You suck!!
How is the wrong section?
Sora eyed Riku. "We're both men, for your information."
Sora rolled his eyes. "Again with the apologizing? Of course I forgive!!" He lead Riku back to class.
" thanks. How treck?" Train suggest. "I hear the main character."
Sora chuckled. "No need to be sorry." He made sure noone was looking when he kissed his check lightly.
Lol, Kairi. Sure! Love to have a Rinslet! Train shook his head. "I'd thought you'd have a movie in mind." He out his hand behind the couch.
Train laughed nervously. "O-ok."
Train looked at the clock. "Um, Saya, it's 2 in the mouring. I don't think the movie theater is open." He chuckled. "Your so silly sometimes."
Train titled his head to the left. "What's wrong?" He asked concerned.
Train looked at Saya with big yelow eyes. "Yes?"
occ: :roar: STOP LAUGHING!!!!
occ: Me, too. Riku sighed. he stood up, and looked around. Everything was quiet. The blood stopped pouring out of his arm, thatwas a good thing. "Sora, are you alright?"
Train sat down a little too close, their tighs touched. "Oh, sorry." He scooted over a bit to give his friend a little room.
Then what's that crap down there.
He stood up, and opened the door. The man walked into the living room, and saw Saya laying on the couch. "Got room for one more?" He teased. Hid blush still lingered on his checks.
Thanks for talking to Kairi.
Train groaned again. 'But I can't be in teh same room as her my,er...'thing' will go crazt again! My head hurts.' He sat up with a sigh, and looked ut the window. 'But I have to.'
Train put his hands on his face and groaned to himself. Then, images popped into his head. 'GAH!! QUIET IT!!!' He placed his head on the cold floor. "'Saya is probally getting worried about me. I should go back.'
Train slammed the bathroom. His blush was somehow a deeper red the nit was just minutes ago. 'WHAT THE HELL!' He yelled at himslef. 'Why am I acting this way? It's just Saya!' He groaned and slumoed against the bathroom door. Train slid down, sitting oin the floor.