Demon♥Angel♦, May 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Sora titled his head to the right. 'What's his problem?' He thought to himself. "It's obvious your bothering Riku. If you stop Gamer he might come back into the room."
    Post by: ♦Demon♥Angel♦, May 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Sora blushed as he heard Gamer. 'Riku you idiot! You just gave it away!' He slammed his head on the table, and muttered to himself.
    Post by: ♦Demon♥Angel♦, May 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Roxas walked down the halls with Bxteh. She was really quiet, and she was blushing. "So...the memories you were talking about, what are they about?" He asked gently.

    "Th-there--" She couldn't finish her sentence she was blushing to bad. 'There of my last someone's minutes as a whole.
    Post by: ♦Demon♥Angel♦, May 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Sora's face blushed as well. 'Damn, Riku just about gave it away!' "I-it's someone in school. You're just going to have to figure it out."
    Post by: ♦Demon♥Angel♦, May 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
  12. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
  13. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
  14. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
  15. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
  16. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
  17. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Profile Post

    Thank you for caring.

    Thank you for caring.
    Profile Post by ♦Demon♥Angel♦ for GREE06, May 22, 2009
  18. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
  19. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
  20. ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Profile Post

    RPG section....

    RPG section....
    Profile Post by ♦Demon♥Angel♦ for Sonic the Hedgehog, May 22, 2009