It all comes down to gender stereotyping. Men are expected to act tough, not talk about their emotions as much, deal with their own problems, and just generally be what society deems as strong. Women meanwhile are expected to spend a lot of time with friends, talk about their problems, cry, and just generally be more emotional. It's very much an outdated and redundant view these days, just as ridiculous as the notion that you have to act a certain way to be gay or straight. Everybody is who they are, whether that is emotional, self-contained, loud, quiet, and that's the way it should be. Society's views should not affect how anyone acts. I hate to point the finger, but America, especially it's film and TV industry, is very responsible for part of the problem. When you think of the words "manly" or "masculine", I bet somebody like Chuck Norris or Arnold Schwarzenegger comes to mind before anything else. These actors, or more accurately the roles they play in movie and television, are very much painted as tough, strong, "manly" characters who should be respected and treated as role models, even if the actor themselves are nothing like that in reality. It's a common practice, through which the media influences society's views on both men and women pretty much every day.
Name: Serena Description: A girl from the Kalos region, having started her journey relatively recently. Along with her starter Pokémon, Fennekin, she headed out on a journey suddenly after seeing somebody she thought she recognised on the news recently. Following a recommendation from Professor Sycamore, she has applied to attend Nintendo High as a student. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Pokémon Other: Spoiler: img Name: Yveltal Description: A Legendary Pokémon said to have the power to drain the life force from any living thing in order to sustain itself. It exists in Kalosian lore as a deity of death. It vanished some centuries ago without a trace. Occupation: Unknown Series Character is from: Pokémon Other: Spoiler: img Name: Iris Description: A gifted Dragon-type Gym-Leader-turned-Champion from Unova, Iris began attending Nintendo High to learn something other than just Pokémon battling. Despite this, she ended up enrolling in mostly Pokémon-related studies due to a lack of interest in other topics. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Pokémon Other: Spoiler: img
I know. It sucks majorly. Still, we have some contact through here and Fb and stuff. Miss you.
You're gone, so I'm leaving this here. I can now make Lillipup babies.
Blaze it. Somebody had to.
~Female Pokemon Trainers' Dorm~ Spoiler: Leaf's Team Leaf had been silent for a while, as though her mind was elsewhere, but when her name was said she perked up slightly, and looked carefully between her friends and roommates as she considered the specifics of what it was she wanted to say. "I think..." she said, slowly, as though picking her words carefully. "'s not always just as straight-forward as being strong enough to win, or just winning at all." She looked at Luna, and after a moment, placed her hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "Selene is your sister. She doesn't want to change you; she wants... to help you to realise something. Maybe battling her today will do just that for you." OOC: Sorry this is so short. I've been... seriously out of it for a while now. Just trying to get back into the swing of things slowly...
When you can more or less get a super-effective STAB attack against anything, I personally feel like it's more important to have high speed so that you're sure to be hitting first. Greninja is far from a tank, after all, so if it's not sweeping, it's going down fast. That's why I personally stuck with Timid, but as I said, Modest is far from a bad choice. In fact, even Adamant isn't a terrible choice; Greninja has some surprisingly good physical moves in its list.
Modest isn't too bad. Timid is the best in my opinion, which is why I have a box full of Timid Lv1 Froakie with Protean in my Y version. A speedy Greninja is a deadly Greninja.
Breeding mechanics have changed so that males or females can both pass down hidden abilities and moves, so while you still need a female for breeding with a non-ditto, it's not essential for building a population of hidden ability babies in your game.
Because I forgot to earlier; Iris (Pokémon)
Oh good, now anybody who can't watch the episode can just read it here. Seriously, if you're going to post a quote from the episode, fine, so long as you're actually saying something relevant about the quote too. Just quoting for the sake of quoting or trying to be funny isn't worth a post. With that out of the way; (spoilers for the episode here) I knew Blake's ears weren't just a ribbon or headband. They were just too specifically placed to be anything else. I had a feeling even back in her character trailer she was an animal hybrid. In fact, even in the Red trailer, the lyrics say "black the beast". Despite having predicted it though, I really enjoyed the episode's revelation, and I look forward to finding out more about her backstory, Adam, and the two new characters.
In response to that, as planned; Dawn (Pokémon) is mine.
2380-2779-7321 Add me. I can provide you with many cool Pokémans.
That's cool, so long as you got what you're after, that's what counts. Magikarp are possibly the dickiest thing to send by Wonder Trade though. Somebody puts up something half-decent, expecting something unusual and unexpected in return. NOPE. You got a floppy useless fish.
I have an Adamant Magikarp I can breed with an Everstone, if you'd like an easier time of it.
Oh, so he's reserved Anti-Robotnik. I see. I approve of this.
It's Ovi. Ovi Kintobor. Ovi means egg, it's a reference to "Eggman".
Bulbasaur looks more appropriately female than male, at least to us. We tend to go for looks above function, so that's why.